Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Source: 721 News
07 Oct 2024 02:12 AM

Praise For St. Maarten Project At Oranje Fonds Event

THE NETHERLANDS — The Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary of Sint Maarten, Drs. Gracita R. Arrindell, supported the Sint Maarten finalists for the ‘Apples of Orange’ awards of the Oranje Fonds at the prize giving ceremony in The Hague. The Apples of Orange are a kingdom-wide annual award recognizing and rewarding three initiatives that successfully connect different groups, or that contribute to people being able to participate in society again.

The ‘Adopt a Grandparent Experience (AGE)’ project of Sint Maarten’s Hearts United Holistic Care Foundation was one of ten finalists out of a total of 212 entries Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Dec 2023 06:24 PM

~More than 300 registrants, 10 workshops, and opportunities to learn from local and international experts~

PHILIPSBURG:---  Held throughout November, now officially decreed by law as Financial Literacy Month, the SXM Financial Literacy Month surpassed expectations with more than 300 participants, including walk-ins. Islandpreneur and the Ministry of Finance are thrilled to announce the successful completion of this groundbreaking initiative aimed at bolstering financial knowledge and resilience within the community Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 Nov 2023 08:49 PM

~Financial Literacy Month Event Deemed a Success~

PHILIPSBURG:--- As part of the ongoing Financial Literacy Month, a highly informative information session titled, "Taxation Explained," was successfully hosted at the Government Administration Building on November 6th, 2023. This event, organized in collaboration with The Ministry of Finance and Ms. Ife Badejo of Islandpreneur, aimed to provide the public with comprehensive insights into various tax obligations and the critical role of the Tax Administration in promoting compliance and cooperation Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Nov 2023 07:04 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Rolando Brison, Member of Parliament and leader of the United People's Party, is raising critical concerns about the potential consequences of proposed financial regulations from the Central Bank of Curacao and St. Maarten Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Oct 2023 04:17 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministry of Finance hosted an onboarding session to a room full of citizens interested in being part of the first to try out SEN, by CX Pay, the new e-wallet app. The event was open to the public as well as civil servants, 85 of whom showed up to learn more about the apps features, functions, and capabilities.
The name SEN is a play of the colloquial Sint Maarten use of the word send, as in the app will be used to send money, from one use to another among other features Read more

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Source: SMN-News
12 Sep 2023 01:21 PM

Mr. Chairman, Members of Parliament, Good Morning,

As stipulated in our constitution, I now stand before you on this second Tuesday in September, to set out the policy to be pursued by the Government in the coming parliamentary year 2023-2024.

Since 2021, reform measures have been established as part of the mutual agreement with the Netherlands in exchange for financial support, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Structural reforms for the improvement and restructuring of government are in the areas of Financial Control, Cost and Effectiveness of the Public Sector, Taxes, Financial Sector, Economic Reforms, Health, Education, and Strengthening the Rule of Law.

From the very beginning, the Government of Sint Maarten has stressed the importance of the National Development Vision as instructions for all of Sint Maarten's development, including these reform measures Read more

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Source: 721 News
28 Aug 2023 05:46 PM

Brug Submits National Decree For Government Subsidized School Food Program

PHILIPSBURG Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement (URSM) prospective candidate Richinel Brug submits in accordance with article 7 of the Law on Compulsory Education a National Decree containing general measures regulating a Government subsidized school food program for students Read more

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Source: 721 News
09 Aug 2023 11:38 AM

Attorney At Law Sjamira Roseburg Inspires & Motivates St. Dominics Fifth Formers

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Tuesday, August 8th, URSM Candidate, Ms Sjamira Roseburg, was invited to St Dominic High School to speak to their current Fifth Formers. The topic of her speech incorporated the theme Preparation For the Real World with International Sights. Ms. Roseburg commenced by sharing her inspirational journey towards becoming a successful attorney which in turn led to the establishment of her very own law firm Consider It Solved by Roseburg and Partners Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Jul 2023 11:53 PM

Youth Entrepreneurs Visit Atlanta With Islandpreneur

St. Maarten youth entrepreneurs and videographer Julia Grigg at Creative Media Industries Institute at Georgia State University with director and award-winning film-maker Jeasy Segal.

PHILIPSBURG--The winners of the National Youth Pitch Competition Upcycl and young entrepreneur Giomara Olivacce embarked on an enriching journey to Atlanta, Georgia, participating in the inaugural Islandpreneur Summer Entrepreneurial Exchange (ISEE) programme.

Representing Milton Peters College, Isaiah Peterson, Jael Jong a Lock and Kymora Reed, and winner of the International Youth Entrepreneurship Programme (2021) spent a week in Atlanta learning about its entrepreneurial ecosystem, meeting with founders and investors, and exploring the uniqueness of Atlanta through a variety of curated attractions.

Atlanta boasts more than 40 innovation hubs and houses global giants like Delta, Coca-Cola and BitPay Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Jul 2023 08:50 PM

~Ministry of Finance & U.S. Consulate joined the delegation to build strategic relationships~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The winners of the National Youth Pitch Competition, Upcycl, and young entrepreneur Giomara Olivacce, embarked on an enriching journey to Atlanta, participating in the inaugural Islandpreneur Summer Entrepreneurial Exchange (ISEE) program. Representing Milton Peters College, Isaiah Peterson, Jael Jong a Lock, and Kymora Reed and winner of the International Youth Entrepreneurship Program (2021) spent a week in Atlanta learning about its entrepreneurial ecosystem, meeting with founders and investors, and exploring the uniqueness of Atlanta through a variety of curated attractions Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Jul 2023 12:23 PM

~The 4th Annual Summit on June 29-30, a Resounding Success~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The entrepreneurial landscape of St. Maarten reverberated with innovative strategies and visionary perspectives at this year's Islandpreneur Live. The event shone a light on implementable solutions and strategic alliances over an immersive two-day period.
Officially opened by Prime Minister of Sint Maarten, Silveria Jacobs, Islandpreneur Live 2023 echoes the government's staunch dedication to entrepreneurship and economic escalation Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
03 Jul 2023 03:49 PM

Minister Of Finance Prepares Electronic Payment App Sen

Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion speaking at Islandpreneur Live 2023 event.

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion is about to launch a new app called Sen, explained by Irion as a hybrid between Cash App and Venmo Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Jul 2023 08:26 PM

~Ministry of Finance launches new electronic payment app~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Ministry of Finance recently announced its newest innovation at the Islandpreneur Live 2023 event. The innovation comes in the form of a new app called Sen, something the Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion called, a hybrid between Cash App and Venmo. It is with this description that the Minister set the stage to introduce the app and some details about what the people of Sint Maarten can expect from Sen.
The name Sen is a play on the colloquial Sint Maarten use of the word send, as in the app will be used to send money, from one use to another among other features Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Feb 2018 10:58 AM

PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce and Industry (COCI) is urging businesses to participate in Build Back Better (BBB) Week SXM which will be held at Simpson Bay Resort and Marina March 16-20.

The initiative is being organised by Ernst and Young Dutch Caribbean; Centre of Excellence for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) initiative based in Aruba; Dutch Caribbean (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Jan 2017 05:34 PM

Government Denies Moving Towards Silencing Observer Media Group

ST JOHN’S, Antigua  –  The Antigua and Barbuda government has denied allegations that it is moving to silence the OBSERVER Media Group (OMG) and has distanced itself from the action taken by the Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) to recover outstanding debts owed to it by the media group.

Earlier this week, the Chief Executive Officer of the OBSERVER Media Group, Darren Derrick, said that the APUA’s claim in the High Court for the payment of EC$1,198,598.86 from Observer Publications Limited and EC$387,500.88 from Observer Radio Limited was “an attack on the only independent media house in Antigua & Barbuda”.

Derrick said that the Group intends to appeal the High Court ruling in favour of the APUA and “have it set aside” adding that “we are very confident” the court would rule in the Group’s favour.

Information Minister Melford Nicholas, speaking at the weekly Ca

binet news briefing, told reporters that the claim by the OBSERVER Group was misleading and that the Gaston Browne led administration had no intention of silencing the media house.

“I want to be forceful in this positon – there is no such intent on behalf of the Gaston Browne administration Read more

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Source: 721 News
22 Sep 2016 04:05 AM

Parlamentaria Leona Marlin Romeo Encabeza Llamado De Reunión Pública Urgente Del Parlamento

Traducido por Máximo Castro

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.- La miembro del Parlamento, Leona Marlin-Romeo declaró el lunes que una solicitud ha sido hecha a la Presidenta del Parlamento para que convoque de manera urgente a una reunión pública, en relación con el proyecto “La perla de China en Belair.

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Source: 721 News
18 Sep 2016 11:29 PM

Tapping Into The American Chinese Market More Sustainable And Realistic

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Former Minister Claret Connor served as Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) as well as Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI).  Serving in both areas after being part of the United People’s (UP) Party short stint in Government from December 2014 to November 2015, allowed me to work on a number of important issues, projects and programs for the people of Sint Maarten.

The Chinese are investing all around the world.  They have shown interests in Sint Maarten since back in 2014 when I was a Minister. And the approach to this new market interest has been one of properly preparing our people to deal with a new and emerging tourist market.  Globally the Chinese tourism market is over 100 million annual travelers Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Aug 2016 12:54 AM

Usp Board: Police Deserve More Respect Than That

A recent letter by an MP in your Saturday publication drew our interest.

The board of the United St. Maarten Party (USP) has a simple message it would like to share with the people of St. Maarten as it pertains to leadership and the role of Members of Parliament. It is noteworthy that a political party has included MP’s on their list who only underscore the party’s lack of leadership by clearly demonstrating that they too do not understand the expectations of their constituents.

Every MP, we are sure, understand the importance of the so-called “arms-length” approach when it comes to Ministers being given the space to execute their tasks Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Jun 2016 12:08 AM

C-Tec Announces Dates And Venue For 2016 Education Technology Conference

~More technology, more creativity, more local and international input~

PHILIPSBURG – The first installment of the Caribbean Technology and Education conference in 2015 was a resounding success. Building on that achievement, the C-TEC organizing committee proudly announced that the 2016 conference will take place in the Hillside Christian School (Asha Stevens Campus) and the adjoining NIPA building, October 23-25 Read more

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Source: 721 News
26 Jun 2016 11:51 PM

Corruption Is Not My Culture. Don’T Let It Be Yours

Claude Peterson SMCP Candidate

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone so far that have sent their best wishes via Facebook, WhatsApp, cell and in person. This will not be an easy journey, but I am energized by the positive support and the prayers for my candidacy.

A few weeks ago I was approached by Pastor Wycliffe Smith and Mr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Jun 2016 04:52 PM

C-Tec Announces Dates And Venue For 2016 Education Technology Conference

More technology, more creativity, more local and international input

PHILIPSBURG:--- The first installment of the Caribbean Technology & Education conference in 2015 was a resounding success. Building on that achievement, the C-TEC organizing committee proudly announces that the 2016 conference will take place in the Hillside Christian School (Asha Stevens Campus) and the adjoining NIPA building, on October 23 to 25 Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Jun 2016 04:40 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---- Candidate on the SMCP list Claude Chacho Peterson shared his views on his person in the article below is the full text from Peterson.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone so far that have sent there best wishes via Facebook, whatsapp, cell and in person. This will not be an easy journey, but I am ENERGIZED by the positive support and the Prayers for my candidacy.
A few weeks ago I was approached by Pastor Wycliffe Smith and Mr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Jun 2016 05:36 PM

Say It Loud! Racism In The Dutch Kingdom Is Unacceptable.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Earlier this week we read that a young man of 21 years was gunned down in the city of Schiedam in the Netherlands. The fact that he was dark complexioned, and ethno-racial profiling among Dutch police officers in the Netherlands is condoned as an unfortunate security measure. It have caused many activists throughout the Kingdom of the Netherlands to argue that this is one of the outcomes of a situation where, it has become politically suspect to say that racism within the Dutch Kingdom is unacceptable!
In this contribution, we seek to say the new politically suspect as loud as possible: Dutch racism is unacceptable! “Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words can never hurt us.” Whoever wholeheartedly believes that this saying holds all the time, and in every occasion, is either lying to themselves or not part of the human species Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
03 Jun 2016 06:37 AM

Dispute Regulation’S Legal Format Still Under Discussion

THE HAGUE--Deliberations of the four Parliaments on Thursday to arrive at a common proposition for the Kingdom Law to establish a Dispute Regulation (“geschillenregeling”) for the Kingdom didn’t yield concrete results, other than the fact that parties decided to further explore the options, with the possibility of appointing the Council of State as the body to handle disputes.

Much to the chagrin of the Dutch Caribbean Parliamentary delegations, the Dutch delegation didn’t feel compelled to indicate during the Inter-Parliamentary Consultation for the Kingdom IPKO where it stood on the two law proposals that are now on the table for a Dispute Regulation ahead of the actual handling in the Second and First Chambers.

Establishing a position of the IPKO at this point was important, said Chairperson of the St Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV