MORALES, Loekie In The News

Loekie Morales




Source: The Daily Herald
27 Jun 2023 11:32 AM

Pupils of Sr. Regina School with story reader Doris Dedier (left)

 SIMPSON BAY--Beyond Kultura Events Foundation (BKEF) recently closed off its story reading programme at Sister Regina Primary School in Simpson Bay. For ten weeks, children of groups 5 cycle 2 and 7 cycle 2, were fully engaged in comprehensive story reading by BKEFs certified reader Doris Dedier.

Per group session, Dedier read an average of two stories from author Loekie Morales childrens book Zonnesproetjes Tropisch Nestje in the Dutch language.

Last year, the English translation of these books, The Freckled Bunch Tropical Shelter, was donated to all primary schools of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Apr 2023 09:03 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- MP Romou continues to promote Literacy throughout the various Primary schools in St. Maarten, with her Reading is Lit with MP Romou Reading Program.
On Wednesday, April 5th, 2023, MP Romou donated various books to the reading program at the Sister Marie Laurence Primary School. She also specifically donated books from local Author Tamara Leonard Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
06 Feb 2023 01:24 PM

Beyond Kultura Lanza El Libro De Cuentos En Video Chella & The Weird Woman

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Beyond Kultura Events Foundation, TVCARIB, Divergences (Tashira Richardson) y Fraenseen Fowler han iniciado la produccin del libro de cuentos en video animado “Chella & The Weird Woman”, basado en el libro infantil de la fundadora y autora de BKE, Loekie Morales.

El nuevo libro de cuentos animados, el cuarto de la serie de libros de cuentos en video de BKE, se basa en Chella & The Weird Woman, publicado en ingls, holands y espaol en 2017 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 Jan 2023 11:47 PM

La Torta Mgica De Bodas De Morales Publicada En Papiamento

Aruba – El departamento de Educacin de Aruba tradujo el libro de Loekie Morales “The Magic Wedding Cake” al papiamento, ‘E Bolo di Batrey Magico’, el idioma nativo de Aruba. El libro est publicado y disponible en lnea en el sitio web del departamento para todos los estudiantes de Aruba con fines de lectura.

En 2012 el libro con la historia mgica fue publicado en 4 idiomas por Beyond Writing Foundation (BWF) en 2 versiones bilinges, ingls-espaol como ‘The Magic Wedding Cake’/’La Mgica Tarta Nupcial’ – y la versin holands-papiamento como ‘De Magische Bruidstaart’/’E Bolo di Batrei Mgiko’.

En ese entonces, el libro fue subvencionado principalmente por AMFO y el Fondo Cultural Prins Bernhard, y fue donado por BWF a todas las escuelas primarias de Sint Maarten, Curaao, Bonaire, Saba y St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
30 Dec 2022 08:02 AM

Beyond Kultura Recibe Apoyo Holands Para Libro Infantil

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Beyond Kultura Events Foundation se complace en anunciar que el representante de Holanda en Willemstad (Curazao) (VNW) apoyar la impresin en papiamento y la distribucin escolar en Curazao de la coleccin de cuentos Rumannan Purunchi.

Escrito por la fundadora y autora de BKEF, Loekie Morales, desde la perspectiva de los nios pequeos y publicado anteriormente como dos libros separados en holands e ingls, Rumannan Purunchi es una coleccin de 40 historias para nios que dan vida al patrimonio cultural intangible de Curazao para los lectores de hoy.

Esta iniciativa editorial hace que los nios contemporneos revivan los hechos, y esto contribuye a la estimulacin de la lectura entre los jvenes, escribi la VNW en su carta de apoyo a la BKEF.

Estoy extremadamente feliz con la recepcin que he recibido por estas 40 historias, dice Morales, quien vive en Sint Maarten y naci en Curazao Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Nov 2022 09:32 PM

Autores Y Libros De St. Martin Como Fuentes Para El Museo Vivo En Sister Regina Primary School

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten Los autores de HNP, junto con personalidades histricas y elementos de la naturaleza formaron el Museo Vivo aqu el 10 de noviembre de 2022, dijo Jacqueline Sample, presidenta de House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).

La exhibicin anual de Sister Regina Primary School es parte de una unidad de aprendizaje que comienza en septiembre, explorando nuestra hermosa isla y aprendiendo sobre nuestra historia, cultura, geografa y ms, dijo la maestra de sexto grado Candace Huijgen.

El proyecto siempre concluye con el “Museo Vivo de los Hroes de Sint Maarten”, dijo Huijgen, justo antes de la celebracin en toda la isla del Da de St Maarten el 11 de noviembre Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Nov 2022 11:27 AM

SIMPSON BAY:--- HNP authors, along with historical personalities and elements in nature made up the Living Museum here on November 10, 2022, said Jacqueline Sample, president of House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP).
The annual exhibition of the Sister Regina Primary School is part of a learning unit that begins in September, exploring our beautiful island and learning about our history, culture, geography and more, said sixth-grade teacher Candace Huijgen.
The project always concludes with the Living Museum of Sint Maartens Heroes, said Huijgen, just before the island-wide celebration of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
24 Oct 2022 11:14 AM

Loekie Morales Invited To CuraaoS Siman Ban Lesa

The real Emma with the book cover.

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maarten author Loekie Morales has been a familiar guest at childrens book weeks in Suriname and the Dutch Caribbean for years. This year, she will be visiting nine schools and several book signings and after-school social events during Siman Ban Lesa (SBL) in Curaao from Octo Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Oct 2022 09:09 PM

Loekie Morales Invitada A Siman Ban Lesa En Curaao

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Siman Ban Lesa (SBL) es el mayor evento anual de literatura infantil en Curazao. Autores de la isla y algunos otros autores invitados del extranjero visitan las escuelas para contar, actuar y leer cuentos a los nios.

Durante aos, Loekie Morales ha sido una invitada familiar entre quienes visitan las semanas de libros infantiles de Surinam y las islas del Caribe holands Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
02 Sep 2022 10:53 PM

Beyond Kultura Busca Un Candidato De Lectura En Voz Alta Para El Libro De Cuentos En Video Storm

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Beyond Kultura Events Foundation (BKEF), TVCARIB y Divergences (Tashira Richardson) estn trabajando juntos para la produccin del libro de cuentos en video animado STORM, basado en el libro infantil de la autora Loekie Morales sobre dos nios experimentando el paso del huracn Irma en Sint Maarten. El prximo martes 6 de septiembre se cumple el quinto ao que conmemoramos estos devastadores hechos provocados por el huracn Irma.

BKEF est buscando candidatos locales de MEN con la voz perfecta para leer esta historia de huracanes en el estudio de TV CARIB Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
16 Aug 2022 01:18 PM

Beyond Kultura Lanza El Libro De Cuentos En Video Mina Marina

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Beyond Kultura Events Foundation, TVCARIB, Divergences (Tashira Richardson) y Marianne Tefft han iniciado la produccin del libro de cuentos en video animado Mina Marina, basado en el libro infantil de la fundadora y autora de BKE, Loekie Morales.

El nuevo libro de cuentos animados, es el tercero de la serie de libros de cuentos en video de BKE, se basa en Mina Marina: A Clean Sea de Morales, publicado en ingls y holands en 2008 Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
04 Aug 2022 09:54 AM

Libros Infantiles Multilinges Fueon Donados A Philipsburg Jubilee Library

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten En memoria del difunto autor infantil con sede en Curazao Leo Regals, la autora local Loekie Morales de Beyond Kultura Events Foundation entreg cinco de sus ttulos de libros de cuentos a Philipsburg Jubilee Library el mircoles 27 de julio.

Los libros, publicados en ingls, espaol, papiamento y holands, fueron donados por la artista cubana Silvia Jungslager, viuda de Regals (Roel Jungslager), cuyo seudnimo es una versin codificada de su apellido.

Silvia Jungslager es una gran lectora y su objetivo es ayudar a los nios a desarrollar el amor por la lectura Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 Aug 2022 10:56 PM

Beyond Kultura Ampla La Serie De Videos Animados

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Con el apoyo del Prins Bernhard Cultural Fund Caribbean, la autora infantil local Loekie Morales y Beyond Kultura Events Foundation comenzarn el proceso de llevar tres de sus libros de cuentos a video animado.

En 2021, Beyond Kultura lanz su serie de videos animados con Papito and the Story Telling Tree, basada en el libro de cuentos de 2003 de la Sra Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
06 Mar 2022 07:21 PM

Capturado Por Corona Es Presentado En Kids Place Radio

MARIGOT, Saint Martn Los estudiantes escritores de Sint Maarten Montessori School y Caribbean International Academy se unieron a la fundadora de Beyond Kultura Events Foundation, Loekie Morales, para leer sus poemas de antologa con tematica de Covid, Captured by Corona, en el programa de radio Kids’ Place de SOS Radio el sbado 5 de marzo Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Feb 2022 08:13 PM

Beyond Kultura Launches Animated Video Storybook

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten In association with TVCARIB, Beyond Kultura Events Foundation has launched a new animated video storybook, based on the childrens books of BKE founder and author Loekie Morales.

The new animated storybook the second in BKEs new video storybook series is based on The Magic Wedding Cake, a book of Loekie Morales published in
English, Papiamentu, Dutch and Spanish in 2012, and featuring the illustrations of artist Tess Verheij.

Read aloud by teacher and poet Marianne Tefft and produced by freelance video editor Tashira Richardson, The Magic Wedding Cake tells the tale of young Storyana.
When Storyana opens the door of an ornate colonial building the Wedding Cake which looks like a wedding cake and is the National Archives building
in Curaao , she enters a Time Machine and be magically transported back to the days of the history of her island Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Feb 2022 06:39 PM

Beyond Kultura Lanza Libro De Cuentos En Video Animado

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten En asociacin con TVCARIB, Beyond Kultura Events Foundation ha lanzado un nuevo libro de cuentos en video animado, basado en los libros infantiles de la fundadora y autora de BKE, Loekie Morales.

El nuevo libro de cuentos animado, el segundo de la nueva serie de libros de cuentos en video de BKE, se basa en The Magic Wedding Cake, un libro de Loekie Morales publicado en ingls, papiamento, holands y espaol en 2012, y presenta las ilustraciones de la artista Tess Verheij.

Ledo en voz alta por la maestra y poeta Marianne Tefft y producido por la editora de video independiente Tashira Richardson, The Magic Wedding Cake cuenta la historia de la joven Storyana.

Cuando Storyana abre la puerta de un edificio colonial ornamentado llamado el pastel de bodas, que parece un pastel de bodas y es el edificio de los Archivos Nacionales de Curazao, ingresa a una mquina del tiempo y es transportada mgicamente a los das de la historia de su isla Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Feb 2022 11:41 AM

Beyond Kultura Launches Series Of Video Storybooks

From left: TVCARIB director Dennis van Putten, reader Gabriel Antuez, author Loekie Morales and Montessori School teacher Marianne Tefft.

PHILIPSBURG--In association with TVCARIB, Beyond Kultura Events (BKE) Foundation has launched its new video-storybook series, based on the childrens books of BKE founder and author Loekie Morales.

  The first of Morales books to appear on video is Papito and the Story-Telling Tree, which recalls the history of slavery in the Caribbean.

  Originally published in Dutch, English and Papiamentu in 2003, the book and video feature illustrations by the late artist Karen van Doesburg.

  The animated video story was recorded and produced by TVCARIBs director Dennis van Putten and read by 12-year-old Gabriel Antuez, a pupil at St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
18 Feb 2022 07:36 PM

Beyond Kultura Lanza Una Serie De Libros De Cuentos En Video

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten En asociacin con TVCARIB, Beyond Kultura Events Foundation ha lanzado su nueva serie de video-cuentos, basada en los libros infantiles de la fundadora y autora de BKE, Loekie Morales.

El primero de los libros de Loekie Morales en aparecer en video es Papito and the Story-Telling Tree, que rememora la historia de la esclavitud en el Caribe Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
26 Sep 2021 07:18 PM

Drs. Loekie Morales Is Rotary SunsetS 2021 Literacy Award Recipient

Cole Bay,St. MaartenMultitalented and local Caribbean Author LucreciaLoekie Morales received RotarySunsets2021Literacy Award in recognition of her valuable contribution to literacy on St. Martinand surrounding islands. The Rotary Club of St. Martin Sunset, as a means tohighlight the importance ofBasic Education and Literacy,made the special presentation during its general club meetingat CarlsUnique Innand Conference Facilitiesin Cole Bay on September 13th, 2021.

A very ecstatic Loekie expressed how grateful she was to receive such a prestigious award. Im so honored to be here tonight, and grateful to be the recipient of this award, Loekie mentioned. 
Loekie also shared her journey from reading books to writing books and the importance of education and literacy in our community. Known for her connection with the youth and her efforts in the literacy field, Loekie has published 15 juvenile books over the years and many short stories in several year book editions of the Bibliotheka Nashonal di Korsou Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
16 Sep 2021 10:55 AM

Author Morales Reads At Leonald Conner School

Author Loekie Morales (right) and teacher Sharleen Dickenson (left) with group-five pupils at Leonald Conner School.

CAY BAY--Leonald Conner School invited author Loekie Morales Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Sep 2021 10:07 AM

Literacy Award 21 For Loekie Morales

Rotary Club of St. Maarten Sunset President Lerissa Rey and District Governor Louis Wever (right) handing the Literacy Award 2021 to author Loekie Morales (centre).

PHILIPSBURG--Youth book author Loekie Morales, who has many published books, received the Literacy Award 2021 from Rotary Club of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Apr 2021 11:48 PM

Author Loekie Morales To Be Featured In Curacao Storybook

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten CuracaosBibliotekaNashonalKorsou(BNK)library has selected a story bySintMaarten-based childrens author Loekie Morales for inclusion in its new 15-story compilation for 2021.

When I learned from BNK that my work would be included in their prestigious storybook, I was super-happy, said Morales, whose Beyond KulturaFoundation launched its own anthology, Captured by Corona, In March 2021. 

The theme of this years book is What I Would Like ToBe. Authors were asked to write about a child in Curaao who is choosing a profession. 

Says Morales: My story, Wat Shisha echt wil worden(What Shisha Really Wants to Be), concerns an 11-year-old girl who learns about the limited job opportunities that her mother and grandmother endured Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Apr 2021 07:51 PM

Fight Covid-19 Follow The 3Ws Slogan Born On Sint Maarten

CUPECOY,SintMaarten —AsBeyondKulturaEvents FoundationvisitsSintMaarten elementary and high schoolsto distribute thenew confinement-themed poetry anthology,Captured by Corona,all schools are receiving complementary Fight Covid-19 — Follow the 3Ws postersto helpstudentsremember the keysto preventingCovid-19.

While designing Captured by Corona, childrens author and BKE founder Loekie Morales wanted to make an even larger impact with a poster to underscore the books message. 

With Montessori teacher Marianne Tefft, who proofread the book, Morales mused about the notions of washing hands, wearing masks and keeping social distance. 

In a variation on the traditional classroom 3Rs of Reading, Writing and Rithmetic, Tefft spun the Covid-19 protocols into the easy-to-recall 3Ws — Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands & Widen the Social Distance  and suggested the three-fingered W hand-sign to reinforce the message Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Mar 2021 12:04 AM

Documentary Casa Manita Its Legacy Launched

Casa Manita, the boarding home for girls up to 15 years old, located in the American Camp, in Curaao, was founded by Aura Winkel Winkel more than 50 years ago. Nowadays boys up to 8 years old also live there. The vision and dream of the founder inspired Loekie Morales, a former pupil of Casa Manita, to develop a 40-minutes documentary of Casa Manita for its 50th anniversary, to make the boarding home life visible, in and outside our kingdom.

“A few years ago I wondered what happened to the girls who grew up with me in Casa Manita, and whom I lost sight of Read more

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