Three MpS Request Urgent Meeting On Status Of Telem
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Members of Parliament Solange L. Duncan (Faction Duncan), Melissa Gumbs (PFP), and Grisha Heyliger-Marten (Faction Heyliger-Marten) recently sent a request to the second Vice-Chair of Parliament William Marlin for an urgent public meeting on the status of TELEM.
The meeting request includes three main agenda points, which are:
The original SOAB report of 2021 on TELEM
Update on the financial status and overall fiber to the home project.
The state of affairs related to the concerns about the working environment at TELEM as expressed by the Telecommunications Union.
Since the previous update, over one year ago, there has been little to no update or movement on Telem’s fttH project Read more
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