Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Grisha Heyliger-Marten




Filter the news (Showing 145-168 of 278)
Source: The Daily Herald
09 Jun 2022 11:16 PM

Mps Question Abrupt Change In Public Meeting About Carnival

St. Maarten Carnival Development Foundation board.

PHILIPSBURG--Members of Parliament (MP) question a hasty adjustment of a public meeting, which was to discuss pressing issues with the future of Carnival, to a closed-door meeting on Thursday.
MPs were informed by President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten th Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 May 2022 12:04 AM

Parliament To Submit Report On Coho To Second Chamber Today

PHILIPSBURG--The Parliament of St. Maarten will submit its report on the proposed Consensus Kingdom Law on the Caribbean Body for Reform and Development COHO to the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament today, Friday.
A short synopsis of the handling of the COHO draft law in St. Maartens Parliament will be mentioned at the top of the report and all position papers will be added to the report, Chairperson of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten said during a meeting of the Central Committee on Friday Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
08 May 2022 08:19 PM

Exitosa Reunin Tripartita

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – Las delegaciones de los parlamentos de Curazao, Aruba y Sint Maarten se reunieron el martes 3 de mayo del 2022, para una discusin tripartita.

El objetivo de la reunin de hoy fue prepararse para la Consulta Interparlamentaria del Reino, as como discutir temas de inters mutuo. Entre los temas estuvieron, la discusin sobre una propuesta de Reglamento de Controversias; relaciones actuales dentro del Reino, cuellos de botella y propuestas de mejora; discusin sobre la propuesta de la Agencia de Reforma y Desarrollo del Caribe (COHO); Presentacin de una delegacin del Consejo Insular de Sint Eustatius sobre el tema de la democracia, o la falta de ella, en Sint Eustatius y, por extensin, el reino y la restauracin del orden democrtico regular en Sint Eustatius; y discusin sobre la peticin presentada en nombre del Parlamento de Sint Maarten al Relator Especial de la ONU sobre el Racismo.

Se consider que la reunin haba sido muy exitosa.

Despus de las deliberaciones, los miembros de las delegaciones de Aruba, Curacao y Sint Maarten junto con los miembros del Parlamento de Sint Maarten que estaban presentes como observadores, posaron para una fotografa grupal.

Las Consultas Interparlamentarias del Reino (IPKO) comenzarn el mircoles 4 de mayo del 2022; a las 10:05a.m. Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 May 2022 11:37 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Sint Maartens Carnival Festival Village on Pond Island has been renamed, the Jocelyn Arndell Festival Village, after the person who contributed significantly to the identity, development, and progression of Sint Maartens culture.

On Tuesday evening May 3rd, 2022, during a ceremonial launch, the unveiling of the Jocelyn Arndell Festival Village sign took place at the entrance of the Festival Village.

The event which was hosted by the Honorable Minister of VROMI Mr. Egbert Jurendy Doran, also saw in attendance His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, Drs Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
02 May 2022 11:37 PM

Grisha Suggests Charge On IntL. Credit Card Sales, Enviro Head Tax, Sin Tax

UP MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

PHILIPSBURG--The introduction of charge on international credit card sales, securing revenues from Air BnB and Vacation Rentals by Owners (VRBO), an environmental head tax and a sin tax on alcohol, tobacco and gambling are amongst a package of recommendations United Peoples (UP) party Member of Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
02 May 2022 11:30 PM

Gobierno Observar El Da De La Memoria Nacional El Mircoles

GREAT BAY, Sint Maarten (DCOMM) El mircoles 4 de mayo, el Gobierno de Sint Maarten reconocer el Da Nacional de la Conmemoracin (Dodenherdenkingsdag) similar a los otros pases dentro del Reino Holands.

Durante este Da Nacional de Conmemoracin, todas las vctimas neerlandesas (civiles y soldados) que han muerto o han sido asesinadas en el Reino de los Pases Bajos o en cualquier otro lugar del mundo en situaciones de guerra o durante operaciones de mantenimiento de la paz desde el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial son conmemorado.

Entre 1940 y 1945 murieron ms de 260.000 vctimas en el Reino de los Pases Bajos, entre las cuales hasta 160 antillanos (se van descubriendo ms nombres nuevos) Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 May 2022 07:41 PM

Government To Observe National Remembrance Day On Wednesday

PHILIPSBURG (DCOMM):--- On Wednesday, May 4, the Government of Sint Maarten will recognize National Remembrance Day, (Dodenherdenkingsdag) similar to the other countries within the Dutch Kingdom.

During this National Commemoration Day, all Dutch victims civilians and soldiers who have been killed or murdered in the Kingdom of the Netherlands or anywhere else in the world in war situations or during peace-keeping operations since the outbreak of the Second World War are commemorated Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
29 Apr 2022 07:23 PM

Gumbs, Peterson: La Presidente Del Parlamento No Habla Por La Pfp

~ La carta al primer ministro es una clase magistral de falta de tacto ~

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – Los miembros del parlamento (MP) del Partido para el Progreso (PFP) Melissa Gumbs y Raeyhon Peterson se distanciaron a s mismos y a su faccin de las declaraciones hechas por la presidenta del parlamento Grisha Heyliger-Marten en una carta reciente a la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs.

Gumbs expres su frustracin por el uso indebido continuo del cargo de la presidenta del parlamento y agreg que las cartas enviadas por la presidenta del parlamento dan la impresin de que las palabras y los sentimientos son en nombre de todo el parlamento de Sint Maarten.

La presidenta del parlamento est tratando de protegerse actuando como si solo estuviera enviando la carta en su calidad de parlamentaria solitaria, coment Gumbs, sin embargo, al igual que cuando el expresidente del parlamento Brison cometi un error en su carta al Central Bank, este es nuevamente un ejemplo de no reconocer que, cuando usted es presidente del Parlamento, sus palabras reflejan y, a menudo, dan la impresin de ser representantes de todo el Parlamento.

Adems, en partes de la carta de Heyliger-Marten, la propia redaccin da la impresin de un Parlamento unificado detrs de su presidente Read more

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Source: 721 News
29 Apr 2022 04:08 AM

Gumbs, Peterson: President Of Parliament Does Not Speak For Pfp

~ Letter to Prime Minister is a masterclass in being tactless ~

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — Party for Progress (PFP) Members of Parliament (MPs) Melissa Gumbs and Raeyhon Peterson on Wednesday, April 28, 2022, distanced themselves and their faction from the statements made by President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten in a recent letter to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs.

Gumbs expressed her frustration with the continued misuse of the position of the President of Parliament, adding that letters sent by the President of Parliament give the impression that the words and sentiments are on behalf of the entire Sint Maarten Parliament.
The President of Parliament is trying to shield herself by acting as if she is only sending the letter in her capacity as a lone MP, Gumbs commented, However, much like when former President of Parliament Brison blundered in his letter to the Central Bank, this is again an instance of not recognizing that, when you are the President of Parliament, your words reflect and often give the impression of being representative of the entire Parliament.

Moreover, in parts of Heyliger-Martens letter, the wording itself gives the impression of a unified Parliament standing behind its President Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
25 Apr 2022 10:14 AM

Grisha Convinced Parliament Cannot, Should Not Support Draft Coho Law

Chairperson of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

PHILIPSBURG--Chairperson of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten is convinced the draft Consensus Kingdom Law on the Caribbean Body for Reform and Development COHO cannot and should not be supported by the Parliament of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Apr 2022 06:47 PM

Heyliger-Marten Inspirada Y Animada Por Las Expresiones De Apoyo En Eurolat

~Las reuniones en Argentina abrieron muchas puertas para Sint Maarten a nivel internacional~
PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Justo despus de haber representado a Sint Maarten en el Taller Internacional de Acadmicos y Parlamentarios en la Patagonia, Argentina, la Presidenta del Parlamento Grisha Heyliger-Marten asisti a las sesiones plenarias de la Asamblea General de EUROLAT en Buenos Aires.

EUROLAT es una asamblea parlamentaria multilateral, compuesta por 75 miembros de los parlamentos regionales de Amrica Latina y el Caribe, y 75 miembros del Parlamento Europeo.

Durante las sesiones se toman decisiones formales sobre cuestiones operativas, incluyendo los nombramientos, la aprobacin del presupuesto y la adecuacin de las resoluciones Read more

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Source: 721 News
20 Apr 2022 08:17 AM

Heyliger-Marten Inspired And Encouraged By Expressions Of Support At Eurolat

~Meetings in Argentina opened many doors for Sint Maarten on international level~

PHILIPSBURG Right after having represented Sint Maarten at the International Workshop of Scholars and Parliamentarians in Patagonia, Argentina, President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten attended the EUROLAT General Assembly plenary sessions in Buenos Aires.

The EUROLAT is a multilateral parliamentary assembly, consisting of 75 members from Latin-American and Caribbean regional parliaments, and 75 members of the European Parliament.

During the sessions, formal decisions are taken on operational matters including appointments, the approval of the budget, and the adaptation of resolutions Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Apr 2022 08:37 PM

~Meetings in Argentina opened many doors for Sint Maarten on an international level~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Right after having represented Sint Maarten at the International Workshop of Scholars and Parliamentarians in Patagonia, Argentina, President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten attended the EUROLAT General Assembly plenary sessions in Buenos Aires.

The EUROLAT is a multilateral parliamentary assembly, consisting of 75 members from Latin-American and Caribbean regional parliaments, and 75 members of the European Parliament.

During the sessions, formal decisions are taken on operational matters including appointments, the approval of the budget, and the adaptation of resolutions Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Apr 2022 05:18 PM

~President elect acted emotionally when he was declared President of the COM, Gibbs presented a list to form the executive council.~

MARIGOT:---Leader of the Rassemblement Saint Martin and Alternative Loui Mussington that merged for the March 27th, 2022 run-off territorial election was elected unanimously as the President of the Collectivity of Saint Martin on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 at the installation (swearing-in) ceremony.

When the announcement was made that all twenty-three members of the incoming council voted in favor of Mussington as the President-elect he reacted emotionally as he did not expect the opposition members of the council to support him as the newly elected president of the council Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 03:26 PM

Minister Lawrence Does Not Have Special Mandate.

~Information can be shared in closed-door meetings to avoid liabilities.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence told the parliament of St. Maarten that he does not have a special mandate when it comes to the government-owned company Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE). The Minister said that the shareholder decided that he would be attending parliament to respond to questions posed by parliament and to also handle the dismissal of the Chief Operations Officer Michel Hyman, while he would keep the shareholder updated Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 11:49 AM

No Information Provided To Parliament Regarding The Dismissal Of PjiaeS Coo.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Council of Ministers and Minister of TEATT did not expect the dismissal of the Chief Operating Officer of PJIAE  Michel Hyman since the shareholder requested information from the Holding Board of PJIAE. Due to the sensitivity of the case and possible court cases, the Minister told the parliament of St. Maarten he is unable to share detailed information.

Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence told the Parliament of St. Maarten that documentation regarding the dismissal of Michel Hyman Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Apr 2022 10:32 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament Christopher Emmanuel expressed disappointment with the Minister of TEATT Roger Lawrence.
Emmanuel said that in December 2021 and January 2022 he posed several questions to the Minister regarding the Princess Juliana International Airport (PJIAE) and he also reminded the Minister in February 2022.
Emmanuel said that only this morning moments before the parliamentary meeting begins he received the answers from the Minister Read more

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Source: 721 News
23 Mar 2022 07:57 AM

Heyliger-Marten Reiterates Need For Soab Audit Documents On Telem

“Urgent letter of complaint sent by SMCU”

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Concerns over several yet to be addressed issues at St. Maarten’s flagship telephone Company TELEM between staff and management, still have the attention of President of Parliament the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, who has sent a second request to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs reminding her of the September 29, 2021 request for the SOAB Audit documents of TELEM.

Since the first wave of complaints reached Parliament, Member of Parliament for the United People’s Party MP Heyliger-Marten took notice of the employees’ concerns and insisted that Government provide information.

On Tuesday the Court of First Instance in St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Mar 2022 08:04 PM

Heyliger-Marten Reitera La Necesidad De Documentos De Auditora Soab En Telem

“Carta urgente de denuncia enviada por SMCU”

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Las preocupaciones sobre varios problemas que an no se han abordado en TELEM, la compaa telefnica de St. Maarten, entre el personal y la gerencia, an tienen la atencin de la Presidenta del Parlamento, la Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, quien envi una segunda solicitud a la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs para recordarle de la solicitud del 29 de septiembre de 2021 de los documentos de Auditora SOAB de TELEM.

Desde que la primera oleada de quejas lleg al Parlamento, la parlamentaria del Partido Popular Unido, la diputada Heyliger-Marten, tom nota de las preocupaciones de los empleados e insisti en que el Gobierno proporcionara informacin.

El martes, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia de St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Mar 2022 07:53 PM

~Urgent letter of complaint sent by SMCU~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Concerns over several yet to be addressed issues at St. Maarten's flagship telephone Company TELEM between staff and management, still have the attention of President of Parliament the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, who has sent a second request to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs reminding her of the September 29, 2021 request for the SOAB Audit documents of TELEM.

Since the first wave of complaints reached Parliament, Member of Parliament for the United People's Party MP Heyliger-Marten took notice of the employees' concerns and insisted that Government provide information.

On Tuesday the Court of First Instance in St Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Mar 2022 05:20 AM

Mp Heyliger-Marten Calls Michel HymanS Dismissal Unceremonious And Unacceptable

PHILIPSBURG “It is unceremonious and unacceptable that Michel Hyman’s 28-years of service to the Airport and Country was erased in only three days without proper investigation,” stated an utterly displeased Member of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, in a press release issued Sunday.

She has dispatched a letter to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT) Roger Lawrence requesting them to attend a Public Meeting of Parliament on March 28 at 2:00 PM at which point she expects answers for the questions that the people of St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
21 Mar 2022 12:51 AM

La Parlamentaria Heyliger-Marten Califica El Despido De Michel Hyman De Poco Ceremonioso E Inaceptable

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten “Es poco ceremonioso e inaceptable que los 28 aos de servicio de Michel Hyman en el aeropuerto y el pas se hayan borrado en solo tres das sin una investigacin adecuada”, declar disgustada la miembro del Parlamento, la Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, en un comunicado de prensa emitido el domingo.

Ha enviado una carta a la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs y al Ministro de Turismo, Asuntos Econmicos, Transporte y Telecomunicaciones (TEATT) Roger Lawrence solicitndoles que asistan a una Reunin Pblica del Parlamento el 28 de marzo a las 2:00 p Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Mar 2022 12:17 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- "It is unceremonious and unacceptable that Michel Hyman's 28-years of service to the Airport and Country was erased in only three days without proper investigation," stated an utterly displeased Member of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger-Marten, in a press release issued Sunday.
She has dispatched a letter to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs and Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (TEATT) Roger Lawrence requesting them to attend a Public Meeting of Parliament on March 28 at 2:00 PM at which point she expects answers for the questions that the people of St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Mar 2022 11:47 PM

Grisha Requests Lawrence, Pm To Give Answers On Airport In Public Meeting

MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

~ Calls Hymans dismissal unacceptable ~

PHILIPSBURG--It is unceremonious and unacceptable that Michel Hymans 28 years of service to the airport and country was erased in only three days without proper investigation, says an utterly displeased United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP Read more

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