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Wilson Warns Gebe Against Water Disconnections In Households With Children And Seniors

Source: 721 News 16 Jul 2024 11:07 AM

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten NDidate' href='/newspolitician/415/gromyko-wilson'>Gromyko Wilson, an advocate for social justice aND a caNDidate (#16) on the SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtion Opportunity aND Wealth (NOW) warns the current GEBE maSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement aND the government of Sint Maarten against disconnection of water in households with children aND seniors.

Wilson highlights the rECEnt court verdict in the NetherlaNDs as jurisprUDence in haNDling these cases going forward on Sint Maarten.

In the verdict of March 19th, 2024, the JUDge ruled that water disconnections due to default in payment is illegal based on the Human rights Organizations Defense for Children when minors are part of the households in question.

Wilson goes further to plead for the application of this verdict to not only households with minors but also senior citizens. In Wilsons opinion this is a human rights issue that must be taken seriously!

Access to clean water is a basic human right that is essential for the health aND well-being of iNDividuals, especially children aND seniors. NDidate' href='/newspolitician/415/gromyko-wilson'>Gromyko Wilson, an advocate for social justice, is once again bringing attention to the issue of water disconnections in households with vulnerable populations on the islaND of Sint Maarten.

Wilson’s warning to the Government-owned company GEBE, which provides water aND electricity services on the islaND, is a call for compassion aND uNDerstaNDing towards those who may be struggling to make eNDs meet.

I am aware of several cases where persons are being threatened with disconnections due to outstaNDing water aND electricity bills. I HOPE the MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAgement of GEBE takes this warning seriously as I will make it a point, as I have always been doing to bring each aND every case to light. Wilson conclUDed on his Live Facebook podcast show My2cents.

Wilson, Gromyko LNV is number 16, the last caNDidate on the NOW party slate.

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Gromyko Wilson mentioned 2 times

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