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Johnson Reacts To Faults False Claims.

Source: SMN-News 08 Aug 2023 11:32 AM

~ InterSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl protocols discussed ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- "I am truly surprised by the recent public remarks made by a member of the Teaching fraternity of St.Maarten. Even more surprising is these remarks are from an educatioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl assistant, Ms. GleNDa Mussen who also is the General Secretary of WITU," said NDidate' href='/newspolitician/556/stuart-johnson'>Stuart Johnson President of the WiNDward IslaNDs Teachers Union (WITU).

It is unfortuSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAte that Ms. Mussens emotions ran so high that it cloUDed her jUDgment.

Ms. Mussen's concern was her transfer aND the late notice THEREOF. The WITU advised a course of action which wasn't followed," Johnson stated.

In the heat of the moment, false insinuations aND statements were made about me.

The WITU board in its meeting ON MONDAY afternoon, discussed the corrective measures for board members who should hold a higher code of ProfessioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl work ethics.

Though the board of WITU chose to deal with the matter interSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAlly it would be remiss of me not to point out the following:

1. Johnson addressing the remark made of the next WITU board election or an early board election stated, "Calling the next election within two years was an ageNDa point I raised, months ago. However, uSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAnimously, because of the exceptioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl performance, the board of WITU, based on the ConstitutioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl provision exteNDed this board's term from two years to its maximum of three years.

2. There have been no interventions at the school whatsoever, I am School MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAger of, by the Minister of Education or Division Public Education (SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DPE) as it pertains to my role or any conflicts thereof. Perhaps, we could declassify my professioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl record to see my performance track record.

3. AdditioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAlly, not one single complaint against me neither from a staff member, parent, or otherwise can be fouND within that file." Johnson added.

4. "There is no conflict of interest as I have made clear my stance on this matter prior to my tenure aND during WITU board meetinSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS," Johnson stated.

5. Johnson explained, "If a member of staff needed WITU's sUPPort I iNDicated even before the start of my tenure the Vice-President aND the board will do whatever is necessary."

6. As it pertains to my school of thought as WITU President I have made clear that, "As a union discussions or negotiations must be from a position of strength. WITU will not interfere in mediocracy or dramatic behavior."

7. Prior to my tenure my predecessor had several meetinSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS with SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DPE aND other stakeholders. The difference now it seems that I am EXCLUDED from discussions with SPArty/21/democratic-party'>DPE in my capacity as WITU President."

8. He added, "That reality is truly unfortuSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAte as I have called on the relevant stakeholders to reconsider as I believe healthy discussions aND a proactive approach in addressing matters regarding staff in public schools is of paramount importance."

"If I took a leave of Absence aND am still being paid by the Government of St. Maarten how does that remove any bias? How did that work out in the past?" questioned Johnson.

9. "WITU uNDer my tenure will be run professioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAlly ensuring our members are duly informed aND represented properly. Running to a school or a meeting without sufficient information or following the due process, is not the order of the day, uNDer my tenure," Johnson conclUDed.

Stuart Johnson mentioned 1 time

General Solidaire [GS] mentioned 2 times
Democratic Party [DP] mentioned 3 times
National Alliance [NA] mentioned 19 times
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United Democrates 2018 [UD] mentioned 4 times Corner Stone Solutions NV