Usp MpS Get Presentation On Ats
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Membersof Parliament (MPs) of the United St. Maarten Party (USP)Akeem ArrindellandClaudius Toontje Buncamperand their support staffmet withtheAudit Team Sint Maarten(ATS)onTuesday,February 24, 2020to gather some more information of the works the ATS is presently carrying out and is capable of carrying out.
During the meeting a presentation was given on the purpose, thefunctionsand the intentionsof theAudit Team Sint Maarten, whichwas established on the Islandby the Social & Health Insurances(SZV)inJanuary 2016with the aim of replacing the SBAB (Stichting BelastingAccountant Bureau)in order to save on travel and accommodation costs and to attract and retain St.Maarten-born experts in the interest ofcontinuity.
The main objective of the Audit Team Sint Maarten (ATS) is to increase compliance and to promote regular payment of the social security premiums, ensuring in this way that all companies pay their fair share of taxes in accordance with the Social Security Ordinances. Audit Team Sint Maarten (ATS) collaborates with various public and private entities, bringing them up to date with the social laws, and in complete compliance with their social premium payments. ATSs task is to control the social premiums by way of checking the businesses on behalf of SZV Read more
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