Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Grisha Heyliger-Marten




Filter the news (Showing 73-96 of 283)
Source: The Daily Herald
03 Mar 2023 12:26 AM

Kingdom Does Not Work, State Some Of St. Maarten Delegation

MPs Grisha Heyliger-Marten (centre), Christophe Emmanuel (right) and Solange Duncan (left) at the IPKO in Curaao.

THE HAGUE--The agenda topic democratic deficit resulted in a somewhat emotional debate during the Inter-Parliamentary Consultation of the Kingdom IPKO in Curaao on Wednesday, with some members of the St. Maarten Read more

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Source: 721 News
02 Mar 2023 01:40 PM

Pfp Submits Draft Lb-Ham To Prime Minister

MP Peterson: Parliament changing Election Ordinance would be rats minding the cheese

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Via a letter penned by Member of Parliament Melissa Gumbs, the Party for Progress faction in Parliament submitted a draft LB-HAM (national decree containing general measures) to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs on Thursday, 23 February 2023, prior to leaving for the IPKO session Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Feb 2023 10:30 AM

Heyliger-Marten Optimistic About Electoral Changes

MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

~ Says voters have a big responsibility as well ~

PHILIPSBURG--Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-MartenRead more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
29 Jan 2023 07:15 PM

Heyliger-Marten Consentida Por La Cantidad De Suciedad En La Isla: Todos Necesitamos Hacerlo Mejor

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Durante la ronda de notificacin del Comit Parlamentario ECYS # 3, el 25 de enero, la miembro del Parlamento Grisha Heyliger-Marten expres su disgusto por el estado de la isla en lo que respecta a la basura y los desperdicios en las reas pblicas y sus alrededores.

Dirigindose al Gobierno a travs de la Presidenta del Comit, la Parlamentaria Angelique Roumou, aplaudi el hecho de que el Ministro de TEATT invitara a su colega de VROMI a ver de primera mano el alcance de la limpieza y las reparaciones necesarias en el rea de Philipsburg.

El Ministro de TEATT considera que la seguridad en Philipsburg es una preocupacin importante Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Jan 2023 04:05 PM

Duncan, Gumbs And Heyliger-Marten Call For Urgent Public Meeting On Heritage Preservation

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, Independent Members of Parliament S. Ludmila Duncan and Grisha Heyliger-Marten, as well as Party for Progress (PFP) Member of Parliament Melissa Gumbs submitted a request for an urgent public meeting on the matter of heritage protection.

Following the recent demolition of the ruins at Diamond Estate in Cole Bay and the outrage by persons in community, the Members have moved quickly to request a public meeting to discuss the incident but more importantly the regulations that would prevent such from occurring again in the future.

The Minister of ECYS and the Minister of VROMI have been requested to come to Parliament to debate the current legislation and policies regarding the preservation and management of heritage as well as to provide updates on the current work of the Monument Council and the long-awaited Monument Fund.

What is extremely disappointing is that this year marks the 160th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Emancipation Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
25 Jan 2023 11:58 PM

Duncan, Gumbs, Grisha Seek Urgent Meeting On Heritage Preservation

PHILIPSBURG--Independent Members of Parliament (MPs) Solange Ludmila Duncan and Grisha Heyliger-Marten, as well as Party for Progress (PFP) MP Read more

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Source: SMN-News
25 Jan 2023 07:40 PM

Duncan, Gumbs And Heyliger-Marten Call For Urgent Public Meeting On Heritage Preservation.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, January 25, 2023, Independent Members of Parliament S. Ludmila Duncan and Grisha Heyliger-Marten, as well as Party for Progress (PFP) Member of Parliament Melissa Gumbs submitted a request for an urgent public meeting on the matter of heritage protection.

Following the recent demolition of the ruins at Diamond Estate in Cole Bay and the outrage by persons in the community, the Members have moved quickly to request a public meeting to discuss the incident but more importantly the regulations that would prevent such from occurring again in the future.

The Minister of ECYS and the Minister of VROMI have been requested to come to Parliament to debate the current legislation and policies regarding the preservation and management of heritage as well as to provide updates on the current work of the Monument Council and the long-awaited Monument Fund.

What is extremely disappointing is that this year marks the 160th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Emancipation Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Jan 2023 06:59 PM

PHILIPSBURG--Independent Member of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten has signed on to be a candidate for the Democratic Party (DP) for the St. Maarten January 2024 parliamentary elections. The party held a re-energizing meeting on Sunday at the event hall in Cay Hill Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
23 Jan 2023 08:04 AM

Grisha Se Une A Dp, Dice Que La Coalicin Es Una Colisin

CAY HILLLa miembro independiente del parlamento (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten, esposa del fundador de United Peoples party (UP), Theo Heyliger, firm para convertirse oficialmente en miembro del Partido Demcrata (DP) el domingo por la noche.

Vestida con una camiseta roja y una gorra roja, la exmiembro de United Peoples party (UP) se uni a DP en el escenario despus de pronunciar un discurso durante una reunin de regeneracin de DP muy concurrida celebrada en Cay Hill Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Jan 2023 12:11 AM

Grisha Joins Dp, Says Coalition A Collision Waiting To Happen

New DP member Grisha Heyliger-Marten speaking to attendees.

~ Regeneration meeting held ~

CAY HILL--Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten< Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
19 Jan 2023 11:45 PM
Source: SXMIslandTime
13 Jan 2023 01:29 PM

Heyliger-Marten Cuestiona La Suspensin Del Director De Kadaster

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La miembro independiente del parlamento (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten ha solicitado una hora de preguntas urgentes sobre los acontecimientos recientes en Kadaster. En una carta dirigida al presidente del Parlamento, Sidharth Bijlani, el mircoles, Heyliger-Marten solicit una hora de preguntas con los Ministros pertinentes.

Durante una hora de preguntas, que es una reunin pblica del Parlamento que suele celebrarse los lunes, el Ministro o Ministros invitados dan respuestas verbales directas a las preguntas planteadas por los parlamentarios.

En su carta al presidente del Parlamento, Heyliger-Marten dijo que le haban llamado la atencin que el director gerente de Kadaster fue suspendido recientemente por el Consejo de Supervisin de Kadaster.

Teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que el Consejo de Supervisin es designado por el gobierno, que Kadaster es responsable de ejecutar la legislacin nacional, le ped al presidente del Parlamento que presente urgentemente 12 preguntas relacionadas con la suspensin del director al Ministro(s) pertinente, dijo Heyliger-Marten.

Cuando escuch por primera vez los rumores sobre la suspensin, mi pensamiento inicial fue que espero que, de ser cierto, este no sea otro caso de un profesional local siendo victimizado por razones polticas o de otro tipo, simplemente por hacer su trabajo Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
13 Jan 2023 12:15 AM

Heyliger-Marten Questions Suspension Of Kadaster Director, Actions Of The Board

PHILIPSBURG--Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten has requested an urgent question hour on recent developments at Kadaster. In a letter addressed to President of Parliament Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Jan 2023 05:58 PM

Heyliger-Marten Questions Suspension Of Kadaster Director, Actions Of Supervisory Board

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Independent Member of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten has requested an urgent question hour on recent developments at Kadaster.
In a letter addressed to President of Parliament Bijlani on Wednesday, Heyliger-Marten requested a question hour with the pertinent Minister(s).

During a question hour, which is a public meeting of Parliament usually held on Mondays, the Minister or Ministers invited, give direct verbal answers to questions posed by Members of Parliament.

In her letter to the President of Parliament, MP Heyliger-Marten stated that it had been
brought to her attention that the Managing Director of Kadaster was recently suspended by the Supervisory Board of Kadaster.

Considering the fact that the Supervisory Board is appointed by the Government, that
Kadaster is responsible for executing national legislation, I requested the President of
Parliament to urgently submit twelve (12) questions related to the Directors suspension to the pertinent Minister(s), Heyliger-Marten said.

When I first heard the rumors about the suspension, my initial thought was that I hope that, if true, this was not another case of a local professional being victimized for political or other reasons, simply for doing his job, Heyliger-Marten stated in her press release.

So in order to establish exactly what happened, when, and why, I decided to immediately
request clarification from the Government, who appointed the Supervisory Board.

I recall that during the PJIA Holding Company saga, Government had indicated that laws,
rules and regulations, including the Corporate Governance Code had been violated by the
former Managing Director of PJIA Holding Read more

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Source: 721 News
06 Jan 2023 09:02 PM

Grisha To Min Justice: Respect ParliamentS Role And Take Your Responsibility

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Thursday, MP Grisha Heyliger Marten urged Minister of Justice Anna Richardson to desist from trying to downplay the importance of Parliament and from speaking in condescending tone and owning up to her administration’s failures to carry out tasks as promised.

The MP was responding to Richardson’s comments that people are playing with the feelings of justice workers in relation to their legal status and compensation, which she made during Wednesday’s LIVE Press Briefing Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jan 2023 01:32 PM

: --- Minister of Justice Anna Richardson did not mingle with words on Wednesday at the Council of Minister's press briefing when she addressed the issues regarding the back pay owed to police officers.
Richardson was reacting to an article published on SMN News on Tuesday regarding the outstanding payments owed to police officers and the motion that was passed by the parliament of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Jan 2023 06:15 PM

PHILIPSBURGMinister of Justice Anna Richardson is under hot water with members of her justice ministry once again after not executing a motion tabled by Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten on June 30, 2021 Read more

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Source: 721 News
12 Dec 2022 09:19 PM

Heyliger-Marten Calls For Lawful Kingdom Relationships At Congress In The Hague

THE NETHERLANDS / SINT MAARTEN — In an address delivered at the 32nd InterExpo Congress in the Hague last Thursday, independent Member of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten called on drastic structural reforms to the Kingdom Charter in order to bring it in full compliance with international law.

The theme of the Congress was Equivalence within the Kingdom of the Netherlands Read more

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Source: 721 News
07 Dec 2022 07:30 PM

Grisha Tells President Of Parliament Not To Risk CountryS Lifeline

~Stop tip-toeing around airport saga~

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Independent MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten on Tuesday advised Chairman of Parliament Sidharth Bijlani to stop stalling, protecting and tip-toeing and immediately convene the requested urgent meeting on the Princess Juliana International Airport before the country loses its most strategic asset due to weak and subpar management Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Nov 2022 07:47 PM

Grisha Elogia A Estika Por Fuerza Y Coraje

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La miembro independiente del parlamento (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten ha elogiado a la sobreviviente de violencia domstica Estika Halley por su “increble fortaleza y valenta que ha demostrado despus de sobrevivir al feroz ataque contra su vida”.

Halley sufri muchas pualadas y le cortaron el cuello a principios de este ao Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Nov 2022 06:33 PM

Los Parlamentarios De La Oposicin Se Sienten Silenciados Y Amordazados Por La Coalicin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Los miembros de la oposicin en el Parlamento (MP) dicen que ellos, y por extensin la gente de St. Maarten, estn siendo amordazados y silenciados en la legislatura.

Esta opinin fue expresada por varios parlamentarios, que organizaron una conferencia de prensa conjunta en la Cmara del Parlamento el mircoles. En la conferencia de prensa estuvieron los parlamentarios independientes Christophe Emmanuel, Ludmila de Weever y Grisha Heyliger-Marten y la parlamentaria de United Democrats (UD) Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Una de las formas en que se silencia a los parlamentarios es que no se cumplen las solicitudes de reuniones Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
25 Nov 2022 10:18 AM

Grisha Praises Estika For Strength And Courage

Estika Halley and her T-shirt that can be purchased.

PHILIPSBURG--Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten has lauded domestic violence survivor Estika Halley for her incredible fortitude and bravery she has shown after surviving the vicious attack on her life.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
24 Nov 2022 11:12 PM
Source: SXMIslandTime
24 Nov 2022 12:22 PM

Tres Parlamentarios Solicitan Reunin Urgente Sobre Estado De Telem

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Los miembros del Parlamento (MP) Solange L. Duncan (Faccin Duncan), Melissa Gumbs (PFP) y Grisha Heyliger-Marten (Faccin Heyliger-Marten) enviaron recientemente una solicitud al segundo Vicepresidente del Parlamento William Marlin para una consulta pblica urgente Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV