Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


united people's party [upp]

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Source: SMN-News
22 Dec 2017 10:44 PM

HARBOUR VIEW:--- On December 22, 2017, the Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday, requested the fraction leader of the Democratic Party, Mrs. Sarah Wescot-Williams, to finalize the formation of an interim government as formateur.
After Mr Read more

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Source: SMN-News
24 Nov 2017 05:39 PM

~ Bringing the DP stalwarts back together ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The United Peoples Party headed by Theodore Heyliger and Democratic Party headed by Sarah Wescot Williams have decided to merge the two political parties to contest the February 2018 snap elections.
Stuart Johnson who is representing the United People’s Party submitted the credentials of the new political party “United Democratic Party (UDP) to the Electoral Council on Thursday for vetting.
SMN News has learned that the main reason the leaders of the two political parties came together was to bring the former members and stalwarts of the Democratic Party back together on one slate since the Democratic Party has been losing votes these past years while the UPP could not muster enough votes on its own to win an election outright Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Nov 2017 04:07 PM

HARBOUR VIEW:--- On Friday, November 17, 2017, His Excellency the Governor of Sint Maarten, drs. E.B. Holiday, met with and received an update from formateur Mr. Franklin Meyer as a follow-up to the formation assignment of November 7, 2017.
During the meeting, the formateur updated the Governor on the progress of matters related to the formation of the interim government. The formation of the interim government is supported by a coalition consisting of the United Peoples Party, the Democratic Party and Member of Parliament C.E Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Nov 2017 09:44 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The board of the United People’s Party (UP) has condemned the call by the Prime Minister and Leader of the National Alliance, William Marlin, to call an election on January 8th, 2018.
“An election now on St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 Nov 2017 05:29 PM

HARBOUR VIEW:--- On November 7, 2017, the Governor of Sint Maarten, His Excellency drs. E.B. Holiday, requested the fraction leader of the United Peoples Party, Mr. Franklin Meyers, to form an interim government as formateur.
The Governor held consultations between November 3 and 6, 2017 with the leaders of the political parties that hold seats in Parliament, (the United Peoples Party, the National Alliance, the United St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Nov 2017 10:36 PM

~ Postulation Day November 13th ~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Governor of St. Maarten drs Eugene Holiday signed off the decree for elections to be held on Monday, January 8th, 2018 while postulation day will be on Monday, November 13th, 2017. The Parliament of St. Maarten will be dissolved on January 31st, 2018.
The people of St. Maarten have to go through yet another election because Member of Parliament Chanel Brownbill chose to jump ship and signed an agreement with the United Peoples Party and the Democratic Party Read more

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Source: SMN-News
15 May 2017 08:36 PM

Parliament calls Chief Prosecutor Ton Maan and Minister of Justice Rafael Boasman.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Minister of Justice Rafael Boasman and Chief Prosecutor Ton Maan are now in the hot seat as the Public Prosecutor’s Office intends to play judge and jury with the formation of the Assets Recovery Team.
Even though former Minister of Justice Edison Kirindongo got the Council of Ministers to approve the implementation of the team, the same factions that formed that government, when the Council of Ministers signed off on the advice of the Prosecutor's Office, have teamed up with the United Peoples Party to call for an urgent meeting of Parliament, whereby current Minister of Justice Rafael Boasman and the Chief Prosecutor of St Read more

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Source: 721 News
26 Apr 2017 09:59 PM

Upp Faction Forfeits Opportunity To Represent The People

The Central Committee of Parliament made history last week when it scheduled ample time to discuss the 2016-2020 Governing Program “Solidarity for Prosperity.” As far as I can recall, this is the first time that Parliament planned so many meetings to handle a governing program. The only other topic for which so many meetings are scheduled by Parliament is the country’s budget. I am a strong believer that these two go hand in hand and we should expect to see the priorities and projects listed in the governing program also reflected in all future budgets presented.

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA), comprised of the USP, DP and NA factions, also ought to be commended for their display of unity during the opening presentation Read more

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Source: SMN-News
20 Apr 2017 04:26 PM

Upp Members Of Parliament Boycotted Central Committee Meeting On Thursday.

Minister Boasman says Opposition had no questions since Governing Program well put together.

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Members of Parliament representing the opposition in parliament from the United Peoples Party (UPP) boycotted the Central Committee meeting on Thursday. MP Claret Connor showed up, signed in but left before the meeting convened.
Members of Parliament from the coalition spoke out against the absenteeism stating that this is the time the opposition has to use to question government.
However, Minister Rafael Boasman was optimistic in his statements Read more

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Source: 721 News
08 Mar 2017 09:57 PM

Parliament’S Right To Question Government

One of Parliament’s roles is to supervise the functioning of government. And one of its tools to carry out this supervisory function is the right to ask questions as laid down in article 62 of the Constitution.

This entails parliamentarians submitting their queries in writing to the government via the President of Parliament. Article 63 of the Constitution mentions that a Member of Parliament may also invite the ministers to provide information. Article 62 of the Rules of Order of Parliament states that this invitation will be considered by the President of Parliament, if it is supported by at least one other member of parliament Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 Mar 2017 04:56 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- One of Parliament’s roles is to supervise the functioning of government. And one of its tools to carry out this supervisory function is the right to ask questions as laid down in article 62 of the Constitution. This entails parliamentarians submitting their queries in writing to the government via the President of Parliament. Article 63 of the Constitution mentions that a Member of Parliament may also invite the ministers to provide information. Article 62 of the Rules of Order of Parliament states that this invitation will be considered by the President of Parliament if it is supported by at least one other member of parliament Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Feb 2017 04:43 PM

Party Leader says he has no issues with the current coalition and that they are not going anywhere.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the United Peoples Party (USP) Frans Richardson and members of the board expressed their sentiments on the screening process now that it has become public knowledge that their candidate for the Ministry of TEATT failed the screening process Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Feb 2017 10:42 AM

Coalition Government seems to be in shambles --- unconfirmed reports

PHILIPSBURG:--- The USP candidate Minister Cecil Nicolas has failed the screening process SMN News understands. Reliable sources within the current coalition said that USP leader Frans Richardson was informed of the screening results on Wednesday Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Dec 2016 08:25 PM

Motion Tabled To Aid In Avoidance Of Criminal Prosecution For Back Taxes

PHILIPSBURG--Government has been called on, via a yet-to-be voted on motion from Parliament, to initiate a public campaign to inform the population of the possibilities it has to make use of the tax facilities provided by General Ordinance on Taxes, such as the voluntary disclosure scheme (“Inkeerregeling” in Dutch) on how to avoid criminal prosecution under law.

  The motion also calls on Government to allow for a longer period to pay taxes owed and adjust its collection policy accordingly.

  Finance Minister Richard Gibson Sr Read more

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