Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

DEC 2016Source: Today SXM

Source: 721 News
31 Dec 2016 11:23 PM

Vœux 2017 Présidente Aline Hanson

Chers compatriotes,

Les vœux de la nouvelle année sont pour moi l’occasion de remercier celles et ceux qui se sont investis pour le territoire et qui avancent dans une dynamique constructive. Je remercie la société civile dans son ensemble, les chefs d’entreprise, les acteurs associatifs, pour leur contribution et leur précieux soutien tout au long de l’année.

Je salue les membres des instances territoriales qui ont apporté leur pierre à l’édifice du développement de Saint-Martin et qui par leurs actions participent à la vie démocratique de notre territoire Read more

Candidates in this article:
Source: 721 News
31 Dec 2016 11:17 PM

New Year Message Of Aline Hanson, Présidente Du Conseil Territorial De Saint Martin.

Fellow Saint Martiners,

The New Year’s wishes are an opportunity for me to thank those who have invested in the territory and who are moving forward in a constructive way. I would like to thank the civil society, the business leaders and the associations, for their contribution and their valuable support throughout the year.

Thanks to the local authorities who have worked for the development of Saint Martin and who have contributed to the democratic life of Saint Martin.

I would like to congratulate the civil servants as they did well in serving the general interest of our people.

Let us be kind and attentive towards each other,

Let us be generous without expecting anything in return,

Let us give our time to our youngsters,

Let us work peacefully for our island

I have a special thought for those who are facing difficulty Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV