Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

RICHARDSON, Lloyd In The News

Lloyd Richardson





Source: The Daily Herald
29 Oct 2014 06:25 AM

Editorial - Interim compromise?

The current deadlock over the instruction by the Netherlands to Governor Eugene Holiday on the screening of candidate ministers will have to be broken sooner or later. The high tourism season is approaching fast and the 2015 budget must be approved on time to meet the needs of the population adequately.

Without agreeing to the measure, it might be useful to entertain a possible temporary compromise, pending a resolution of the current constitutional dispute. Seeking an opinion from the Council of State on the issue could well be part of such a scenario, because regardless of procedural limitations this esteemed body ought not reasonably to refrain from giving such if requested certainly by a majority of the kingdom partners, in this case with the help of Curaçao and Aruba.

In the meantime, the incoming UP/DP/Marlin-Romeo coalition that enjoys a two-thirds majority in Parliament would do well to at least consider appointing an interim cabinet of persons who are practically guaranteed to pass even the far-reaching integrity investigation now imposed by The Hague Read more

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Source: Today SXM
28 Oct 2014 09:22 PM

Other Parties Stay Away From Protest Against Kingdom And Plasterk – Green March Against Instruction

St. Maarten– Between 300 and 400 people took part in the march People United for True Democracy organized yesterday afternoon in protest against the instruction from the Kingdom Council of Ministers to Governor Holiday for a stricter screening of candidate ministers – a handsome turnout with one flaw: only supporters of the United People’s party showed up.

UP party leader Theo Heyliger was there, as were his faction leader Franklin Meyers, MP Tamara Leonard and MP Lloyd Richardson Read more

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Source: SMN-News
28 Oct 2014 06:23 AM
>PHILIPSBURG:--- On Sunday October 26th, 2014 a peaceful march that was organized by People United for True Democracy took place. This march started at approximately 2:00pm and lasted until 5:00pm. The march was attended by approximately two hundred persons and ended in front of the Government Administration Building on the Clem Labega Square. The Community Police Officer/Inspector Felix Richards used this opportunity at the end of the march to approach the onlookers and the participants attending the march, including prominent politicians such as Franklin Meyers, Dr Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
27 Oct 2014 07:04 PM

Cpo Takes "Stop, Drop & Go" Projects To The Streets

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - On Sunday October 26th a peaceful march that was organized People United for True Democracy took place.

This march started at approximately 02.00 p.m. and lasted until 05.00 p.m.

The march was attended by approximately two hundred persons and ended in front on the Government Administration building on the Clem Labega Square.

The Community Police Officer/ Inspector Felix Richards used this opportunity and the end of the march to approach the onlookers and the participants attending the march, including prominent politicians such as, Franklin Meyers, Dr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
27 Oct 2014 06:25 AM

Marchers call for ‘respect’ and end to Dutch ‘insult’

PHILIPSBURG--"We didn't vote for Bosman or Van Raak" and "Enough is enough. This is our country" were some of the messages on the placards carried by an estimated 200 marchers who took to the street Sunday afternoon to express their discontent with the Kingdom Council of Ministers' instruction to Governor Eugene Holiday to carry out what has been deemed an invasive, boundless screening into the lives of minister candidates.

The march started off from the ring road with the sizable group heading down W.J.A Read more

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Source: SMN-News
27 Oct 2014 06:23 AM
style="text-align: center;">St. Maarten and its people will continue to fight for their rights

PHILIPSBURG:--- Organizers of the Peoples United for True Democracy (PUTD) began gathering on the Pondfill just after 1pm on Sunday as they prepared for the march they organized to protest against the instruction the Kingdom Council of Ministers gave to Governor Holiday on September 17th, 2014. The Kingdom Council instructed the Governor of St. Maarten not to sign any Landsbesluit to appoint Ministers that are appointed by the current coalition government.

The march which was scheduled to take off from the vicinity of the WIFOL building on the Pondfill on Sunday afternoon left the location close to 3pm as buses were circling in the various districts to pick up people who wanted to participate in the march deemed as protecting the country and its people's democratic rights.
Despite the delay and several publications in the newspapers, radios, and the social media just about 100 persons attended the march, included were several members from the UP party including its leader Theodore Heyliger, MP Lloyd Richardson and MP Franklyn Meyers, children and even some workers from the brothels on the island were among those that marched down the Pondfill road to the Government Administration Building.
As the marchers marched they chanted they wanted freedom, justice and respect Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Oct 2014 06:23 AM

MPs unanimously reject instruction

~ Motion to be sent to UN Decolonisation Committee ~

PHILIPSBURG--Members of Parliament (MPs) unanimously adopted on Wednesday a motion rejecting the instruction handed down by the Kingdom Council of Ministers to Governor Eugene Holiday for the execution of a boundless and limitless investigation into the backgrounds of candidate ministers, their families, friends, business associates and others.

Parliament is not in agreement with the instruction from the Kingdom Council, because the screening of candidate ministers is "not flawed Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Oct 2014 06:22 AM

Motion Passed Unanimously by Parliament on Instruction Given to Governor on Screening Procedures.

>PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Leona Marlin Romeo withdrew the motion she submitted on Wednesday after several discussions were held (caucusing) with the members of parliament sitting on the opposition benches so that the parliament of St. Maarten could form a consensus in dealing with what they describe as a posterity issue. The motion submitted by MP Lloyd Richardson was completely amended based on article 58 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Oct 2014 06:23 AM

Christopher Emmanuel says he was offered US $2M for his seat

~ Lloyd, de Weever deny being paid ~

PHILIPSBURG--National Alliance (NA) Member of Parliament (MP) Christopher Emmanuel said on Monday that he had been offered US $2 million for his parliamentary support as he stressed the point that St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
11 Oct 2014 06:24 AM

Sarah elected as the new President of Parliament

~ Marlin-Romeo VP, De Weever second VP ~

PHILIPSBURG--Democratic Party (DP) leader Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams was elected President of Parliament during a plenary session on Friday.

United St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
11 Oct 2014 06:24 AM

Holiday says MPs play critical role to foster good governance

~ MPs sworn in ~

HARBOUR VIEW--The fifteen Members of Parliament (MPs) elected during the August 29 Parliamentary Elections took their oaths to serve in the presence of Governor Eugene Holiday on Friday.

Sworn in were United People's (UP) party MPs Theo Heyliger, Franklin Meyers, Silvio Matser, Tamara Leonard, Maurice Lake, Lloyd Richardson and Johan "Janchi Leonard; Democratic Party (DP) MPs Sarah Wescot-Williams and Cornelius de Weever; United St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Oct 2014 02:54 PM

Dp Leader Elected President Of Parliament, Leona Romeo Marlin Elected Vice President Friday

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - On Friday afternoon the first meeting of the new Parliament of St. Maarten was convened.

The meeting was chaired by senior member of the highest legislative body, MP the Honorable Dr. Lloyd Richardson.

During the first meeting of the new parliament of St. Maarten Friday afternoon, DP leader the Honorable Sarah Wescot-Williams was elected as the President of Parliament whilst MP the Honorable Leona Romeo Marlin was elected as the Vice President of Parliament.

All of the new MPs pledged to carry out their work in Parliament, in the best interest of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Oct 2014 02:48 PM

15 New Mps Take The Oath Friday

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - The swearing in ceremony of the 15 parliamentarians to govern the country for the period 2014/2018 took place on Friday morning.

The ceremony was held at the Governor's office at Harbor View. Taking the oath were members of the National Alliance William Marlin, Silveria Jacobs, George Pantophlet and Christopher Emanuel, the United People Party, Theo Heyliger, Dr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
10 Oct 2014 06:23 AM

Sarah, Leona join UP/De Weever to form broad-based government

PHILIPSBURG--Outgoing Prime Minister and Democratic Party (DP) leader Sarah Wescot-Williams and United St. Maarten Party Member of Parliament (MP)-elect Leona Marlin-Romeo have joined the United People's (UP) party/De Weever coalition to form a broad-based government for 2014-2018.

The two new coalition members signed on to the existing UP/De Weever governing accord as "addendum two and three" on Thursday, paving the way for a majority of 10 seats in Parliament.

The news of, in particular, Marlin-Romeo joining the coalition comes after much speculation about this possibility taking place even after she publicly had denied any such intentions Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
08 Oct 2014 06:25 AM

UP/De Weever coalition signs Governing Accord

~ Portfolios to be decided on 'collectively' ~

PHILIPSBURG--The eight Members of Parliament (MPs)-elect forming the United People's (UP) party/De Weever coalition signed their 2014-2018 Governing Accord on Friday, October 3. This accord and its attached division of portfolios for the incoming cabinet were submitted to Governor Eugene Holiday by informateurs Joseph Richardson and Marcel Gumbs last week.

Formateur UP leader MP Theo Heyliger continues his work to formalise the incoming government.

Both the Governing Accord and the Division of Portfolios documents were signed by all eight coalition members – MPs-elect Heyliger, Cornelius de Weever, Franklin Meyers, Silvio Matser, Tamara E Read more

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Source: Today SXM
30 Sep 2014 10:52 PM

Parliament Takes Vorst Estate Purchase Out Of 2014 Budget

St. Maarten – The Parliament approved a motion to take a $5.5 million provision for the purchase of the Vorst Estate out of an amendment to the 2014 budget with 7 votes to 6. This blocks the purchase of the land, for which Vromi-Minister Maurice Lake signed an agreement in February of this year, but it does not absolve the country of liability towards the Vorst-family, because the Court in First Instance has already ruled that the purchase-agreement Lake signed is a valid one.

The meeting to handle the budget amendment has a long history Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
30 Sep 2014 06:23 AM

Vorst land purchase to be omitted from 2014 budget amendment

~ Roy's amendment to budget amendment passed ~

PHILIPSBURG--An amendment to remove the purchase of the Vorst Estate property from a budget amendment tabled by Finance Minister Martin Hassink was passed during a public plenary session of parliament on Monday.

It was the third time the meeting had been convened to handle this and other issues. The first two meetings were cancelled due to lack of quorum. The motion, which was tabled by Democratic Party (DP) Member of Parliament (MP) Roy Marlin, was passed by seven of MPs voting in favour of the amendment and six voting against it.

Supporting the motion were author Roy Marlin, National Alliance (NA) MPs William Marlin, Hyacinth Richardson, George Pantophlet and Louie Laveist and Independent MPs Frans Richardson and Romain Laville Read more

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Source: Today SXM
29 Sep 2014 12:31 AM

Mps Prefer Trip To Panama To Parliament Meeting

St. Maarten – It was to be expected, but it still was a sight for sore eyes when the rescheduled meeting of Parliament yesterday morning to handle an amendment to the 2014 budget did not get a quorum. Only MPs Hyacinth Richardson and George Pantophlet (National Alliance), Roy Marlin (DP) and Parliament President Gracita Arrindell (UP) were present Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
27 Sep 2014 06:23 AM

Budget amendment meet called off again due to lack of quorum

PHILIPSBURG--The public plenary session of Parliament on amendments to the 2014 budget was cancelled for the second time on Friday, as only four Members of Parliament (MPs) showed up and signed in for the meeting.

The meeting was first called off on Wednesday, due to the lack of a quorum when seven MPs were signed in, though United People's (UP) party MPs and Independent MP Dr. Lloyd Richardson had been in the building.

Present at Friday's session were National Alliance (NA) MPs Hyacinth Richardson and George Pantophlet, Democratic Party (DP) MP Roy Marlin and United People's (UP) party MP Gracita Arrindell Read more

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Source: SMN-News
27 Sep 2014 06:22 AM

Second time Budget meeting could not be held --- UPP MPs not present.

>PHILIPSBURG:--- Member of Parliament Roy Marlin spoke out on Friday on the budget meeting that had to be postponed for the second time due to a lack of quorum. MP Marlin said that the chairlady of Parliament has not being following the rules of order. He said that the meeting is supposed to be called within 48 hours (2x24 hours).
Marlin said that St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
26 Sep 2014 06:23 AM

No quorum for budget amendment meeting

~ UP, Dr. Richardson, Illidge, De Weever absent ~

PHILIPSBURG--The public plenary session of Parliament on amendments to the 2014 budget was cancelled on Wednesday due to the lack of a quorum, as only seven Members of Parliament (MPs) were signed in.

Parliament Press Secretary Roddy Heyliger said in a press release last night that the session had been rescheduled to Friday at 10:00am.

At least eight MPs are needed for the meeting to proceed Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Sep 2014 06:23 AM

MPs concerned about TelEm-Digicel accord

PHILIPSBURG--Members of Parliament (MPs) have expressed concern about the signing of a financial information sharing contract between the St. Maarten Telephone Group of Companies TelEm and regional telecom company Digicel.

Democratic Party (DP), National Alliance (NA) and Independent MPs Frans Richardson and Patrick Illidge expressed concerns during a meeting of the Central Committee of Parliament on Friday, to handle amendments to the 2014 budget.

Neither United People's (UP) party MPs nor independent MP Dr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
18 Sep 2014 07:39 AM

Kingdom Relations Committee swiftly deals with hefty agenda

PHILIPSBURG--Parliament's Permanent Committee for Kingdom Affairs and Inter-Parliamentary Relations, chaired by outgoing Member of Parliament (MP) Roy Marlin Democratic Party (DP), swiftly dealt with a twelve-point agenda covering several kingdom treaties, motions and other business on Tuesday morning, in Parliament House.

Marlin outlined the agenda and suggested the points that needed the committee simply to take note of and the ones that needed to be left for the incoming committee and its new chairman to handle.

A list of treaties in the preparatory phase and Country St Read more

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Source: Today SXM
10 Sep 2014 07:30 AM

Governor Holiday At Opening Parliamentary Year: “There Are Real Opportunities For Economic Growth”

St. Maarten – Ravel’s Bolero was once more floating through the parliament building yesterday morning ahead of the official opening of the parliamentary year 2014-2015. What stood out apart from the music was the absence of United People’s party leader Theo Heyliger – who had sent notice – and of Prime Minister Sarah Wescot-Williams who was for undisclosed reasons off island.

Other Members of Parliament who passed on the festive occasions were Jules James, who missed his re-election by a mere three votes, Dr Read more

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