Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


national alliance [na]

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Source: SXMIslandTime
02 Oct 2016 11:38 PM

Robert Budike, Number 18 On The National Alliance To Extend His Gratitude

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Robert Budike, Number 18 on the National Alliance Slate would like to extend his gratitude for the 39 persons who casted their votes on him in the last elections and also for the moral support he received from everyone.

It was his first time running on a political slate and it was a humbling, but very exciting experience for him and he got to learn the society better.

He definitely supports this coalition government and he foresees great things happening for the people of this beautiful island as both parties agreed to do away with their differences and to work very hard for everyone Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
30 Sep 2016 05:49 AM

Coalition Ministers All To Come From Up, Na Slates

PHILIPSBURG--While two of the seven ministers for the incoming United People’s (UP) party and National Alliance (NA) coalition Government are already known, all of the other five will come from the two parties’ slates of candidates in the September 26 election.

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Source: SMN-News
29 Sep 2016 05:19 PM

Ministers already resigned from their positions --- PM Marlin.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The leader of the National Alliance William Marlin and their members along with the leader of the United Peoples Party Theodore Heyliger along with his members told members of the media on Thursday that they will do everything in their power to maintain a stable government that will last for the next four years.
The leader of the National Alliance and Prime Minister William Marlin went back in time and explained that in 2010 the National Alliance obtained 7 seats but was left out of government while in 2014 they only mustered four seats and was also not part of a government Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
28 Sep 2016 05:51 AM

Sarah Wishes Na And Up ‘Wisdom’ In Negotiations

PHILIPSBURG--Democratic Party (DP) leader Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams has wished National Alliance Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
28 Sep 2016 05:45 AM

Na, Up Join Forces For 10-Seat Coalition

RICE HILL--They were bitter rivals on the campaign trail, but now the National Alliance (NA) and the United People’s (UP) party have signed an agreement to work together as the next Government of St. Maarten. That Government will have the support of 10 seats in Parliament.

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Source: The Daily Herald
28 Sep 2016 05:37 AM

Christophe: No Truth To Talk About His Going Independent

PHILIPSBURG--The morning after the election the country woke to news that the National Alliance (NA) and the United People’s (UP) party, both with five seats in the incoming Parliament, had formed a coalition.

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Source: SXMIslandTime
27 Sep 2016 10:43 PM

Smcp Thanks Voters And Requests A Recount

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten – The St. Maarten Christian Party (SMCP) wishes to thank the general public and particularly our 856 voters for your support and confidence in us during the 2016 Parliamentary Elections.

As a new party, we believe that we conducted a clean and transparent campaign that was focused on educating the electorate, demonstrating a zero tolerance towards vote buying and challenging our Parliamentarians to offer good representation to the People.

Preliminary results from the Main Voting Bureau indicate that we were 116 votes short of gaining a seat in Parliament Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Sep 2016 12:06 PM

Parties, Candidates Raise Issue With 200M Rule

PHILIPSBURG – Some parties and candidates have an issue with the supposed change of rule that allowed political parties and candidates to visit the polling station to campaign on Election Day.

Prime Minister William Marlin raised alarm about some political parties not adhering to the rules of polling day, which prohibit candidates or supporters to approach a polling station within 200m to campaign.

Speaking just after casting his ballot at the Milton Peters College (MPC), the Prime Minister suggested that the UP Party had persons at all the polling stations, even at the door.

“Congregating at the poll is actually not allowed even though my understanding is that particularly the UP Party has had several of their supporters in Middle Region even in front of the door of the polling station Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
27 Sep 2016 10:01 AM

Up 5, Na 5, Usp 3, Dp 2

~ Six ‘new’ Parliamentarians ~

PHILIPSBURG--The United People’s (UP) party captured the most votes, but National Alliance (NA) and United St. Maarten Party (US Party) can be considered the winners, as they each picked up an additional seat, while the Democratic Party (DP) remained constant with its two seats after Monday’s Parliamentary election Read more

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Source: SMN-News
27 Sep 2016 08:26 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The two political parties that got five seats each in parliament did not waste any time in forming a government. The leaders and deputy leaders of the two parties namely William Marlin and Silveria Jacobs from the National Alliance along with Theodore Heyliger and Franklin Meyers from the United Peoples Party signed a coalition agreement shortly after the results were announced.
Up to early Tuesday morning neither of the party leaders could be reached for a comment but SMN News managed to obtain a photograph of the four political leaders and deputy leaders holding up the signed documents. Sources told SMN News that Marlin announced the news in a Whatsapp chat to all his party members and promised to explain them the reasons for his decision in a meeting later today at 1pm Read more

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Source: SMN-News
27 Sep 2016 05:15 AM

Another Coalition Government For St. Maarten --- Stability Not Guaranteed With New Elections.

Alleged vote buying rampant on Monday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The early elections called by the Governor St. Maarten, when it was requested by former Prime Minister Marcel Gumbs, did not change anything for St. Maarten, instead it opens the door for more instability. Another very unfortunate situation the election called on September 26th created was vote buying by at least one particular political party who also even refused to comply with the laws laid down by the Minister of Justice Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
27 Sep 2016 03:54 AM

Up And Na Top Parliamentary Electoral Count Tuesday {Updated Results Inside}

PHILIPSBURG, St. Maarten - Residents of the island went to the polls on Monday to elect some 15 persons to the House of Assembly.

Out of a total of 22, 302, some 13, 068 persons made use of the opportunity to cast their votes at the island’s 20 polling stations.

However, there were 373 invalid votes. Nine political parties were vying for seats in the Parliament of St. Maarten. Up to after 3 am this morning, the votes were still being tallied at the Main Voting Bureau, which was located at the House of Parliament Read more

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Source: 721 News
27 Sep 2016 12:17 AM

Voting Is Showing Politicians Their ‘Report Card,’ Says Residents

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Voters in today’s election say they are deciding to hold their leaders accountable by going to the polls. More than 20,000 people could cast the vote in Monday’s parliamentary election, the second in two years.

For resident Jefferson George, voting today meant exercising his right and guaranteeing himself a say in how the island is run.

“Now that I vote I can have a say, I can complain. If I didn’t vote, I would just have to accept what they give,” George told

He was among the trickle of voters trooping into the Raoul Illidge Sports Complex in Cay Hill after 1:00pm Read more

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Source: SMN-News
26 Sep 2016 01:29 PM

Voters Turn Out Low During Morning Hours, Most Polling Stations Empty.

UPP political pundits refused to respect the MB that states that political supporters must stay at least 200 meters away from all polling stations.

PHILIPSBURG:--- It appears as though the polling stations will have to work long hours this evening if the current trend continues, since most of the polling stations had a low turn out up to midday on Election Day September 26th.
Most of the polling stations SMN News reporter visited had hardly anyone in line except for Dutch Quarter Community Center and at John Larmonie Center where UPP candidate Claret Conner had his supporters inside and outside of the polling station where Conner went to cast his vote.
At the Middle Region polling station two police patrol vehicles had to be called to the scene to remove a group of youngsters that were wooing voters to vote of the UPP Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
26 Sep 2016 05:55 AM

It’S Election Day

By Alita Singh

PHILIPSBURG--The fate of the country of St. Maarten, just two weeks shy of its sixth birthday, and its 59,800 plus residents from more than 115 countries lies in the hands of 22,302 people. Those voters, privileged by birth or naturalisation with the Dutch nationality, head to the polls today, Election Day, to cast their ballots for one of the 125 candidates across the slates of nine political parties.

The number of eligible voters may change this morning when the Court of First Instance hands down its decisions on several petitions filed by people with Dutch nationality who registered in the Civil Registry after the Voters Register was closed on June 11 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
26 Sep 2016 02:35 AM

William: Na Delivers, Seeking 8-10 Seats To Continue Accomplishing

CUL DE SAC--Outlining some of the accomplishments the National Alliance (NA)-led government has delivered in its short nine months in office, NA Leader Member of Parliament (MP) William Marlin on Saturday called on the electorate to give the party eight to ten seats, so that it can continue accomplishing for the people of the country Read more

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Source: SMN-News
23 Sep 2016 05:29 PM

The Grand Finale- Bigger And Better with an All-Star Panel.

Concordia:---- Recent guests on Fresh with the Y2X Crew, Jennifer Richardson da Silva of NA, May- Ling Chun of UP, Marinka Gumbs of DP, Angelina Williams of PPA, Anna Rabess-Richardson of USP, Mulrose Toulon of the St Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
22 Sep 2016 10:33 PM

Clean Debate Dominated Academy's ‘Generation Hope’ Panel Discussion

CUL DE SAC, St. Maarten  - How will they reduce the brain-drain on St. Maarten, what plans or programs will they put in place to reduce crime among the youth on the island, and how can they diversify the economy instead of us relying on tourism as the major economic activity, were just some of the questions posed during Tuesday's panel discussion by students of several high schools to representatives of the nine political parties contesting the September 26 parliamentary elections.

The event, which was sponsored by St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Sep 2016 08:22 PM

Cul de Sac:--- How will they reduce the brain-drain on St. Maarten, what plans or programs will they put in place to reduce crime among the youth on the island, and how can they diversify the economy instead of us relying on tourism as the major economic activity, were just some of the questions posed during Tuesday's panel discussion by students of several high schools to representatives of the nine political parties contesting the September 26 parliamentary elections.

The event, which was sponsored by St Read more

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Source: 721 News
21 Sep 2016 08:55 PM

Y2x Crew: This Week Is All About Girl Power

CONCORDIA – Recent guests on Fresh with the Y2X Crew, Member of Parliament (MP) Cornelius de Weever, René Violenus of the National Alliance (NA), Joslyn Richardson of One St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Sep 2016 01:42 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---Minister of Finance Richard Gibson Sr announced on Wednesday at the Council of Minister's press briefing that he made a promise when he first took office almost nine months ago and he can now report that the promise he made when he reported to parliament is a promise he kept. Gibson said that when he reported to parliament regarding the legislation the former government had prepared to increase the number plate fees, he told parliament that he would scrap that legislation and go after the casinos so that they could pay their dues, instead of shifting the burden on the entire population.
The finance Minister said an agreement was signed on Tuesday with the Receivers office Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
19 Sep 2016 12:21 AM

Academy Hosts ‘Generation Hope’ Panel Discussion

CUL DE SAC, St. Maarten - St. Maarten Academy’s academic campus has taken the initiative to host a panel discussion with the representatives of the various political parties and high school students in the run-up to Parliamentary Elections.

The event, which takes place on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 under the theme, "Generation Hope; Our Future Leaders", will see an interactive discussion among the party representatives and students from the host school, Charlotte Brookson Academy, MAC Comprehensive High School, St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Sep 2016 08:07 PM

Political Parties mostly involved in the peaceful protest at the groundbreaking site.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The chairman of New Lifetown Shuqiang Cui aka Trey called on the less than 50 persons that showed up at the Belair Beach where the groundbreaking ceremony for the Pearl Caribbean China was taking place Saturday afternoon to put their hands together and join them as they seek to develop St. Maarten and its economy with the Pearl Caribbean China Resort that will be constructed in Belair.
At Belair beach the protestors with no more than 50 persons bearing placards included the leader of the St Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
14 Sep 2016 05:18 AM

Update: Frans: Na Manifesto Contradicts Gibson’S Stance On Indirect Tax

PHILIPSBURG--The National Alliance (NA) Manifesto and the stand of its Finance Minister Richard Gibson Sr. contradicts each other on tax reform, said United St. Maarten Party (Read more

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