Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Anna Rabess-Richardson








Filter the news (Showing 169-192 of 405)
Source: The Daily Herald
14 Dec 2021 11:23 AM

New Uniforms Presented To ImmigrationS Mobile Unit

Newly designed work uniforms.

PHILIPSBURG--The Mobile Control Unit of Immigration and Border Protection Services (IBPS) received newly-designed work uniforms on Monday, December 6, as part of Minister of Justice Anna Richardsons goal to enhance the Ministry and its respective departments.

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Source: SMN-News
08 Dec 2021 02:57 PM

~ Ministry working on ensuring funds are available for salary adjustments. ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The function book for justice work will be finalized and signing is expected to take place before the year ends. So said Minister of Justice Anna Richardson. The Minister said that the function book is now being reviewed by the final phase before the signing takes place Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Dec 2021 12:58 PM

No Information Forthcoming On Lance Thomas's Death.

~ Minister of Justice and VSA have no information on questionable death of Mental Health Patient.~

 PHILIPSBURG:---- The investigation surrounding the death of Mental Health patient Lance Thomas has become a public secret even though the Landsrecherche conducted an investigation. Minister of Justice Anna Richardson said in response to questions on Wednesday that as the Minister of Justice she does not interfere or meddle in the investigations, she said the Prosecutor told her that they would inform the bereaved family of Lance Thomas on the outcome of the investigation Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
06 Dec 2021 11:43 PM

Boardwalk Boulevard Now Closed To All Motorised Traffic

Boardwalk Boulevard is officially off-limits to vehicles and motorbikes.

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Justice Anna Richardson has granted the request of the St. Maarten Police Force KPSM to be allowed to place 77 new road signs in Philipsburg. As soon as what is and is not allowed is clear to motorists, the police will take enf Read more

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Source: 721 News
02 Dec 2021 01:34 PM

Minister Of Justice Reacts To Court Ruling In Connection With Kpsm Class Of 2011

Minister of Justice Anna Richardson

PHILPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Minister of Justice has taken note of the court decisions rendered yesterday in favor of Police officers, seeking to obtain correction of a National Decree issued earlier this year, under a penalty to be granted by the court.

Even though this decision is not rendered against the Minister of Justice, the underlying matter is of great importance to the Ministry, as the long overdue rectification of the position of this particular class of 2011, following an agreement signed with the former Minister of Justice, is addressed.

In this particular case the Ministry of Justice, upon receipt of the request for the correction to the National decrees to be made, which were found to have merit, sought to utilize the opportunity to include in the correction the position of these Police officers beyond the date mentioned in the agreement on which the requested correction was based Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
26 Nov 2021 12:10 AM

Plan Of Approach For Proper Use Of Crime Prevention Fund

PHILIPSBURG--Justice Minister Anna Richardson (National Alliance) announced in Parliament on Wednesday that an Action Plan for the Crime Prevention Fund will be ready before the end of the month. A spending plan for the multim Read more

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Source: 721 News
25 Nov 2021 03:17 AM

Mp Buncamper Fires Off Questions To Minister Of Justice.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Independent Member of Parliament, Claudius Buncamper on Wednesday fired off a number of questions to Justice Minister Anna Richardson, who was in parliament to give her ministrys views on the country packages Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Nov 2021 05:22 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament, Claudius Buncamper on Wednesday fired off a number of questions to Justice Minister Anna Richardson,
who was in parliament to give her ministrys views on the country packages Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
14 Nov 2021 11:27 PM

17 Immigration Officers Complete Training Course

Justice Minister Anna Richardson (centre) applauds the immigration officers on completing their courses.

PHILIPSBURG--The Department of Immigration Border and Protection Services (IBPS) attained a milestone, whereby seventeen officers successfully completed their training courses. On Friday, a certificate ceremony was held.< Read more

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Source: 721 News
31 Oct 2021 06:59 AM

13 New Police Officers Join Kpsm Ranks

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — The Police Force of St. Maarten KPSM has added thirteen new police officers to its ranks with the graduation of the Basic Police Training BPO Class of 2018 on Friday morning.

The new officers took their oath before Justice Minister Anna Richardson in front of the Walter R. Kramers Building (Police Headquarters) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 Oct 2021 04:43 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Police Force of St. Maarten KPSM has added thirteen new police officers to its ranks with the graduation of the Basic Police Training BPO Class of 2018 on Friday morning.

The new officers took their oath before Justice Minister Anna Richardson in front of the Walter R. Kramers Building (Police Headquarters) Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Oct 2021 05:05 AM

Mps Emmanuel, Buncamper Warns That Proposed Data Protection Law Is Abusive

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Members of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel and ClaudiusBuncamperin a joint press releaseon Sundaystressed that the proposed Consensus Kingdom Law (Rijkswet) on Data Protection,if passed as currently intended, is tantamount toabuseand itmust be stopped dead in its tracks. Both MPs said that the Governmentof St. Maarten needs to deal with thematterin a transparentmannerandconsult the publicso our people know what youareintending to do byliterallysubjecting themtomore privacyissues.

The MPs were reacting to a presentation to Parliament made by Minister of Justice Anna Richardson last week, which was basically the same information provided to MPs and others at a session held at the Simpson Bay Resort earlier this month by the three person committee that is slated to head a so-called Independent Supervisory Authority.

The countries in the Kingdom have jointly decided to harmonize Data Protection in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom by a Consensus Kingdom Law as outlined in the approved country packages Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Oct 2021 04:43 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Members of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel and Claudius Buncamper in a joint press release on Sunday stressed that the proposed Consensus Kingdom Law (Rijkswet) on Data Protection, if passed as currently intended, is tantamount to abuse and it must be stopped dead in its tracks. Both MPs said that the Government of St. Maarten needs to deal with the matter in a transparent manner and consult the public so our people know what you are intending to do by literally subjecting them to more privacy issues.
The MPs were reacting to a presentation to Parliament made by Minister of Justice Anna Richardson last week, which was basically the same information provided to MPs and others at a session held at the Simpson Bay Resort earlier this month by the three-person committee that is slated to head a so-called Independent Supervisory Authority.

The countries in the Kingdom have jointly decided to harmonize Data Protection in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom by a Consensus Kingdom Law as outlined in the approved country packages Read more

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Source: 721 News
24 Oct 2021 12:41 AM

Mps Emmanuel, Buncamper Warns That Proposed Data Protection Law Is Abusive

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Members of Parliament Christophe Emmanuel and Claudius Buncamper in a joint press release on Sunday stressed that the proposed Consensus Kingdom Law (Rijkswet) on Data Protection, if passed as currently intended, is tantamount to abuse and it must be stopped dead in its tracks. Both MPs said that the Government of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Oct 2021 08:05 PM

Lt. Colonel Maxime Wintzer-Wehekind in the grounds of the Gendarmerie compound in La Savane. (Robert Luckock photo)

MARIGOT--Head of the Gendarmerie in St. Martin and St. Barths, Lieutenant Colonel Maxime Wintzer-Wehekind, said Wednesday he fully supports Dutch-side Minister of Justice Anna Richardsons action to put a zero-tolerance policy in place to curb the reckless behaviour of bikers, and confirmed the Gendarmerie will take a harder line with bikers who break the law.

  Richardson renewed her call on the Prosecutors Office to take serious and swift action against all reckless behaviour of bikers following the latest incident, when a four-month-old baby suffered injuries after a rock was thrown by bikers through the back window of the vehicle she was travelling in.

  That incident really crossed a red line, said Wintzer-Wehekind, who disclosed he met with his St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
18 Oct 2021 11:39 PM

Richardson: Zero Tolerance For Antics Of Reckless Bikers

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Justice Anna Richardson has renewed her call on the Prosecutors Office to take serious and swift action against all reckless behaviour of bikers in St. Maarten. A communication was sent to Attorney-General of St. Maarten and Curaao Ton Maan calling for his attention to prioritising this matter.

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Source: 721 News
28 Sep 2021 09:03 PM

Heyliger-Marten Plans Justice Committee Tour Of Detention Facilities

Inmates deserve short-time solutions to meet human rights standards

PHILIPSBURG – Following up on her letter of September 1st, 2021, MP and Chairlady of the Justice Committee of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten sent another letter to Justice Minister Anna Richardson last week Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
27 Sep 2021 01:11 PM

Richardson And Knops Agree On Steps To Be Taken For New Prison

State Secretary Raymond Knops (centre) received both Minister of Justice Anna Richardson and Minister Plenipotentiary Rene Violenus on Friday.

 THE HAGUE--Justice Minister Anna Richardson and Dutch caretaker State Secretary for Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations BZK Raymond Knops met together with Minister Plenipotentiary Rene Violenus, in The Hague, on Thursday, September 23 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Sep 2021 10:43 AM

Minister Richardson Meets With Dutch Mayors And Authorities

St, Maartens Minister of Justice Anna Richardson meets with mayors of municipalities, prosecutor and District Chief of Police.

LEIDEN--St. Maartens Minister of Justice Anna Richardson and her support staff met with Mayor of Leiden Henri Lenferink, District Chief of Police Marieke Bosch and Prosecutor Fleur Simonis on September 22 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Sep 2021 11:50 PM

Almelo Prison Blueprint For New Facility In St. Maarten

Minister Richardson met in Almelo with prison director Ton Golstein (second from the right) and his staff.

PHILIPSBURG--With Dutch support, St. Maarten intends to replace the Pointe Blanche prison that is comparable to the penitentiary institution in Almelo in the Netherlands, said Minister of Justice Anna Richardson.

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Source: The Daily Herald
13 Sep 2021 12:11 AM

Victim Support St. Maarten Foundation Established As Part Of Ministry Of Justice

From left: VSS Secretary Isaac Harold Richardson, VSS Treasurer Roxanne Howell, Notary Faride Tjon Ajong, Minister of Justice Anna Richardson, VSS President Cassandra Richardson and Candidate Notary Keshia Richards.

PHILIPSBURG--I am elated for the establishment of the much-needed Victim Support St. Maarten Foundation, said Minister of Justice Anna Richardson, under whose leadership the support for victims of crimes is coming to fruition Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
06 Sep 2021 11:58 PM

New Committee To Hear Citizens Complaints About Police Violence

PHILIPSBURG--If a citizen has a complaint about police action, St. Maarten Police Force KPSM investigates that complaint itself. According to reports from various sources, the handling is often unsatisfactory for the complainant. This has to change, said Justice Minister Anna Richardson, who has nominated individuals for the new P Read more

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Source: 721 News
06 Sep 2021 07:26 PM

Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard Introduced To Council Of Ministers

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Last Thursday the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard (DCCG) director, Frank Boots and a delegation paid a visit to the Council of Ministers. During this visit the DCCG director introduced his organization to the Council of Ministers.

The delegation, upon invitation of the Prime Minister who proposed the introduction of the Coast Guard to the Council of Ministers in order to increase the awareness of the organization and the mandated objectives. The DCCG director, Frank Boots gave the introduction of the DCCG through a presentation in which he gave an explanation of the policies, tasks and assets of the organization in the Caribbean and in particular its goals for the island of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Sep 2021 11:36 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Last Thursday the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard (DCCG) director, Frank Boots, and a delegation paid a visit to the Council of Ministers. During this visit the
DCCG director introduced his organization to the Council of Ministers.
The delegation, upon invitation of the Prime Minister who proposed the introduction of the Coast Guard to the Council of Ministers in order to increase the awareness of the organization and the mandated objectives. The DCCG director, Frank Boots gave the introduction of the DCCG through a presentation in which he gave an explanation of the policies, tasks, and assets of the organization in the Caribbean, and in particular, its
goals for the island of St Read more

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