Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

PETERSON, Claude In The News

Claude Peterson





Source: 721 News
04 Jun 2024 07:18 AM

Former Member Of Parliament Claude Peterson To Contest Snap Election With Sam Party

PHILIPSBURG — Former Member of Parliament and Engineer, Claude Chacho Peterson, has decided to run as a candidate in the upcoming snap elections on August 19th, 2024, with the Soualiga Action Movement (SAM) led by former Member of Parliament and Minister, Frankie Meyers.

Former MP Chacho Peterson: “Frankie and I have kept in touch over the years since being in a parliamentary coalition together in 2018-2019. Frankie was always true to his word towards me and this created a bond based on mutual respect, a love for St Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SMN-News
18 Jun 2020 03:28 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- In the Council of Ministers Press Briefing held on Wednesday, June 17, 2020, the Honorable Prime Minister Jacobs recounted the virtual meeting that she and the Minister of Finance had with State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, drs. Raymond Knops. The word that caught my attention during the Prime Ministers report was the word respect, because she used it several times during her talk Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Jun 2020 03:20 PM

Pm Jacobs Demands Respect Of State Secretary Knops

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – In the Council of Ministers Press Briefing held on Wednesday June 17th, the Honorable Prime Minister Jacobs recounted the virtual meeting that she and the Minister of Finance had with State Secretary of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, drs. Raymond Knops. The word that caught my attention during the Prime Ministers report was the word respect, because she used it several times during her talk Read more

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Source: 721 News
31 Dec 2016 03:23 PM

*** Warning *** Claude Peterson: Extremely Dangerous Illegal Fireworks!!!


Facebook page: Claude Peterson

This morning I write this post with a total mix of emotions and great hurt ad anger as my Eldest Sister Nathalie Angèle Peterson and my family deals with a very difficult situation which occurred last night at around 10pm.
I feel the need to post these pictures to warn the general public Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SMN-News
17 Sep 2016 08:07 PM

Political Parties mostly involved in the peaceful protest at the groundbreaking site.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The chairman of New Lifetown Shuqiang Cui aka Trey called on the less than 50 persons that showed up at the Belair Beach where the groundbreaking ceremony for the Pearl Caribbean China was taking place Saturday afternoon to put their hands together and join them as they seek to develop St. Maarten and its economy with the Pearl Caribbean China Resort that will be constructed in Belair.
At Belair beach the protestors with no more than 50 persons bearing placards included the leader of the St Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: 721 News
10 Sep 2016 02:15 AM

Esté Preparado Para Las Elecciones De Este Año: Sintonice Fresco Con La Tripulación Y2x

Traducido por Máximo Castro

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.- Es tiempo de elecciones otra vez. El 26 de septiembre está a la vuelta de la esquina. La pregunta es, “¿estás listo (a)?”

Youth 2 Xtreme (Y2X), el ala juvenil de Victorious Living Foundation, tiene las herramientas que necesitas para estar listo para las próximas elecciones. Y2X presenta: Elecciones de 2016 en su programa de radio semanal, FRESCO, a través de Youth Radio 92.5FM.

Durante esta serie de programas sobre las elecciones, los candidatos de diversos partidos políticos tienen la oportunidad de debatir sobre temas importantes, como la educación y la salud, así como demostrar al pueblo de San Martín que ellos son la elección correcta para las elecciones de este año.

Los invitados recientes para esta serie de elecciones incluyen a: Chasen Williams del Partido Democrático (DP); Pastor Wycliffe Smith y Claude Peterson, del Partido Cristiano St Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: 721 News
09 Sep 2016 02:07 AM

Be Prepared For This Year’S Election: Tune Into Fresh With The Y2x Crew

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — It is election time again. September 26 is just around the corner. The question is, “are you ready?”

Youth 2 Xtreme (Y2X), the youth wing of Victorious Living Foundation, has the tools you need to be ready for the upcoming election. Y2X presents: Election Series 2016 on their weekly radio program, FRESH, on Youth Radio 92.5FM.

During this election series, candidates from various political parties have the opportunity to debate on important topics, such as education and health as well as to prove to you, the people of St Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SMN-News
08 Sep 2016 05:05 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- It is election time again. September 26th is just around the corner. The question is, ARE YOU READY?
Youth 2 Xtreme (Y2X), the youth wing of Victorious Living Foundation, has the tools you need to be ready for the upcoming election. Y2X presents Election Series 2016 on their weekly radio program, FRESH, on Youth Radio 92.5 FM. During this election series, candidates from various political parties have the opportunity to debate on important topics, such as education and health as well as to prove to you, the people of Sint Maarten that they are the right choice for this year’s election.
Recent guests for this election series included: Chasen Williams of the Democratic Party (DP), Pastor Wycliffe Smith and Claude Peterson of the St Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: 721 News
08 Aug 2016 02:07 AM

Lpg Gas Prices Out Of Control

Taken from Claude “Chacho” Peterson Facebook LIKE page… click here !!!!

Well here are the facts for Sxm people. Today after an attempt was made to say I was full of fluff because a particular MP took offence to my post on the gas issue, I went out to see what really was the price at resellers. You all can view my results below:

Claude chacho Peterson

Middle Region $13.20
Sucker Garden Gas King $13.20
Mingo gas station $13.25
Victory Market Madame Estate $13.50
Sol Madame Estate $13.25
Texaco Bush road $13.75
Petro Plus bush road $23.33
Tackling Colebay $24.00

Now what is very clear to me is that this NA led government in their rush to gain political mileage have totally messed up this industry and it is a free for all by resellers on a commodity which is price regulated by government.
In the process the people, including myself are the ones being BAMBOOZLED, including ME.
Now what is important for me now seeing that none of these prices were the same is what is the official regulated price at this moment.

This MP championed this cause from the benches of opposition but now that NA is in power it is ok Read more

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Source: 721 News
26 Jun 2016 11:51 PM

Corruption Is Not My Culture. Don’T Let It Be Yours

Claude Peterson SMCP Candidate

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone so far that have sent their best wishes via Facebook, WhatsApp, cell and in person. This will not be an easy journey, but I am energized by the positive support and the prayers for my candidacy.

A few weeks ago I was approached by Pastor Wycliffe Smith and Mr Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: SMN-News
23 Jun 2016 07:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) Wycliffe Smith and Peter J. Gittens are happy to announce the candidacy of Mr. Claude Peterson on the SMCP slate for the upcoming Parliamentary elections to be held on September 26, 2016.
Claude Peterson is a graduate of Florida Tech where he obtained his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV