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GUMBS, Marcel In The News

Marcel Gumbs



Source: SMN-News
05 Jan 2015 06:23 AM
>PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs and Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson met with Parliament's Permanent Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Affairs and Kingdom Relations in Parliament House on Friday morning. The meeting was called on the request of the Prime Minister to brief the committee on the current state of affairs with the integrity issue between St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Jan 2015 06:23 AM
style="text-align: center;">Recalls Brooke as 'a friend to St. Maarten'

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, on behalf of the government and of St. Maarten, extended heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke who passed away on Saturday. He was the first black in U.S. history to win popular election to the Senate Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
04 Jan 2015 10:24 PM

Parliament Updated On Integrity Issues By Prime Minister

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs and Minister of Justice Dennis Richardson met with Parliament's Permanent Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Affairs and Kingdom Relations in Parliament House on Friday morning.

The meeting was called on the request of the Prime Minister to brief the committee on the current state of affairs with the integrity issue between St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
04 Jan 2015 10:19 PM

Pm Gumbs Extends Condolences To Family Of The Late Edward Brooke

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, on behalf of the government and of St. Maarten, extended heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke who passed away on Saturday.

He was the first black in U.S. history to win popular election to the Senate. He died of natural causes at his Coral Gables, Florida, home Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
31 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Gumbs: Economy a priority in 2015

PHILIPSBURG--The implementation of "deliberate and integrated policies like the counterpart policy, employability through training and skill building for youth and adults, strengthening workplace compliance and formalization of the informal economy that compliment economic growth and reduce unemployment in order to create sustainable development" are top priorities for the Gumbs Cabinet in 2015.

Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, in his early New Year's message: "The list of priorities is not a short one Read more

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Source: SMN-News
31 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Country cannot balance budget yet new staff hired. (UPDATED)

style="text-align: center;">Did Government cancel their contract with Cable TV for Wednesday? Is the media being muzzled?

PHILIPSBURG:--- The newly installed Gumbs cabinet has taken some radical decisions as to how they intend to deal with members of the media in the future. A press release from Gumbs press secretariat states that the Government of St. Maarten is the last county to establish a press secretariat, a department they said all other Caribbean nations such as St. Kitts have.
Having read the press release sent out by the press secretariat makes us wonder if St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
30 Dec 2014 08:43 PM

Prime Minister Lights Fireworks At Court House Tuesday

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Prime Minister of Sint Maarten the Honorable Marcel Gumbs was invited on Tuesday by the staff of the Court House, to symbolically resume a tradition that has been put aside over the last few years.

This was the lighting of a string of fireworks to close off the working year.

Court House staff welcomed the Prime Minister with snacks and hugs and said the two-minute fireworks presentation was simply the resumption of something many businesses on Frontstreet used to do.

With all safety precautions in place, the Prime Minister lit the string of fireworks Read more

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Source: SMN-News
30 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Country cannot balance budget yet new staff hired.

style="text-align: center;">Did Government cancel their contract with Cable TV for Wednesday? Is the media being muzzled?

PHILIPSBURG:--- The newly installed Gumbs cabinet has taken some radical decisions as to how they intend to deal with members of the media in the future. A press release from Gumbs press secretariat states that the Government of St. Maarten is the last county to establish a press secretariat, a department they said all other Caribbean nations such as St. Kitts have.
Having read the press release sent out by the press secretariat makes us wonder if St Read more

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Source: Today SXM
30 Dec 2014 12:03 AM

Answers Will Have To Wait Until Mid-January: Parliament Wants Clarity About Housing Foundation

St. Maarten – Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs answered the call to appear in Parliament as the acting minister of public housing within 72 hours after he was sworn in on Friday. Members of Parliament appreciated that, even though Gumbs sent them on their way with a flea in their ear, after listening to questions about the chaos of the St. Maarten Housing Development foundation for more than two hours.

The minister brought to mind the words he spoke on Friday in the constituting meeting where his team officially took over the reins: “The country needs tranquility, stability, civility and prosperity.”

Furthermore, Gumbs noted: “Integrity has been a buzz word this year Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
29 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Editorial - Do what it has to

A press release by new Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs in today’s paper reminds civil servants that they are expected to report for work on Friday, January 2. The recently-installed Council of Ministers decided last week not to grant the day after New Year’s Day as an extra day off.

Publicly announcing such is highly necessary, because it had become almost a custom to give days off for dates sandwiched between public holidays and the weekend, seemingly without much regard for the loss of productivity and lack of service to the population.

Moreover, many would tend to stay home even when no such permission was granted Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
29 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Civil servants to report to work on January 2

PHILIPSBURG--The new Council of Ministers decided last week not to give government workers an extra day off on January 2, the day after New Year's Day.

As a result, all civil servants are expected to report to work on Friday, January 2, a press release stated. January 2, the release added, is not a public holiday.

New Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs urged civil servants who would like an extra day off to enjoy a long weekend to seek and request approval for a vacation day via their department heads.

He said 2015, from day one, is "a crucial year for St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
29 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Ministers to now speak via press secretary, weekly briefings ended

PHILIPSBURG--The recently installed Marcel Gumbs Cabinet appears to have erected a wall between itself and the press by establishing a “Press Secretariat” via which all ministers will communicate to the public. The live weekly Council of Ministers press briefing has been cancelled in favour of the new press secretary holding ad hoc briefings to tell the press what ministers have been working on.

The new Press Secretariat is led by former journalist Michael Granger, now press secretary to Prime Minister Gumbs Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

All Civil Servants to Report to Work on Friday January 2nd, 2015.

>PHILIPSBURG:--- All civil servants are expected to report to work on Friday, January 2. The Council of Ministers took a decision last week not to grant government's personnel the extra day off following New Year's day. This day is not a public holiday. However, Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs encourages those civil servants who would like an extra day off to enjoy another long weekend, to request and seek approval for a vacation day via their department heads Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
24 Dec 2014 06:23 AM

PM: Christmas time to share experiences

PHILIPSBURG--"This is the time of year when families near and far gather to celebrate and share their experiences of the past year in an atmosphere of joy, and when neighbours come together in a spirit of friendliness, peace and unity," said new Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs in his first Christmas message to the country.

"This is also the season when we are reminded that in spite of the general feeling of goodwill, there are persons among us who, for many reasons and circumstances, are unable to participate in any festivities or fellowship Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
24 Dec 2014 06:23 AM

SHTA welcomes, outlines tasks at hand for new government

~ Narrows in on finances, govt-owned companies ~

PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Hospitality and Trade Association (SHTA) has issued a statement welcoming new Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs and the newly appointed ministers, amidst what it says has been a time of widespread lack of trust in St. Maarten's unstable government. The largest business representative on the island has taken notice of the increased discussion of late – both in and out of the media – about the instability of the Dutchside's government and the damage it is doing to the economy.

"The lack of trust in our current governing system has led to a widespread belief that transparency and integrity are seriously lacking Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Dec 2014 06:23 AM
>PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister of St. Maarten Marcel Gumbs on Tuesday met with the Dutch Representative on Aruba, St. Maarten and Curacao Gert Versluis. The meeting was an introductory one, focussed on current developments and other relevant matters.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Dec 2014 06:23 AM

Tranquillity, stability and civility

Dear Editor,

The new government is hardly in place and already I find myself having to comment on the behaviour of our political leaders during Parliament meetings. Let me say that I cannot say A said so and so when everyone knows that B said it. On Saturday, December 20, 2014, I read in the paper how the newly sworn in Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs said the country needs tranquillity, stability, civility and prosperity Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Dec 2014 06:23 AM

MPs to get answers about housing foundation in Jan.

PHILIPSBURG--Members of Parliament (MPs) will have to wait until mid-January for answers about the suspension of St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) Director Henry Lynch and two other members of the management team. Prime Minister/Ad Interim Housing Minister Marcel Gumbs said he required time to gather the facts about the investigation ordered by the foundation's supervisory board and the other actions leading to the suspensions.

Gumbs, who had only been in office for a mere 72 hours, was before Parliament on Monday in an urgent plenary session requested by opposition MPs Sarah Wescot-Williams (Democratic Party), Frans Richardson (United St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

SMHDF Meeting of Parliament to continue early next year.

style="text-align: center;">MPs want documentation and clarity the suspension of Henry Lynch and Emilio Kalmera

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Parliament of St. Maarten called an emergency meeting on Monday to seek clarity on what exactly transpired at the St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) where two members of the management team were suspended pending the outcome of an investigation that was to be commissioned by the SOAB. However, former Minister of Housing Maurice Lake who was also a former board member of SMHDF stopped the SOAB from conducting the investigation claiming that legal procedures were not followed and that the board of SMHDF does not have a full board Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Dec 2014 06:24 AM

Editorial - Wrong address?

Today's Parliament meeting regarding the St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation (SMHDF) promises to be an interesting one. Last week the public learned that the Supervisory Board had requested that government accountant bureau SOAB carry out an "independent forensic investigation" and had placed director Henry Lynch plus two other managers on non-active duty pending its outcome.

However, then still VROMI minister and shareholder representative Maurice Lake intervened and put the probe on hold, saying the board's decision had been premature and not in keeping with proper procedure Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
22 Dec 2014 06:24 AM

MPs meet today about Housing Foundation

PHILIPSBURG--The St. Maarten Housing Development Foundation supervisory board's request made to Government Accounting Bureau SOAB to carry out a forensic investigation into the foundation's operations will be one of the issues Members of Parliament (MPs) will discuss today, Monday, in an urgent plenary session of Parliament in the House of Parliament starting at 10:00am.

The meeting is open to the public.

New Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, who is ad interim Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI, has been requested by Parliament to be present for the meeting.

MPs also will discuss with Gumbs former VROMI Minister Maurice Lake's request to SOAB to halt the investigation and the board's decision to suspend three members of the management team, including foundation director Henry Lynch.

This urgent plenary session was requested by National Alliance MPs William Marlin and Christophe Emmanuel, Democratic Party MP Sarah Wescot-Williams, and United St Read more

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Source: Today SXM
22 Dec 2014 12:12 AM

The Road To The Gumbs I Cabinet: “Peddling Seats To The Highest Bidder”

St. Maarten / By Hilbert Haar – When Governor Drs. Eugene Holiday administers the oath of office to the five ministers of the Gumbs I cabinet this afternoon, it marks the end of a tedious process that started during the night after the parliamentary elections on August 29. How did we get where we are today? A review.

To avoid any misunderstandings, the governor also administers the oath to the minister plenipotentiary today – but that is not a ‘real’ minister – it is the representative of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

Editorial - Hit the ground running

After all the political turmoil over the last few months the installation of the Gumbs cabinet can be seen as a welcome Christmas present. Of course, it regards a smaller-than-usual Council of Ministers due to screening issues, but at least this ends the undesirable situation of having a caretaker government in office since September, of which two members also became parliamentarians in the meantime.

The two remaining cabinet members will be added later, but there is no reason to believe the current five plus the plenipotentiary minister in The Hague won't be able to do a good job Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Dec 2014 06:22 AM

New Marcel Gumbs Cabinet takes office

~ Governor issues challenge to unify people ~

PHILIPSBURG--"The greatest little country in the world" as St. Maarten has been described by its new Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, finally has a new Council of Ministers. Gumbs, a veteran politician, and the five other ministers were sworn in on Friday afternoon by Governor Eugene Holiday at his office.

The swearing-in ceremony was followed by the first meeting of the Council of Ministers with the governor in A.C Read more

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