Minister Of Justice Anna E. Richardson Pleased With The Results Of Justice Conference
Philipsburg On Monday, July 12, 2021 through Wednesday, July 14, 2021, the Honorable Minister Anna E. Richardson hosted a Conference commemorating Justice Week 2021 at the Simpson Bay Resort. The conference served as an opportunity for each department and external partners of the Ministry to discuss topics related to their operations which included their legal basis, year plans, the budget, challenges, plan of actions aimed at improving the functionality and effectiveness of same. Present at the conference was the Coast Guard, Court of Guardianship, the Police Force of Sint Maarten, National Detectives, Customs, the Admissions and Expulsions section of the Immigration Department, Financial Intelligence Unit Sint Maarten and the Foundation Judicial Institutes Sint Maarten (SJIB).
During the three-day conference, each department delivered presentations to a selected panel tasked with providing critical and structured feedback based on the agenda points Read more
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