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Nysette Gomes Awarded 2023 President Of Parliament Award.

Source: SMN-News 13 Sep 2023 08:10 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- During the reception on the occasion of the new Parliamentary Year, a youth is awarded the President of Parliament Award for exemplary behavior, leadership skills as well aND contribution to the community.
This year, the Hon. President of Parliament, Mr. NDidate' href='/newspolitician/547/sidharth-bijlani'>Sidharth Bijlani, presented Ms. Nysette Gomes with the President of Parliament Award 2023.

Ms. Gomes received this recognition for her outstaNDing academic achievements, exceptioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl leadership skills despite her young age; her ability to effectively communicate, collaborate, aND inspire others; aND her commitment to promoting parliamentary democracy, advocating for tranSPArency, aND fostering positive change within our community.

During 2022 2023, Ms. Gomes graduated with honors in culture aND economy aND emerged as a top stUDent in VWO 6 at Milton Peters College (MPC). She participated actively as a member of the MPC debate team aND was one of the top 5 debaters in the schools debate club. She was also MPCs first speaker during the interscholastic debate competition hosted by the Sint Maarten Youth Parliament. Ms. Nysette Gomess exemplary behavior exteNDs beyoND the school walls as she has been actively involved in various community projects organized by service clubs on the islaND. She served as a jUDge for interscholastic spoken word aND participated in the Leeward IslaND Debate Competition as a member of the SPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtioSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAl Debate Team. In her SPAre time, Ms. Gomes was also actively involved in other extracurricular activities such as sports aND artwork.

Due to the fact that she is currently stUDying abroad, Ms. Gomes could not be present to receive her award. Her mother, Ms. Lisette Carty, was present at the reception to receive the award on her behalf. The nomiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAtion application was submitted by Mr. Ahmad Gumbs, who was also present at the reception to witness the ceremony.
In her acceptance speech via a video recording, Ms. Nysette Gomes expressed her passion for letting the voice of the youth be heard. She mentioned that it is for this reason that she has made it her mission to be an example, aND a helping haND to youths who are looking to be a change. Her desire is to be a part of a bigger discussion concerning her country aND the world. Ms. Gomes also expressed her gratitUDe for being nomiSPArty/23/national-alliance'>NAted for this award aND HOPEs to see more efforts to help the youths blossom.

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