Organized Confusion The At The PeopleS Expense
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – In the midst of thehigh level of confusion around theplay on words liketrajectory,theconstant repositioning ofthis governing coalitionwith regards to COHO, the petition to the United Nationsand continued liquidity support, one thing remainsglaringly constant: Theeverydayplightandhopelessness felt by the average citizens of this country.
The obvious lack of strategic planning with regards to the petition to the U.N. and the seemingly unprepared demeanor for responses of State Secretary Knops, hit this coalition like a deer caught in the headlights of an eighteen wheeler container truck.We have yet to see any formal or formidable response or strategy moving forward, other than the Prime Minister refusing to sign on to the country package until liquidity support is reinstated.
The debris of the collision is a direct reflection of the emotional state of the country Read more
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