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Sarah says ‘didn’t know’ meeting lacked quorum

Source: The Daily Herald 01 Apr 2015 06:23 AM

PHILIPSBURG--Democratic Party ((DP)) Member of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams says she "didn't know" Monday's aborted Central Committee meeting to deal with the draft law to establish the integrity chamber did not have a quorum. The meeting did not go ahead after a thirty-minute wait for a sufficient number of MPs to sign the attendance list.

Wescot-Williams was one of four MPs from the opposition present and in their seats in the General Assembly Hall, but not signed in as present for the meeting when Parliament Chairman Dr. Lloyd Richardson had to put off the meeting until next week.

Wescot-Williams said at a (DP) press conference in Parliament House on Tuesday that (DP) "does not subscribe" to being present, but not signing in for Parliament meetings. She said the business of the people was important and must "go on."

The MP ascribed her late arrival at Parliament House to her attendance at a funeral. She said by the time she realized there were only seven MPs signed in, one short of the needed quorum, "the hammer was down" ending the meeting.

When asked if it was not out of character for her to enter the General Assembly Hall and not sign the attendance list and take her seat, Wescot-Williams agreed with the press.

The (DP) leader arrived at Parliament House around 2:20pm and proceeded to her office before entering the General Assembly Hall around 2:26pm. She had to walk past the attendance list to get to her seat.

She did not stop to look at the list, she just proceeded to her seat and settled down. Minutes later, Dr. Richardson was forced to close the meeting, based on the stipulations in the Rules of Order.

The seven MPs, who signed in for the meeting at which Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs and Justice Minister Dennis Richardson were present, all supported the coalition.

Three coalition members were absent with notice, leaving the coalition without the possibility to form a quorum by themselves.

Dr. Richardson told the press after he closed the meeting on Monday, he had reached out last week to three National Alliance MPs for their support to form the quorum for the important meeting, due to three coalition MPs being off-island. He said he was promised support by MPs William Marlin, George Pantophlet and Christophe Emmanuel; none gave their support for the quorum. Marlin and Emmanuel were present in the General Assembly Hall, but did not sign the attendance list.

Dr. Richardson was asked by the press why he did not reach out to Wescot-Williams. His response was, with the support of other MPs for the quorum "I thought we had enough" for the quorum.

While Wescot-Williams said she values her role as a co-legislator with government she pointed out governing is "a two-way street." Government "can't disregard questions" from Parliament and "expect Parliament to be forthcoming."

She agrees with the draft law to form the integrity chamber "in broad lines," but still has some questions on the law and its application.

The Marcel Gumbs Cabinet that is supported by the United People's (UP) party-led coalition has passed its 100 days mark in office. This got some attention from Wescot-Williams who said Parliament is still waiting to see a governing programme and the appointment of the two missing ministers of the cabinet.

She was also critical of Finance Minister Martin Hassink's early March response to the Committee for Financial Supervision CFT about the 2015 budget, particularly government's stated plans for a socio-economic development programme.

It is "a pity" that Parliament, in particular the (DP) fraction, "receives information in bits and pieces."

Government has stated in the letter to the CFT its intention to seek a public-private partnership and to set up a programme bureau. Consultants, she said, have already been contacted to formulate the bureau, which in her estimation is government seeking to "outsourcing its tasks."

Information requested by (DP) about the state of St. Maarten Tourism Authority (STA) is still pending, Wescot-Williams said.

The non-payment of marketing firms representing the country was again raised by (DP) fraction advisor Emil Lee. He also called on government to adjust its sails and reevaluate the 2015 budget sooner rather than later to reflect the changes in the global economy, such as the equalizing of the euro and the US dollar, the falling Canadian currency and the impact of sliding oil prices.

Government needs to compensate for taxes that will be lost due to French side residents opting to shop in French side supermarkets and other businesses, opposed to them patronizing Dutch side businesses as they have done with the strong euro during the past years, he said.

Emil Lee mentioned 1 time
George Pantophlet mentioned 1 time
Lloyd Richardson mentioned 1 time
Marcel Gumbs mentioned 2 times
Sarah Wescot-Williams mentioned 8 times
William Marlin mentioned 1 time

Democratic Party [DP] mentioned 14 times
National Alliance [NA] mentioned 1 time Corner Stone Solutions NV