Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Source: 721 News
22 Sep 2016 04:05 AM

Parlamentaria Leona Marlin Romeo Encabeza Llamado De Reunión Pública Urgente Del Parlamento

Traducido por Máximo Castro

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.- La miembro del Parlamento, Leona Marlin-Romeo declaró el lunes que una solicitud ha sido hecha a la Presidenta del Parlamento para que convoque de manera urgente a una reunión pública, en relación con el proyecto “La perla de China en Belair.

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Candidates in this article:
Source: 721 News
18 Sep 2016 11:29 PM

Tapping Into The American Chinese Market More Sustainable And Realistic

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Former Minister Claret Connor served as Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) as well as Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI).  Serving in both areas after being part of the United People’s (UP) Party short stint in Government from December 2014 to November 2015, allowed me to work on a number of important issues, projects and programs for the people of Sint Maarten.

The Chinese are investing all around the world.  They have shown interests in Sint Maarten since back in 2014 when I was a Minister. And the approach to this new market interest has been one of properly preparing our people to deal with a new and emerging tourist market.  Globally the Chinese tourism market is over 100 million annual travelers Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV