WILLIAMS, Chasen In The News

Chasen Williams



Source: 721 News
10 Sep 2016 02:15 AM

Esté Preparado Para Las Elecciones De Este Año: Sintonice Fresco Con La Tripulación Y2x

Traducido por Máximo Castro

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.- Es tiempo de elecciones otra vez. El 26 de septiembre está a la vuelta de la esquina. La pregunta es, “¿estás listo (a)?”

Youth 2 Xtreme (Y2X), el ala juvenil de Victorious Living Foundation, tiene las herramientas que necesitas para estar listo para las próximas elecciones. Y2X presenta: Elecciones de 2016 en su programa de radio semanal, FRESCO, a través de Youth Radio 92.5FM.

Durante esta serie de programas sobre las elecciones, los candidatos de diversos partidos políticos tienen la oportunidad de debatir sobre temas importantes, como la educación y la salud, así como demostrar al pueblo de San Martín que ellos son la elección correcta para las elecciones de este año.

Los invitados recientes para esta serie de elecciones incluyen a: Chasen Williams del Partido Democrático (DP); Pastor Wycliffe Smith y Claude Peterson, del Partido Cristiano St Read more

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Source: 721 News
09 Sep 2016 02:07 AM

Be Prepared For This Year’S Election: Tune Into Fresh With The Y2x Crew

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — It is election time again. September 26 is just around the corner. The question is, “are you ready?”

Youth 2 Xtreme (Y2X), the youth wing of Victorious Living Foundation, has the tools you need to be ready for the upcoming election. Y2X presents: Election Series 2016 on their weekly radio program, FRESH, on Youth Radio 92.5FM.

During this election series, candidates from various political parties have the opportunity to debate on important topics, such as education and health as well as to prove to you, the people of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Sep 2016 05:05 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- It is election time again. September 26th is just around the corner. The question is, ARE YOU READY?
Youth 2 Xtreme (Y2X), the youth wing of Victorious Living Foundation, has the tools you need to be ready for the upcoming election. Y2X presents Election Series 2016 on their weekly radio program, FRESH, on Youth Radio 92.5 FM. During this election series, candidates from various political parties have the opportunity to debate on important topics, such as education and health as well as to prove to you, the people of Sint Maarten that they are the right choice for this year’s election.
Recent guests for this election series included: Chasen Williams of the Democratic Party (DP), Pastor Wycliffe Smith and Claude Peterson of the St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
11 May 2016 08:02 AM

Leadercast 2016: Inspirational And Transformational

GREAT BAY, St. Martin - Local leaders and aspiring leaders left the Belair Community Center inspired, invigorated and recharged after Leadercast, the world’s largest one-day leadership conference, broadcast LIVE from Atlanta and simulcast to hundreds of locations around the world on May 6th, 2016.

            Leadercast was hosted by Victorious Living Foundation (VLF) which empowers, enlightens and reconciles individuals, couples, families, organizations and communities, for the fourth consecutive year Read more

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Source: 721 News
09 May 2016 06:50 PM

Leadercast 2016: Inspirational And Transformational

GREAT BAY – Local and aspiring leaders left the Belair Community Center inspired, invigorated and recharged after Leadercast, the world’s largest one-day leadership conference, broadcast live from Atlanta, Georgia, and simulcast to hundreds of locations around the world on May 6.

Leadercast was hosted by Victorious Living Foundation (VLF), which empowers, enlightens and reconciles individuals, couples, families, organizations and communities, for the fourth consecutive year. The local host for Leadercast was Andre Huie, the founding president of Youth to Xtreme (Y2X), Victorious Living’s youth wing Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 May 2016 06:40 PM

Great Bay:--- Local leaders and aspiring leaders left the Belair Community Center inspired, invigorated and recharged after Leadercast, the world’s largest one-day leadership conference, broadcast LIVE from Atlanta and simulcast to hundreds of locations around the world on May 6th, 2016.
Leadercast was hosted by Victorious Living Foundation (VLF) which empowers, enlightens and reconciles individuals, couples, families, organizations and communities, for the fourth consecutive year. The local host for Leadercast was Andre Huie, the founding president of Youth to Xtreme (Y2X) Victorious Living’s youth wing Read more

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