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Minister Samuel Extends Heartfelt Condolences On The Passing Of Roberto Celestino Arrindell

Source: SMN-News 10 Aug 2023 08:40 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister of Education, Culture, Youth, aND Sport, drs. NDidate' href='/newspolitician/532/rodolphe-samuel'>Rodolphe Samuel exteNDs heartfelt coNDolences to the community of St. Maarten, frieNDs, aND family of the late Roberto Celestino ArriNDell.

It is safe to say that the community of Sint Maarten has lost a community advocate, educator, aND cultural icon that exemplifies what it means to be a true St. Maarten patriot. Mr. Roberto Celestino ArriNDell's immense contribution to his country will not go unnoticed, as it SPAnned multi-sectors aND affected numerous iNDividuals across generations, said Minister Samuel.

Within the sectors of education aND culture, Mr. ArriNDell worked as a passioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAte educator aND in his persoSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl time pursued his talents as an artist, poet aND painter.

In the Education Sector, Mr. ArriNDell served in the capacity of teacher, lecturer, aND School MaSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAger at various educatioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl institutions at the secoNDary aND tertiary levels. At the pinSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAcle of his career, he ultimately served as a school board representative for the FAVE Board regarding the development aND implementation of education policy with the Ministry of ECYS. As a Math Teacher Mr. Roberto Celestino ArriNDell is known to have taken his time to tutor many stUDents that were struggling with the subject.

Mr. Roberto Celestino ArriNDell was passioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAte about education aND contributed towards the development of Sint Maartens most important resource, its people. With his boisterous, at times larger than life persoSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAlity, Mr. ArriNDell exUDed confidence in all his uNDertakinSPArty/9/general-solidaire'>GS. Through his life aND his voice, he used education to transform the lives of many generations. We recognize aND celebrate Mr. ArriNDells contribution in the field of education aND are saddened by his untimely passing. stated Sidonia Hodge-Lacorbiniere, Head of the Department of Education.

Within the Cultural INDustry no one can doubt his commitment aND dedication in upholding the legacy aND cultural traditions of St. Maarten. His contributions run the gamut from poetry, painting aND acting, particularly with the Cole Bay Theater Company. His well-known poem, Come, come, let we go back to the good old days was a poem that kept the listener enthralled as he retold stories of the yester years of St. Maarten of cultural icons that help build the SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtion.

Recently, Mr. ArriNDell served as a member of the selection committee of the first Sage Cultural Awards 2022 hosted by the Department of Culture. Robertos booming voice aND advocacy for iNDividuals that are not so popular but have made tremeNDous cultural contributions to their community was very much documented within the selection committee, he will be truly missed by all, said Clara Reyes Department Head of Culture.

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