Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Los miembros de la oposicin en el Parlamento (MP) dicen que ellos, y por extensin la gente de St. Maarten, estn siendo amordazados y silenciados en la legislatura.
Esta opinin fue expresada por varios parlamentarios, que organizaron una conferencia de prensa conjunta en la Cmara del Parlamento el mircoles. En la conferencia de prensa estuvieron los parlamentarios independientes Christophe Emmanuel, Ludmila de Weever y Grisha Heyliger-Marten y la parlamentaria de United Democrats (UD) Sarah Wescot-Williams.
Una de las formas en que se silencia a los parlamentarios es que no se cumplen las solicitudes de reuniones Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Parlamento de Sint Maarten se reuni en una reunin pblica urgente el jueves 27 de octubre.
El propsito de la reunin fue agradecer a la Presidenta del Parlamento por sus servicios y relevarla de sus funciones.
Este punto de la agenda fue solicitado por los miembros del Parlamento, a saber, William Mar Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- It seems that the current President of Parliament United Peoples(UP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten will have to deal with her job being on the line on Thursday, October 27. According to a schedule sent out by parliament on Friday, a public meeting will handle the agenda points, Incoming documents, Ratification of the decision list of the Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultations (IPKO) held from September 27-30, 2022 in the Hague, the Netherlands (IS/048/2022-2023 dated September 30, 2022) and Thank the Chair for her services thus far and relieve her from her duties (IS/026/2022-2023 dated September 20, 2022) The latter agenda point was requested by MP W.V Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday the two contentious members of parliament Akeem Arrindell and Chanell Brownbill that supports the coalition of eight stunned their colleague's members of parliament of the National Alliance and United Peoples Party when they voted against placing the agenda point to remove the chairlady of parliament Grisha Heyliger Marten from the chair.
15 members of parliament cast their vote to decide whether or not the agenda point will be added to Mondays public meeting, when the votes were cast, 9 voted against while 6 voted in favor Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La Lder de United St. Maarten Party, la Sra. Pamela Gordon-Carty acompaada por el presidente del partido, el Sr. Cecil Nicholas y el secretario Sr. Khalil Revan presentaron una nueva ley para frenar la alta tasa de desempleo entre los jvenes a la presidenta del Parlamento, la diputada Grisha Heyliger Marten.
La lder de United St Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Thursday September 22nd 2022, the Leader of the US Party Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty accompanied by party President Mr. Cecil Nicholas and Secretary Mr. Khalil Revan presented a new law to curb the high rate of unemployment amongst young people to the Chairlady of Parliament MP Grisha Heyliger Marten.
The US Party Leader Mrs Read more
~ Brison unleashed the other side of the party scandal.~
PHILIPSBURG:--- Its been months now that it was rumored that there have been internal problems with the UPP Leader MP Rolando Brison and the wife of the party founder MP Grisha Marten Heyliger which today has tipped over in the public domain and have hindered civil servants that are eagerly awaiting the removal of the 12.5% cuts mandated by the Dutch Government.On Tuesday Heyliger Marten took to the airwaves where she said that she would break her silence Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Durante la Reunin Pblica del Parlamento del 19 de septiembre de 2022, la presidenta del Parlamento, la diputada Grisha Heyliger-Marten, suspendi abruptamente la reunin, convocada para ratificar el pago de las vacaciones de los funcionarios pblicos y comenzar la eliminacin de los recortes del 12,5 % impuestos a los funcionarios pblicos.
La accin de la diputada Heyliger-Marten se produjo despus de enterarse de la propuesta para agradecerle por servir como presidenta y relevarla de sus funciones Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- During today's Public Meeting of Parliament (Sept 19, 2022), President of Parliament MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten abruptly adjourned the meeting, convened to ratify the payment of civil servants' vacation pay, and begin the removal of the 12.5% cuts imposed on civil servants.
MP Heyliger-Marten's action came after learning of the proposal to thank her for serving as Chair and relieve her of her duties Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- It is becoming clear that we need to address that the average resident of St. Maarten is still struggling to get by to feed themselves and their families. Such factors as rising food costs including inflation, fuel cost, transit costs, and much more. We need better cooperation by the government and the major stakeholders to combat these factors.The average family does not make enough to eat healthily and put food on the table that has any nutritional value. Our children need good nutrition to ensure their brains are developing properly, allowing them to function academically and move forward to the career they dream of Read more
~ UPP Founder holding MP Sidhardt Cookie Bijlani hostage to maintain his wife as chair of parliament.~
PHILIPSBURG:--- The coalition of 8 has selected the faction staff and policy advisor to Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell to take up the position as Minister of TEATT that has been vacated by former Minister Roger Lawrence.Lambriex is the son of Leo Chance former Manager of SEL Maduro and Sons who worked for several years at SEL Maduro and Sons and at Port of St Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs remains mum on the majority her government has in the Parliament of St. Maarten. The Prime Minister was asked on Wednesday about the possible fall of her government since former Minister and now Member of Parliament Ludmilla de Weever declared herself as an Independent Member of Parliament last week.
Jacobs said that the weekly press conference is not for political topics but said that her government does have a majority in parliament.During the recess Leader of the United Peoples Party, Rolando Brison went ahead and seek the support of the two independent members of parliament Akeem Arrindell and Chanel Brownbill Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- As the motion on no confidence facing the Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran and the return of Member of Parliament William Marlin for the continuation of the meeting of parliament Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El miembro independiente del parlamento Christopher Emmanuel dijo el domingo que en algn momento la gente de St. Maarten tiene que ver cun peligroso es el diputado Rolando Brison para el pas, considerando la facilidad con la que usa a las personas y sus circunstancias para aferrarse al poder y la distorsin encubierta de un problema para influir en los resultados a su favor Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Independent Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel on Sunday said that at some point in time the people of St. Maarten have to see how dangerous MP Rolando Brison is to the country, considering the ease with which he uses people and their circumstances to hold on to power and the underhanded twisting of an issue to influence outcomes in his favour Read more
~ 4 MPS off-island signed prior to leaving. ~
PHILIPSBURG:--- Some members of parliament namely those from the current National Alliance and United Peoples Party (NA/UP) coalition continue to meet in order to strengthen their coalition after MP Solange Ludmilla Duncan resigned from the National Alliance.The formation meetings began after an urgent meeting of parliament was called on Wednesday, June 29th, 2022, where the Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran was invited to discuss the most recent report from the Ombudsman Read more
PHILIPSBURG--The Leaders of the Coalition parties National Alliance (NA) and the United Peoples (UP) Party jointly announced on Saturday evening that they are exploring the option of "other members of Parliament (MPs)" to join the coalition.
While the statement did not mention any names, there were unconfirmed reports on Thursday that independent MP Akeem Arrindell as well as Chanel Brownbill have been approached Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Solange Ludmilla Duncan declared herself an Independent member of Parliament on Wednesday afternoon and has resigned from the National Alliance Political party that is led by Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs.Duncan said that the party on which her father served no longer shares her core values since she has been a civil servant for a number of years.It was anticipated that MP Duncan would have left the national alliance since they seemed to have drifted apart.The Parliament of St Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Chanel Brownbill congratulated organizers of the first Mid-Term Parliamentary debate hosted by IslandGalTing and the Sint Maarten Youth Parliament on March 25th via its various social media platforms. The debate focused on important topics related to parliament since 2020. The debate showcased various factions in parliament giving their take on questions prepared by the youth organizations Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Directorio de United St. Maarten Party (USP) dio por terminada la afiliacin al partido del diputado Chanel Brownbill, de conformidad con el artculo 8, prrafo 1, incisos c, d y e del pacto social Read more
PHILIPSBURG--The Board of the United St. Maarten Party (US Party) has terminated the membership of its Member of Parliament (MP) Chanel Brownbill from the party, in accordance to Article 8, paragraph 1, sections c, d and e of the ar Read more
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Board of the United St. Maarten Party (USP) has terminated the membership of MP Chanel Brownbill from the party, in accordance to Article 8, paragraph 1, sections c, d and e of the articles of incorporation Read more
PHILIPSBURG:--- Sint Maarten Youth Parliament and IslandGalTing will be hosting the first-ever Mid-Term Parliamentary Debate on Friday 25th March 2022 at 7 pm. The event will be virtual and live-streamed on Youtube. The Mid-Term Parliamentary Debate will feature five members of the Parliament of Sint Maarten, each representing a faction. Our participants are MP Ludmilla Duncan of the National Alliance Faction, MP Rolando Brison of the United People's Party Faction, MP Sarah Wescot-Williams of the United Democrats Faction, MP Melissa Gumbs of the Party for Progress Faction, and MP Chanel Brownbill of the United St Read more
Chanel Brownbill was sworn in as deputy Member of Parliament (MP) for United St. Maarten party (US Party) on Tuesday morning.