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80 students bid farewell, leave to pursue studies

Source: The Daily Herald 04 Aug 2014 08:14 AM
AIRPORT--Some eighty students left home to continue their tertiary education in the Netherlands after an emotional goodbye amongst family, friends and dignitaries at SXM Airport on Sunday. Friends and family gathered for the bittersweet milestone departure, which brought on a range of mixed emotions. Last-chance pictures and videos were captured amidst tears, long hugs and bright smiles. The well-wishers enthusiastically waved goodbye to the students until they were out of sight. SXM Airport, in collaboration with Domino's Pizza, bade the students farewell during the third annual "Bon Voyage" event, providing music, entertainment, pizza, snacks and a photo booth they were free to use. SXM Airport also provided students with gift bags and their KLM plane received a water cannon salute – reserved for very special flights – on departure. The students were addressed with words of encouragement by Prime Minister (PM) Sarah Wescot-Williams, Minister of Education Patricia Lourens-Philip and SXM Airport Director of Operations Larry Donker. Minister of Health Cornelius de Weever also was present among the well-wishers. "It is always heartening to see young students going abroad to stand on their own feet and pursue an education," said the PM, who previously had acted as Commissioner of Education when St. Maarten was still an Island Territory. "It is always a big step in the lives of the students and indeed of their parents and family when the children have to leave the shores of St. Maarten. ... Some of the students that go away leave quite young, so it is with a sense of some trepidation that parents see them go. One of the few things that we can do is to talk to them and wish them the best, and support them as much as we can while they are abroad." She said she looked forward to their "coming back to the island well equipped to add to the young people who have gone away and who have come back after achieving their study goals." Minister Lourens encouraged the students not to give up, even in difficult times. "This is part of your destiny," she said. She reminded them to be positive and appreciative of the opportunities afforded to them, to make a positive contribution to the country to which they were going, to stand for what is positive and to understand that they are representing themselves, their families and their country. She reminded parents that communication is now much easier with technology such as Skype, Facebook and BBM. "Rather than goodbyes, we are here to bid you 'bon voyage,' a safe journey. Someone once said, 'A goodbye is never painful unless you're never going to say hello again.' We are certainly going to say hello again. It is, therefore, with mixed feelings that we send you off today, confident that you will accomplish your mission, which is to get as much education as you can and hurry on back home where you are not only most loved, but very needed," said Donker. He added that it was not a goodbye, but rather "a countdown to the day, hopefully not too long from now, when we will welcome you back home with song and dance, as our true sons and daughters." President of Parliament Gracita Arrindell also extended her best wishes. "I can recall the days when I left the island to continue with my studies. It is a positive experience. You will have challenges, but nothing that you can't overcome. It is also a difficult time for parents to say goodbye to their sons and daughters, but at the same time, also exciting. These young bright minds are heading in the direction of opportunity," she said. Gracita Arrindell mentioned 1 time
Sarah Wescot-Williams mentioned 2 times
Cornelius de Weever mentioned 1 time

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