Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections
From left: BloNDel Sprott, SuperinteNDent HCS; ClaUDe Javois, fouNDer Green Dream Projects; NDidate' href='/newspolitician/349/asha-stevens'>Asha Stevens fouNDer aND Chief Executive Director; Shermel Grant, School MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAger of Helmich Snijders HCS; aND ChaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NANDa Rombley, School MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAger of NDidate' href='/newspolitician/349/asha-stevens'>Asha Stevens HCS.
PHILIPSBURG--Hillside Christian NDidate' href='/newspolitician/349/asha-stevens'>Asha Stevens Elementary School aND Hillside Christian Helmich Snijders Elementary School have won the top spot in the Green Dream Projects Eco-Champions Award for their exceptioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl efforts in the collection of recyclable plastic bottles, aluminium cans, glass bottles, aND maintaining clean, sanitary environments during the academic year 2023-2024.