Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections

OTTLEY, Omar In The News

Omar Ottley




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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Feb 2022 04:09 PM

St. Maarten Takes Steps Towards Its Back To Normalcy Strategy

~Nightlife business hours extended to 3am~

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Omar Ottley announced that St. Maarten will begin transitioning into the endemic phase of COVID-19 with the extending of night life business hours and revised travel restrictions.

   The minister stated in a press release on Monday that recently the word endemic is being used as a term to reference exiting the pandemic.

  Ottley stated that misconceptions about the word endemic may encourage a misplaced complacency Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Feb 2022 03:19 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley announced that Sint Maarten will begin transitioning into the endemic phase of COVID-19. The Minister stated that recently the word endemic is being used as a term to reference exiting the pandemic. Minister Ottley stated that misconceptions about the word endemic may encourage a misplaced complacency Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Feb 2022 03:04 PM

Minister Ottley: St.Maarten Takes Steps Towards Their Back To Normalcy Strategy

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley announced that Sint Maarten will begin transitioning into the endemic phase of COVID-19. The Minister stated that recently the word endemic is being used as a term to reference exiting the pandemic. Minister Ottley stated that misconceptions about the word endemic may encourage a misplaced complacency Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
18 Feb 2022 10:36 AM

Invited Guests Enjoy Dinner At Bovin Steakhouse Opening

VSA Minister Omar Ottley (left) and TEATT Minister Roger Lawrence (right) cut the ribbon to officially open Bovin Steakhouse in Simpson Bay Resort, Marina and Spa, on Wednesday night. Photo by Ricardo Iman.

Read more

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Source: 721 News
13 Feb 2022 08:21 AM

Government Commits To Commercial Kitchen To Feed School Children And Vulnerable Persons.

PHILIPSBURGMinister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley and the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Rodolphe Samuel commit to sustainability of commercial kitchen in the shelter project.

In 2020, the Government of Sint Maarten, under the 11th European Development Fund, B-Envelope, signed an agreement to execute a shelter project Read more

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Source: 721 News
11 Feb 2022 01:09 PM

Minister Ottley: Business Hours Extension Forthcoming.

PHILIPSBURG On Wednesday February 9th, during the live Council of Ministers press briefing, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley announced that if the hospitalization and active numbers continue in its current trajectory, business hours will be extended to 1 am as soon as Friday February 11th.

The Minister then stated that while we have always been at the fore front of the COVID-19 realities, we now see the rest of the world speaking of the endemic nature of the virus and they are slowly lifting their COVID-19 protocols.

Minister Ottley announced that St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 Feb 2022 07:33 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Wednesday, February 9th, 2022, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Omar Ottley met with the representatives of the Social Economic Council (SER) to discuss the increase of the minimum wage on St. Maarten.

The Minister previously sent a request to the advisory council, requesting their feedback on the steps he wishes to take for the implementation of a one-time increase, on the minimum wage.

At the time of the request, the Minister could not offer a figure to the SER, as the Ministry was still awaiting the consumer price index (CPI) of the third quarter of 2021, from the department of stats, which has since been received.

The meeting was called by the SER to get a full explanation on what would be the possible figure and why the Minister feels this is the right time to increase the minimum wage.

Minister Ottley listened to the concerns of the business representatives and agreed to take their concerns into consideration Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Feb 2022 11:41 PM

Ministro Ottley Se Rene Con Ser Sobre Propuesta De Aumento De Salario Mnimo.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten  El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley se reuni con los representantes del Consejo Econmico Social (SER) para discutir el aumento del salario mnimo en St. Maarten.

El Ministro envi previamente una solicitud al consejo asesor, solicitando sus comentarios sobre los pasos que desea tomar para el implementacin de un aumento nico, en el salario mnimo Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Feb 2022 07:41 PM

El Gobierno Apuesta Por Cocina Comercial Para Alimentar Escuela, Nios Y Personas Vulnerables

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministri de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley junto al Ministro de Educacin, Cultura, Juventud y Deportes, Rodolphe Samuel apuesta por sostenibilidad de proyecto de cocina comercial en el albergue.

En el 2020, el Gobierno de Sint Maarten, bajo el 11 Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo, B-Envelope, firm un acuerdo para ejecutar un proyecto de vivienda Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Feb 2022 01:32 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley, and the Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Rodolphe Samuel commit to sustainability of commercial kitchen in the shelter project.

In 2020, the Government of Sint Maarten, under the 11th European Development Fund, B-Envelope, signed an agreement to execute a shelter project Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
09 Feb 2022 02:55 PM

Ministro Ottley Extender El Horario Nocturno

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten - El mircoles 9 de febrero, durante la conferencia de prensa en vivo del Consejo de Ministros, el Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley, anunci que si las hospitalizaciones y los nmeros activos continan en su trayectoria actual, el horario comercial se extender a las 1:00 am para el viernes 11 de febrero. El Ministro declar que si bien siempre hemos estado a la vanguardia de las realidades de COVID-19, ahora vemos que el resto del mundo habla de la naturaleza endmica del virus y estn levantando lentamente sus protocolos de COVID-19. El ministro Ottley anunci que St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Feb 2022 12:43 PM

PHILIPSBURG: --- The Minister of Health and Labor Omar Ottley announced on Wednesday that St. Maarten is on its way to moving back to normalcy if the positive trend of the coronavirus remains positive.
The Minister referred to news coming out of the Netherlands that states that their current approach towards COVID-19 is not sustainable for society and the economy, since this is going to be a way of life worldwide.
Ottley said this is exactly what the government of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Feb 2022 12:26 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VSA Omar Ottley announced on Wednesday that he has finalized the proposal on the increase of the minimum wage which will be sent to the SER. Ottley said that he had requested advice from the SER but now he has a proposal that his Ministry worked on and now it will be sent to the SER for them to render advice.< Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 Feb 2022 11:20 AM

Covid-19 Statistics.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Omar Ottley extends his deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Sint Maartens 80th COVID-19 victim, who has passed away. Minister Ottley wishes the family strength during their time of grief.

As of February 4th, there were thirteen (13) persons who tested positive for COVID-19; however thirty-six (36) persons have recovered; bringing the total active cases to four hundred seventy-one (471) of which two hundred seventy-nine (279) are locals, ninety-five (95) are tourists and ninety-seven (97) persons are awaiting classification Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
05 Feb 2022 05:38 PM

80Th Covid-19 Death Confirmed

PHILIPSBURG--The eightieth COVID-19 related death was reported on Friday.

  Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley extended his deepest sympathies to the family and friends of the victim who passed away. Ottley wished the family strength during their time of grief.

  As of February 4, there were 13 persons who tested positive for COVID-19; however 36 persons have recovered; bringing the total active cases to 471, of 279 are locals, 95 are tourists and 97 persons are awaiting classification.

  The total number of confirmed cases has increased to 9,386.

  The Collective Prevention Services (CPS) is monitoring 463 persons in home isolation Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
05 Feb 2022 09:41 AM

Estadsticas De Covid-19

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley extiende sus ms profundas condolencias a la familia y amigos de la vctima nmero 80 de COVID-19 de Maarten, que falleci. Ministro Ottley desea fortaleza a la familia durante su tiempo de duelo.

Hasta el 4 de febrero, haban trece (13) personas que dieron positivo para COVID-19; sin embargo treinta y seis (36) personas se han recuperado; disminuyendo el total de casos activos a cuatrocientos setenta y uno (471) de los cuales dos ciento setenta y nueve (279) son locales, noventa y cinco (95) son turistas y
noventa y siete (97) personas estn en espera de clasificacin Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Feb 2022 01:42 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VSA Omar Ottley in response to questions from SMN News regarding Carnival 2022 on St. Maarten said there is no need to cancel the carnival for 2022. Ottley said while St. Maarten is preparing to return to normalcy by May 2022, carnival can still take place with the set guidelines that are in place.
Currently, St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Feb 2022 01:07 PM

~ Projected time frame to return to normalcy May 2022.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of VSA Omar Ottley announced on Wednesday at the Council of Ministers press briefing that he is busy working on his vision to normalcy and strategic plans. Ottley said that a number of things will happen gradually as St. Maarten returns to normalcy as everyone has to learn to live with the COVID-19 virus.
The government will stop the testing by the Collective Preventive Services (CPS) and have all diagnostic testing done through laboratories based on a referral from General Practitioners (GP) During this time CPS will continue to issue quarantine, isolation, and recovery letters to those that need them Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Jan 2022 05:24 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Labor Omar Ottley said on Wednesday that he requested advice from the SER to increase the minimum wage, however, the Prime Minister of St. Maarten Silver Jacobs requested advice from the same advisory body for a livable wage.
The Minister said that the SER promised to deliver the much-needed advice someti Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Jan 2022 11:47 PM

Ottley: Self-Isolation Period For Asymptomatic Persons Reduced

VSA Minister Omar Ottley

PHILIPSBURG--Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor VSA Omar Ottley confirms a reduction in the self- isolation period for asymptomatic perso Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Jan 2022 12:19 PM

El Ministro Ottley Confirma La Reduccin Del Perodo De Auto-Aislamiento Para Personas Asintomticas, En Una Decisin Que Podra Ayudar A Abordar Los Problemas Actuales.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Despus de consultar con el CPS y considerando las nuevas pautas de CDC, el Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Omar Ottley, afirm que despus de recopilar la informacin necesaria, decidi reducir el tiempo de aislamiento de COVID-19 a 7 das. El Ministro Ottley enfatiz que es fundamental que las personas continen usando mascarillas, que se ajusten bien y tomen precauciones adicionales despus de salir del aislamiento o la cuarentena.

Tenga en cuenta que las nuevas reglas de aislamiento de COVID-19 no se aplican al personal de atencin mdica, las personas inmunocomprometidas o las personas con enfermedades graves o crticas Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Jan 2022 11:39 PM

Minister Ottley Confirms Reduction In Self- Isolation Period For Asymptomatic Persons, In A Decision That Could Help Address Current Staffing Issues.

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – After consultation with CPS and considering CDCs new guidelines, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Omar Ottley stated that after garnering the necessary information, he has decided to reduce the COVID-19 isolationtime to 7 days. Minister Ottley emphasized that it is critical that persons continue to wear well-fitting masks and take additional precautions after leaving isolation or quarantine.

Please note that the new COVID-19isolation rules do not apply to health care personnel, persons who are immunocompromised or for those with severe to critical illness Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Jan 2022 08:41 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- After consultation with CPS and considering CDCs new guidelines, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Omar Ottley stated that after garnering the necessary information, he has decided to reduce the COVID-19 isolation time to 7 days. Minister Ottley emphasized that it is critical that persons continue to wear well-fitting masks and take additional precautions after leaving isolation or quarantine.

Please note that the new COVID-19 isolation rules do not apply to health care personnel, persons who are immunocompromised, or those with severe to critical illness Read more

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Source: SMN-News
16 Jan 2022 05:37 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The board of the United St. Maarten Party (USP) on Sunday said it is astounded by the governments lackadaisical approach towards what is happening at the hospital project, and questioned the status and security of the contract signed for the hospital project with INSO, now FINSO. The many financial setbacks reported at the project should be raising alarms within government, President of the USP Cecil Nicholas said.

The now confirmed reports about contractors and sub-contractors not being paid as well as the report of the recent resignation (forced or otherwise) of a financial executive attached to the project, is very concerning to our party in particular after the people of St Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV