Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections
Former St. Maarten Minister Plenipotentiary aND first-ever Dutch MP of St. Maarten descent NDidate' href='/newspolitician/668/jorien-wuite'>Jorien Wuite listened to words of gratitUDe from President of the SecoND Chamber Vera Bergkamp as Bergkamp bade farewell to all leaving Dutch MPs.
~ Receives applause for her efforts for Caribbean ~
THE HAGUE--On Tuesday, December 5, 79 Members of Parliament (MPs) left the Dutch SecoND Chamber of Parliament following the recent elections. NDidate' href='/newspolitician/668/jorien-wuite'>Jorien Wuite, former St. Maarten Minister Plenipotentiary aND first-ever Dutch MP of St. Maarten descent, was one of them. In her speech, President of the SecoND Chamber Vera Bergkamp reflected on the importance of Wuites efforts for the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom of the NetherlaNDs.