Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

Source: Today SXM

Source: 721 News
08 Nov 2022 01:20 AM

Member Of Parliament Of The Pfp Faction Melissa D. Gumbs Speaks Out !

Please permit me some space to address the general public. You see, theres bound to be the usual political rhetoric about what the opposition did on Monday, 7 November 2022, in not granting quorum for the CC meeting about the unity flag, so let me be ahead of the circus.

The coalition showed up in full force to remove a President of Parliament who was actually acting in an unbiased manner: scheduling meetings requested by both coalition and opposition members of Parliament. Note that there are meetings on the docket since 2021 that have not been called, as outlined by the dismissed President of Parliament, MP Grisha Marten.

Some members of this new coalition, of which we have yet to see formal proof, only show up when called by one person to do so, and they vote as they are told to vote, too Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Mar 2022 03:50 AM

Territorial Elections Voting Methods

FRENCH SAINT MARTIN — Please read below the information to be disseminated to the public on the voting methods in the territorial elections, ballot on Sunday March 20 and Sunday March 27, 2022 (if 2nd round).

The 19 polling stations will be open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Voters registered on the electoral list must present themselves with their identity document (and the voter’s card if they have one). The presentation of the identity document is compulsory. P Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Mar 2021 08:58 PM

Daniel Gibbs: Le Dispositif Petit-Djeuner Dans Les coles Rep Et Rep+ Est Une Trs Bonne Chose Pour Les lves

Marigot, Saint Martin — Le Prsident Daniel Gibbs sest rendu Quartier dOrlans, ce jeudi 04 mars 2021, accompagn du vice-recteur Michel Sanz, de sa vice-prsidente en charge de lEducation, Sofia Carti-Codrington, de la prsidente de la CTOS, Pascale Laborde et de la conseillre territoriale Maud Ascent-Gibs, membre du CA de lcole Omer Arrondell, afin de visualiser la prise de ce petit-djeuner quotidien pour les enfants du premier degr du rseau REP et REP+.

La convention partenariale entre la CTOS, lEducation Nationale, lInstance Rgionale dEducation et de Promotion de la Sant Guadeloupe (IREPS) et la Collectivit de Saint-Martin a t signe le 10 fvrier dernier, permettant ainsi au dispositif dentrer en vigueur ds la rentre des vacances de carnaval.

Les coles lmentaires et maternelles de Sandy Ground et Quartier dOrlans, Aline Hanson (REP), Clair St Maximin (REP+), Omer Arrondell (REP+), Jean Anselme (REP+), Eliane Clarke (REP+) et Jrme Beaupre (REP), bnficient de ce dispositif co-financ par lEducation Nationale et la Collectivit, la cuisine centrale de la CTOS ayant la charge de prparer et servir les petits-djeuners Read more

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Source: 721 News
26 Aug 2017 06:37 PM

M.A.C Solicitó Membrecía A La Red De Escuelas Asociadas A La Unesco

Philipsburg. – El M.A.C. institución de la Educación Secundaria Integral ha presentado una solicitud de membrecía a la Red del Proyecto de Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO. Una vez aceptada, esta será la primera escuela de St. Maarten en convertirse en una escuela asociada de la UNESCO. El lado norte de la isla ya tiene una escuela asociada a la UNESCO, que es la escuela primaria Aline Hanson en Sandy Ground.

El Programa de Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO (RedPEA) es una red de escuelas en todo el mundo comprometidas con los ideales de la UNESCO, realizando proyectos piloto en favor de una mejor preparación de los niños y fortaleciendo el papel de la educación en la promoción de una cultura de paz y tolerancia.

Las Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO llevan a cabo proyectos piloto, emprenden enfoques innovadores y ponen a prueba materiales educativos, contribuyendo de manera significativa a mejorar la calidad de la educación, el aprendizaje y el contenido.

La RedPEE proporciona una base sólida para promover la ciudadanía global, a través de proyectos emblemáticos globales, asociaciones escolares y el intercambio de buenas prácticas e ideas.

La RedPEA es un promotor clave de los valores de la UNESCO y la integración de las perspectivas internacionales en las escuelas Read more

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Source: 721 News
24 Aug 2017 10:02 AM

The M.A.C. Comprehensive Secondary Education Submits Application To Become Unesco Associate

Philipsburg — The M.A.C. Comprehensive Secondary Education has submitted an application to become a member of the UNESCO Associated School Project Network.  When accepted, this will be the first school on St. Maarten to become an UNESCO Associated School.  The northern side of the island already has an UNESCO Associated school, which is the Aline Hanson Elementary school in Sandy Ground.

The UNESCO Associated Schools Project (ASPnet) is a network of schools throughout the world committed to the ideals of UNESCO, by conducting pilot projects in favor of better preparing children and strengthening the role of education of education in promoting a culture of peace and tolerance.

UNESCO Associated Schools conduct pilot projects, undertake innovative approaches and test educational materials, making significant contributions to improving the quality of education, learning and content.

The ASPnet provides a strong basis to promote global citizenship, through overarching flagships projects, school partnerships and the sharing of good practices and ideas.

ASPnet is a key promoter of UNESCO values and the integration of international perspectives into schools Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Jul 2017 06:17 AM

 Condoléances Du Président

SAINT MARTIN — « Je suis très peiné d’apprendre que la Présidente Aline Hanson nous a quittés aujourd’hui. Elle a tenu les rênes de la collectivité jusqu’à la fin de son mandat malgré la maladie. Elle s’est battue jusqu’au bout en faisant preuve d’un grand courage. Nous pouvons tous être fiers de son parcours et de son engagement pour Saint-Martin Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Jul 2017 05:08 AM

Prime Minister William Marlin Condolence Message On The Passing Of Aline Hanson 

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — It is with a heavy heart that I received the sad news of the passing of Aline Hanson, the first female president of the Territorial Collectivity of St. Martin. I have had the privilege of knowing her personally for many years. We both shared the same passion for education and politics. Her belief in and love for the whole island was unshakable. Madame President as she was fondly called represented the very best in St Read more

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Source: 721 News
05 Jun 2017 09:28 PM

2ª Ronda Amistosa De Recreación

PHILIPSBURG – Para observar el aniversario de la partición de la isla de St. Maarten / St. Martin, los estudiantes de la M.A.C. Browlia Maillard Campus y la Escuela Aline Hanson en Sandy Ground participaron por segundo año en una carrera de relevos amistosa re-promulgando aspectos de la leyenda o mito de cómo la isla fue dividida.

La carrera se llevó a cabo el miércoles 31 de mayo, de 8:30 am a 12:00 pm Read more

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Source: 721 News
04 Jun 2017 11:44 PM

2Nd Friendly Re-Enactment Race


PHILIPSBURG – To observe the anniversary of the partition of the island of St. Maarten /St. Martin, the students of the M.A.C. Browlia Maillard Campus, and the Aline Hanson School in Sandy Ground participated for the second year in a friendly relay race re-enacting aspects of the legend or myth of how the island was divided.

The race was held on Wednesday, May 31, from 8:30am-12:00pm Read more

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Source: 721 News
04 Jun 2017 04:31 AM

Minister Jacobs: Putting Education First

PHILIPSBURG – Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Silveria Jacobs addressed the media in Wednesday’s, May 31, Council of Ministers Press Briefing.

She first mentioned the opening of the friendly race, which was organized by UNESCO and Aline Hanson School from Sandy Ground, French St Read more

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Source: 721 News
03 Mar 2017 11:56 PM

Aline Hanson Extends Condolences

SAINT MARTIN — I was very sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Boniface Hodge, whom we all knew as Titan. Originally from Grand Case, he was much appreciated for his kindness, generosity and availability.

Titan had worked in the neighborhood council No. 2, where he had given his time and where he had invested himself for the good of the community. He liked to get involved in the life of the city. He had also worked in neighborhood associations, always eager to make his contribution to the territory.

Titan left too early Read more

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Source: 721 News
03 Mar 2017 08:05 PM


« J’ai été très peinée d’apprendre le décès de monsieur Boniface HODGE, que nous connaissions tous sous le nom de Titan. Originaire de Grand Case, il était très apprécié pour sa gentillesse, sa générosité et sa disponibilité.

Titan avait œuvré au sein du Conseil de quartier n°2, où il avait donné de son temps et où il s’était investi pour le bien de la communauté. Il aimait s’impliquer dans la vie de la cité, il avait aussi œuvré dans des associations de quartier, toujours désireux d’apporter sa contribution au territoire Read more

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Source: 721 News
31 Dec 2016 11:23 PM

Vœux 2017 Présidente Aline Hanson

Chers compatriotes,

Les vœux de la nouvelle année sont pour moi l’occasion de remercier celles et ceux qui se sont investis pour le territoire et qui avancent dans une dynamique constructive. Je remercie la société civile dans son ensemble, les chefs d’entreprise, les acteurs associatifs, pour leur contribution et leur précieux soutien tout au long de l’année.

Je salue les membres des instances territoriales qui ont apporté leur pierre à l’édifice du développement de Saint-Martin et qui par leurs actions participent à la vie démocratique de notre territoire Read more

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Source: 721 News
31 Dec 2016 11:17 PM

New Year Message Of Aline Hanson, Présidente Du Conseil Territorial De Saint Martin.

Fellow Saint Martiners,

The New Year’s wishes are an opportunity for me to thank those who have invested in the territory and who are moving forward in a constructive way. I would like to thank the civil society, the business leaders and the associations, for their contribution and their valuable support throughout the year.

Thanks to the local authorities who have worked for the development of Saint Martin and who have contributed to the democratic life of Saint Martin.

I would like to congratulate the civil servants as they did well in serving the general interest of our people.

Let us be kind and attentive towards each other,

Let us be generous without expecting anything in return,

Let us give our time to our youngsters,

Let us work peacefully for our island

I have a special thought for those who are facing difficulty Read more

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Source: 721 News
14 Nov 2016 08:06 PM

Dp Feels That A Local Solution To The Oyster Pond Dispute Is Possible

OYSTERPOND, Sint Maarten — The Democratic Party feels that before damaging the cooperation between the Northern and Southern halves of the island, all efforts to find a speedy resolution locally should have been exhausted before escalating the conflict by boycotting the St. Maarten/St. Martin Day celebration, a celebration of unity and friendship by the people and for the people.

Nobody in Paris or The Hague is impacted by the boycott of a local event; the only people impacted are the very people we have sworn to protect Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Nov 2016 02:25 AM

Prime Minister Requests Urgent Meeting Of Parliament

PHILIPSBURG – Prime Minister William Marlin in his capacity also as Member of Parliament (MP) said on Sunday afternoon, November 6, that he will be requesting that Chairman of Parliament MP Claret Connor convene an urgent meeting of Parliament to discuss the ongoing problems at Captain Oliver’s Marina.

Prime Minister Marlin said that up to Sunday evening no response was received from the Préfet Deleguee of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Apr 2016 01:20 AM

St. Maarten Hosts 3Rd Annual Quadripartite Meeting

PHILIPSBURG– On Wednesday, April 6, the Government of St. Maarten hosted the 3rd annual quadripartite meeting.

The meeting was formulated in 2014 as a forum for representatives of the governments of The French Republic (led by Ambassador for Regional Cooperation for the Antilles-Guyana Veronique Bertile), The Kingdom of the Netherlands (led by Director of the Western Hemisphere Department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Joost Reintjes), St. Martin (led by President of the Collectivity Aline Hanson), and St Read more

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Source: 721 News
03 Mar 2016 01:53 AM

St. Martiner At Memorial Acte: “An Expression Of Pain And Pride”

MARIGOT/GREAT BAY – “An expression of pain and pride is the best way to describe the Memorial ACTe,” said Shujah Reiph on his recent return from visiting the state-of-the-art museum in Guadeloupe.

The Memorial ACTe museum was built on the seaside grounds of the former Darboussier sugarcane refinery, said Reiph, president of St. Martin’s Conscious Lyrics Foundation (CLF).

The museum’s black box façade and silvery mesh crown houses a permanent exhibition that “explores slavery and the European slave trade of African peoples in the Caribbean and the Americas,” said Reiph.

“I see my visit to the museum as a pilgrimage of memory, which was necessary to do as part of the 25th anniversary of the Black History Celebration in St Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Jan 2016 01:52 AM

Compensation Des Transferts De Compétences De 2007 : La Question Prioritaire De Constitutionnalité Posée Par La Présidente Franchit Une Étape Importante

MARIGOT, Saint Martin — Soucieuse de défendre efficacement les intérêts du territoire et donc de la population, Madame Aline Hanson, Présidente du conseil territorial, a décidé de faire réexaminer entièrement le contentieux engagé par la première mandature au sujet de la juste compensation financière des transferts de compétences intervenus le 15 juillet 2007, lors du changement statutaire de Saint-Martin.

Ce réexamen l’a conduite à poser, devant le Tribunal administratif de Paris, une question prioritaire de constitutionnalité (QPC) visant à faire déclarer non conformes à la Constitution les dispositions législatives régissant les modalités de calcul de la dotation globale de compensation censée garantir la neutralité financière de ces transferts de compétences Read more

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