Pmia 19Th Annual Lionel Bernard Scott Lecture Series Program On Thursday, January 28Th, 2021
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – PMIA Board and members are once more geared up to offer the community of St. Maarten another high-quality educational lecture on LB Scotts birthday. This is usually a forum where local citizens from all walks of life come together to listen and participate in annual lectures at the PMIA Hall. However, due to COVID-19 the program will be held virtually this year.
Annually the program features local experts in their field who share their knowledge and experience on educational, socio-economic, and political issues in honor of the memory of the late Lionel Bernard Scott.
Past speakers included local professional such as , His Excellency Governor Drs Eugene Holiday, Lawyer Richard Gibson Sr former Lieutenant governor Dennis Richardson, the late political leader Vance James Jr, the late Educator Camille Baly, NAGICO business owner Mr Read more
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