Source: The Daily Herald
25 Sep 2023 10:35 AM

Culture Kits Inaugurated At Aline Hanson School

Micro Folie Operations Manager Manon Neyrat gave a demonstration of how the digital museum works. (Juliette Leclerq photo)

MARIGOT--Micro Folie mobile culture kits were inaugurated at Aline Hanson School in Sandy Ground on Wednesday in the presence of Prfet Vincent Berton, Collectivit officials, Vice Recteur Harry Christophe, represent Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
03 Apr 2023 11:41 AM

Journalists from print and broadcast media taking part in the Press Forum at Collge Mont des Accords (from left) Guadeloupe 1ere, IOTV, 97150, Radio St. Martin and The Daily Herald.

 MARIGOT--The annual national Week of the Press (Semaine de la Presse) took place last week with a number of planned activities for students that included interviews with elected officials and question-and-answer sessions with journalists. Press Week was supervised by National Educations Charge de Mission, Evelyne Fleming.

The theme this year was news on all fronts Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Nov 2022 01:20 AM

Member Of Parliament Of The Pfp Faction Melissa D. Gumbs Speaks Out !

Please permit me some space to address the general public. You see, theres bound to be the usual political rhetoric about what the opposition did on Monday, 7 November 2022, in not granting quorum for the CC meeting about the unity flag, so let me be ahead of the circus.

The coalition showed up in full force to remove a President of Parliament who was actually acting in an unbiased manner: scheduling meetings requested by both coalition and opposition members of Parliament. Note that there are meetings on the docket since 2021 that have not been called, as outlined by the dismissed President of Parliament, MP Grisha Marten.

Some members of this new coalition, of which we have yet to see formal proof, only show up when called by one person to do so, and they vote as they are told to vote, too Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 Apr 2022 05:49 PM

Louis Mussington Se Convierte El Domingo En El Sexto Presidente Del Saint Martin Francs

MARIGOT, San Martn – El fin de semana se llev a cabo la ceremonia de juramentacin de la nueva administracin en el lado norte de la isla.

Con la presencia de dignatarios provenientes de la regin, incluyendo funcionarios electos del lado holands de la isla, Anguila y Guadalupe, los 23 miembros electos del Consejo Territorial (16 de RSMA, 5 de Team Gibbs y 2 de Generation Hope) juraron su cargo en el presencia de invitados, familiares y amigos el domingo por la maana.

El gobierno ejecutivo entrante, encabezado por el recin juramentado presidente de la Collectivit, Louis Mussington, est compuesto por 7 personas.

Sin embargo, antes de la presentacin del presidente, Louis Mussington y los 23 miembros del Consejo Territorial fueron presentados oficialmente al pblico.

Despus de la presentacin, el recin elegido presidente Louis Mussington fue votado unnimemente por 23 miembros del Consejo a favor de cero.

Ahora es la sexta persona en ocupar el cargo de presidente de la Collectivit Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 Apr 2022 05:23 PM

Louis Mussington Becomes The 6ThPresident Of French Saint Martin On Sunday

MARIGOT, Saint Martin – The swearing in ceremony of the new administration on the northern side of the island took place at the weekend.

Attended by dignitaries coming from the region including elected officials from the southern side of the island, Anguilla and Guadeloupe, the 23 elected Members of the Territorial Council (16 from RSMA, 5 from Team Gibbs and 2 from Generation Hope took oath of office in the presence of invited guests, family and friends Sunday morning.

The incoming executive government, which is spearheaded by the newly sworn in President of the Collectivit, Louis Mussington comprises 7 persons.

However, prior to the introduction of the President, Louis Mussington, the 23 Members of the Territorial Council were officially presented to the public.

Following the presentation, the newly elected President Louis Mussington was unanimously voted in by a vote of 23 Members of the Council to zero.

He is now the 6thperson to hold the position of President of the Collectivit Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Mar 2022 03:50 AM

Territorial Elections Voting Methods

FRENCH SAINT MARTIN — Please read below the information to be disseminated to the public on the voting methods in the territorial elections, ballot on Sunday March 20 and Sunday March 27, 2022 (if 2nd round).

The 19 polling stations will be open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. Voters registered on the electoral list must present themselves with their identity document (and the voter’s card if they have one). The presentation of the identity document is compulsory. P Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 Dec 2021 12:26 PM

Quelques Informations Sur Les Festivits De Nol Et Du Jour De LAn :

Illumination de Nol par la Collectivit de Saint-Martin
Nous vous informons que la Collectivit de Saint-Martin a procd, ces derniers jours, la dcoration et lillumination du territoire pour les ftes.
La socit Getelec Elec a pos des nappes lumineuses, rue de la rpublique et langle des rues Kennedy et du Gnral de Gaulle. Les 4 ronds-points ont t illumins (motifs 3D sur les giratoires), 3 sapins gants fabriqus sur le territoire ont t installs lentre de Sandy Ground et de Grand Case Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Mar 2021 08:58 PM

Daniel Gibbs: Le Dispositif Petit-Djeuner Dans Les coles Rep Et Rep+ Est Une Trs Bonne Chose Pour Les lves

Marigot, Saint Martin — Le Prsident Daniel Gibbs sest rendu Quartier dOrlans, ce jeudi 04 mars 2021, accompagn du vice-recteur Michel Sanz, de sa vice-prsidente en charge de lEducation, Sofia Carti-Codrington, de la prsidente de la CTOS, Pascale Laborde et de la conseillre territoriale Maud Ascent-Gibs, membre du CA de lcole Omer Arrondell, afin de visualiser la prise de ce petit-djeuner quotidien pour les enfants du premier degr du rseau REP et REP+.

La convention partenariale entre la CTOS, lEducation Nationale, lInstance Rgionale dEducation et de Promotion de la Sant Guadeloupe (IREPS) et la Collectivit de Saint-Martin a t signe le 10 fvrier dernier, permettant ainsi au dispositif dentrer en vigueur ds la rentre des vacances de carnaval.

Les coles lmentaires et maternelles de Sandy Ground et Quartier dOrlans, Aline Hanson (REP), Clair St Maximin (REP+), Omer Arrondell (REP+), Jean Anselme (REP+), Eliane Clarke (REP+) et Jrme Beaupre (REP), bnficient de ce dispositif co-financ par lEducation Nationale et la Collectivit, la cuisine centrale de la CTOS ayant la charge de prparer et servir les petits-djeuners Read more

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Source: 721 News
26 Aug 2017 06:37 PM

M.A.C Solicitó Membrecía A La Red De Escuelas Asociadas A La Unesco

Philipsburg. – El M.A.C. institución de la Educación Secundaria Integral ha presentado una solicitud de membrecía a la Red del Proyecto de Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO. Una vez aceptada, esta será la primera escuela de St. Maarten en convertirse en una escuela asociada de la UNESCO. El lado norte de la isla ya tiene una escuela asociada a la UNESCO, que es la escuela primaria Aline Hanson en Sandy Ground.

El Programa de Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO (RedPEA) es una red de escuelas en todo el mundo comprometidas con los ideales de la UNESCO, realizando proyectos piloto en favor de una mejor preparación de los niños y fortaleciendo el papel de la educación en la promoción de una cultura de paz y tolerancia.

Las Escuelas Asociadas de la UNESCO llevan a cabo proyectos piloto, emprenden enfoques innovadores y ponen a prueba materiales educativos, contribuyendo de manera significativa a mejorar la calidad de la educación, el aprendizaje y el contenido.

La RedPEE proporciona una base sólida para promover la ciudadanía global, a través de proyectos emblemáticos globales, asociaciones escolares y el intercambio de buenas prácticas e ideas.

La RedPEA es un promotor clave de los valores de la UNESCO y la integración de las perspectivas internacionales en las escuelas Read more

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Source: 721 News
24 Aug 2017 10:02 AM

The M.A.C. Comprehensive Secondary Education Submits Application To Become Unesco Associate

Philipsburg — The M.A.C. Comprehensive Secondary Education has submitted an application to become a member of the UNESCO Associated School Project Network.  When accepted, this will be the first school on St. Maarten to become an UNESCO Associated School.  The northern side of the island already has an UNESCO Associated school, which is the Aline Hanson Elementary school in Sandy Ground.

The UNESCO Associated Schools Project (ASPnet) is a network of schools throughout the world committed to the ideals of UNESCO, by conducting pilot projects in favor of better preparing children and strengthening the role of education of education in promoting a culture of peace and tolerance.

UNESCO Associated Schools conduct pilot projects, undertake innovative approaches and test educational materials, making significant contributions to improving the quality of education, learning and content.

The ASPnet provides a strong basis to promote global citizenship, through overarching flagships projects, school partnerships and the sharing of good practices and ideas.

ASPnet is a key promoter of UNESCO values and the integration of international perspectives into schools Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Aug 2017 06:01 PM

The M.A.C. Comprehensive Secondary Education Submits Application To Become Unesco Associate

PHILIPSBURG:--- The M.A.C. Comprehensive Secondary Education has submitted an application to become a member of the UNESCO Associated School Project Network. When accepted, this will be the first school on St. Maarten to become a UNESCO Associated School. The northern side of the island already has a UNESCO Associated school, which is the Aline Hanson Elementary school in Sandy Ground.

The UNESCO Associated Schools Project (ASPnet) is a network of schools throughout the world committed to the ideals of UNESCO, by conducting pilot projects in favor of better preparing children and strengthening the role of education of education in promoting a culture of peace and tolerance.

UNESCO Associated Schools conduct pilot projects, undertake innovative approaches and test educational materials, making significant contributions to improving the quality of education, learning and content.

The ASPnet provides a strong basis to promote global citizenship, through overarching flagships projects, school partnerships and the sharing of good practices and ideas.
ASPnet is a key promoter of UNESCO values and the integration of international perspectives into schools Read more

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Source: SMN-News
14 Jul 2017 02:49 PM

Organic Law can work for St. Martin – people have to come together in the interest of the country.

Marigot:---- Dignitaries that attended the Bastille Day celebration on Friday braved the rain and walked from the Catholic Church to the Collectivity of St. Martin with their umbrellas to lay wreaths at the memorial site in the garden of the Collectivity of St. Martin after which they moved to the Marigot waterfront where the official speeches were pronounced as St. Martin celebrated the annual Bastille Day and its 10th anniversary since gaining their new status.
Those that joined the French dignitaries for the annual celebration where Governor Eugene Holiday along with First Lady Marie- Louise, President of Parliament Sarah Wescot Williams and Deputy Prime Minister Rafael Boasman.
Wreaths were laid by the representatives of the veterans, President of the Collectivity Daniel Gibbes, Senator Guillaume Arnel, Deputy Claire Javois, and Sous Prefette Anne Laubies.
President Daniel Gibbs said that an audit will be done for the Collectivity both for the staff and finances in order for his government to execute the projects they committed themselves to Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jul 2017 05:21 PM

President Of Parliament Extends Condolences To The Family And Friends Of The Late President Of The Collectivité, Mrs. Aline Hanson. “More Than Anything, She Believed In Our Island And Its People.”.

PHILIPSBURG:--- It is with immense sadness that I direct myself to you, the family and friends of the late Aline Hanson and the community of French St. Martin at large, extending my heartfelt condolences. Aline has left an indelible mark in the political, social and educational tapestries of our island and I am proud to call her my friend, one who believed in the uniqueness of our dual island and its people and went about her responsibilities is a humble and dedicated manner Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Jul 2017 07:27 PM

MARIGOT:--- Former President Aline Hanson who passed away on June 29th at her Pic Paradis home will be laid to rest on Wednesday.
A wake will be held at the MJC in Sandy Ground on Tuesday night. The relatives of the former President will be holding a private ceremony which was arranged by her relatives. Viewing and tributes will begin at 1 pm at the Marigot Catholic Church, while the home going service will commence at 2 pm.
The Collectivity of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Jul 2017 06:17 AM

 Condoléances Du Président

SAINT MARTIN — « Je suis très peiné d’apprendre que la Présidente Aline Hanson nous a quittés aujourd’hui. Elle a tenu les rênes de la collectivité jusqu’à la fin de son mandat malgré la maladie. Elle s’est battue jusqu’au bout en faisant preuve d’un grand courage. Nous pouvons tous être fiers de son parcours et de son engagement pour Saint-Martin Read more

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Source: 721 News
01 Jul 2017 05:08 AM

Prime Minister William Marlin Condolence Message On The Passing Of Aline Hanson 

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — It is with a heavy heart that I received the sad news of the passing of Aline Hanson, the first female president of the Territorial Collectivity of St. Martin. I have had the privilege of knowing her personally for many years. We both shared the same passion for education and politics. Her belief in and love for the whole island was unshakable. Madame President as she was fondly called represented the very best in St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
30 Jun 2017 07:13 PM

PHILIPSBURG/MARIGOT:---- It is with a heavy heart that I received the sad news of the passing of Aline Hanson, the first female president of the Territorial Collectivity of St. Martin. I have had the privilege of knowing her personally for many years. We both shared the same passion for education and politics. Her belief in and love for the whole island was unshakable Read more

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Source: SMN-News
30 Jun 2017 04:29 PM

Condolence Book Open At The Collectivity As Of Monday July 3Rd, 2017.

Flags to be flown at half mass until July 5th.

MARIGOT:--- The Collectivity of St. Martin will open a condolence book at the Collectivity Book as of Monday, July 3rd, 2017 for the general public in honor former President Mrs. Aline Hanson.
President of the Collectivity of St. Martin said in a press release that flags at the Colle Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 Jun 2017 09:53 PM

MARIGOT:--- The people of St. Maarten was thrown into mourning late Thursday night when former President Aline Hanson passed away at her Pic Pardis home. Close relatives of the former president confirmed to SMN News that Aline Hanson who was ailing for some time now succumbed to her illness.
During the March COM elections, it was evident that the then President was ailing yet she went against the advice of her doctors to perform her civic duty to oversee the first round of the Territorial Elections Read more

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Source: 721 News
05 Jun 2017 09:28 PM

2ª Ronda Amistosa De Recreación

PHILIPSBURG – Para observar el aniversario de la partición de la isla de St. Maarten / St. Martin, los estudiantes de la M.A.C. Browlia Maillard Campus y la Escuela Aline Hanson en Sandy Ground participaron por segundo año en una carrera de relevos amistosa re-promulgando aspectos de la leyenda o mito de cómo la isla fue dividida.

La carrera se llevó a cabo el miércoles 31 de mayo, de 8:30 am a 12:00 pm Read more

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Source: 721 News
04 Jun 2017 11:44 PM

2Nd Friendly Re-Enactment Race


PHILIPSBURG – To observe the anniversary of the partition of the island of St. Maarten /St. Martin, the students of the M.A.C. Browlia Maillard Campus, and the Aline Hanson School in Sandy Ground participated for the second year in a friendly relay race re-enacting aspects of the legend or myth of how the island was divided.

The race was held on Wednesday, May 31, from 8:30am-12:00pm Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jun 2017 07:02 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- To observe the anniversary of the partition of the island of St. Maarten /St. Martin, the students of the M.A.C. Browlia Maillard Campus and the Aline Hanson School in Sandy Ground participated for the second year in friendly running reenacting aspects of the legend or myth of how the island was divided.

The race was held on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Read more

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Source: 721 News
04 Jun 2017 04:31 AM

Minister Jacobs: Putting Education First

PHILIPSBURG – Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Silveria Jacobs addressed the media in Wednesday’s, May 31, Council of Ministers Press Briefing.

She first mentioned the opening of the friendly race, which was organized by UNESCO and Aline Hanson School from Sandy Ground, French St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
03 Apr 2017 06:26 AM

President Daniel Gibbs Takes Up Office, New Government Installed

MARIGOT--A renewed Territorial Council of St. Martin destined to govern the territory for the next five years was installed Sunday, with Daniel Gibbs voted in as President during a formal ceremony at Hotel de La Collectivité, opened by outgoing first Vice-President Read more

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