Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


united democrates 2018 [ud]

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Source: SMN-News
10 May 2023 04:41 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The winning trio of the recently held NAGICO Senior Calypso Competition paid a courtesy visit to the Head Office of NAGICO Insurances on Monday, to collect their prizes and to personally thank the Headline Sponsors for supporting the art of Calypso for over 30 years.
Eric Ellis, Territory Head applauded the Calypsonians for putting on an entertaining and successful show Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 May 2023 04:34 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Ms. Silveria Jacobs will be attending the Caribbean Climate and Energy Conference (CCEC) in Aruba this week. With the hosting of this conference, by Aruba and the Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Netherlands hopes to work towards more awareness for climate action in small island states within the Caribbean.

Previous discussions were held between Prime Minister Jacobs and Minister Jetten regarding opportunities for Sint Maarten internationally, and within the Kingdom, to gain access to funds earmarked for climate action and sustainable development Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 May 2023 04:34 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Ms. Silveria Jacobs will be attending the Caribbean Climate and Energy Conference (CCEC) in Aruba this week. With the hosting of this conference, by Aruba and the Netherlands, the Kingdom of the Netherlands hopes to work towards more awareness for climate action in small island states within the Caribbean.

Previous discussions were held between Prime Minister Jacobs and Minister Jetten regarding opportunities for Sint Maarten internationally, and within the Kingdom, to gain access to funds earmarked for climate action and sustainable development Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
10 May 2023 12:19 PM

Public Weather Forecast For St. Maarten

DATE ISSUED: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 @ 12:00 LST (16:00 UTC) 

VALID UNTIL: Thursday midday (12:00 LST) May 11, 2023 

This Afternoon through Thursday midday: Fair to partly cloudy and slightly hazy. 

Forecast High: 32C / 90F             Forecast Low: 26C / 79F 

Sunset Today: 6:36 P.M.                Sunrise Tomorrow: 5:41 A.M.  

This Afternoon through Thursday midday: Easterly to East-southeasterly with a gentle to moderate breeze of 08 to 16 mph. 


The Atlantic high-pressure ridge will maintain a southeasterly wind flow across the region Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
10 May 2023 10:36 AM

Advisory Report For Climate Table Bonaire Handed Over

An increase in sea levels could result in low-lying areas of Bonaire becoming flooded by 2050. (UNESCO photo)

BONAIRE--Under the orders of the Dutch Government and the Executive Council of Bonaire, quartermaster Ed Nijpels examined the best way to set up a Climate Table for Bonaire. Nijpels handed over his findings to Minister of Climate and Energy Rob Jetten, Acting Governor Nolly Oleana, and the cabinet of Commissioner Thielman Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 May 2023 10:04 AM

Cay Hill:---  For the 8th time, the Asha Stevens Hillside Christian School in Cay Hill was honored to assist the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps by providing them with a command center for yet another annual hurricane exercise - HUREX. Between May 1-9, approximately 300 Marines from Sint Maarten, Aruba, and
Curacao practiced and simulated different hurricane scenarios at multiple locations in Dutch Sint Maarten.

This preparation exercise is designed to train the soldiers to get themselves and their equipment set up as quickly as possible in the event of another major Hurricane Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 May 2023 08:12 AM

Ursm Leader Dr. Luc Mercelina Champions Rent-To-Own Home Ownership

Philipsburg – Leader of theURSMParty, Dr. Luc Mercelina says its time for a realistic and future Housing Programme for St. Maarten as it forms part of theURSMshousing policy which seeks to provide for the more vulnerable in society inclusive of addressing social housing as part of the vision.

This program, which is expected to benefit legal citizens employed within the public and private sectors, including senior citizens, young professionals, and people of lesser means is part of that policy which goes with the understanding that Government has a responsibility to provide for those who have greater difficulty fending for themselves.

Dr Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Apr 2023 10:32 AM

No Meeting To Approve Ipko Delegation Due To No Quorum

MP Ludmila de Wever, standing, about to sign in for the meeting, which could not be held due to no quorum, on Thursday morning.

 PHILIPSBURG--Thursdays scheduled meeting of Parliament to approve the composition of the delegation to participate in the Inter-Parliamentary Kingdom Consultations IPKO and Tripartite, did not take place due to a lack of quorum.

IPKO Is scheduled to be held in The Hague, Netherlands from May 31 to June 5.

Chairperson of Parliament Sidharth Cookie Bijlani opened a gathering of Parliament, and told MPs present that the meeting was not able to start as there had been no quorum Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
27 Mar 2023 11:53 PM

Sarah: 2023 Budget Dressed Up To Look Balanced, Full Of Holes

MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

PHILIPSBURG--Full of holes and dressed up to look balanced were some of the descriptions used by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Feb 2023 11:59 PM

Sarah Wants Govt. Pressured For Info On Talk Of Early Elections

UD MP Sarah Wescot-Williams in Parliament on Tuesday.

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 Feb 2023 10:27 AM

Sarah Disappointed Government Still To Decide On Date To Enforce Plastic Ban

A Science Fair project from a local school depicting the consequences of plastic on the environment.

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams said she is disappointed that g Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
17 Feb 2023 12:02 AM

Sarah Says Irion Seems Hesitant To Table Tax Reform In Parliament

PHILIPSBURG--United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams said at a press conference on Thursday that Finance Minister Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Feb 2023 10:45 AM

PHILIPSBURG:---   Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor (VSA), the Honorable Omar Ottley, has dispelled the politically motivated contrast attempted by some who recently criticized the pace of constructing the new General Hospital in Sint Maarten as "the politricks of misinformation in an election year." Minister Ottley stated, While I share the same sentiments as the general public concerning the pace  of the new hospital, the issues with the hospital started way before my political journey.

Minister Ottley, said on Sunday, "As elections draw closer, it will become increasingly difficult to distinguish between genuine concerns and fraudulent misrepresentations of the truth by those who seek to manipulate the public's perception of reality."

In 2019, members of parliament passed a vote of no confidence firing the then Minister of VSA Emil Lee, with one of the main points of the motion being his inability to start construction for the new general hospital, two and a half years after the contract was signed Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jan 2023 12:39 PM

Exclusive: At Least Three Politicians Duped Nrpb Through Esp Program. (Updated)

PHILIPSBURG: --- At least three known politicians will soon have to appear in courts as the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) tries to recover monies
that was given to them for specific investment projects.
SMN News learned that each of the politicians received between one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to invest through the Enterprise Support Project (ESP) and they never invested the monies for which it was secured.
According to the information SMN News received the three politicians were asked to repay the NRPB but they opted not to do so as such the NRPB is now moving to courts to recover the money that was loaned to them.
The politicians that requested money for investment purposes are United St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
04 Jan 2023 12:39 PM

Exclusive: At Least Three Politicians Duped Nrpb Through Esp Program. (Updated1)

PHILIPSBURG: --- At least three known politicians will soon have to appear in courts as the National Recovery Program Bureau (NRPB) tries to recover monies
that was given to them for specific investment projects.
SMN News learned that each of the politicians received between one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to invest through the Enterprise Support Project (ESP) and they never invested the monies for which it was secured.
According to the information SMN News received the three politicians were asked to repay the NRPB but they opted not to do so as such the NRPB is now moving to courts to recover the money that was loaned to them.
The politicians that requested money for investment purposes are United St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
22 Dec 2022 07:00 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- The citizens of St Maarten will go to the polls in November 2023 according to Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs on Thursday. Questions were sent to the public relations office of the Prime Minister requesting clarity on the month and year elections are to take place. One member of parliament last week stated that elections would take place in January 2024 however the Council of Ministers in a recent meeting decided to set elections for November 2023 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
21 Dec 2022 12:35 AM

Stage Of Redoing Apology Passed, Focus On Next Steps

PHILIPSBURG--The stage of redoing the apology from the Dutch government for slavery past has passed, and the focus should now be on the next steps, says United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
30 Nov 2022 12:35 AM

Sarah Condemns Humiliating Body Searches, Less Would Lead To Suspensions, Resignations

MP Sarah Wescot-Williams.

PHILIPSBURG--Sad and unacceptable were the terms used by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
25 Nov 2022 06:33 PM

Los Parlamentarios De La Oposicin Se Sienten Silenciados Y Amordazados Por La Coalicin

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Los miembros de la oposicin en el Parlamento (MP) dicen que ellos, y por extensin la gente de St. Maarten, estn siendo amordazados y silenciados en la legislatura.

Esta opinin fue expresada por varios parlamentarios, que organizaron una conferencia de prensa conjunta en la Cmara del Parlamento el mircoles. En la conferencia de prensa estuvieron los parlamentarios independientes Christophe Emmanuel, Ludmila de Weever y Grisha Heyliger-Marten y la parlamentaria de United Democrats (UD) Sarah Wescot-Williams.

Una de las formas en que se silencia a los parlamentarios es que no se cumplen las solicitudes de reuniones Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
15 Nov 2022 10:40 PM

Request For More Speaking Time Sparks Walkout In Budget Amendment Meeting

~ 2022 budget amendments passed ~

PHILIPSBURG--A request by United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams for the speaking time in Tuesday mornings 2022 budget amendment meeting to be extended to t Read more

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Source: 721 News
11 Nov 2022 09:59 PM

The Much Anticipated Dp Meeting Has Been Postponed Until Further Notice

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — Democratic Party (DP) leader MP Sarah Wescot on Friday informed the general public that the much anticipated DP meeting this Saturday has been postponed until further notice.

However, the DP leader explained the postponement is only for a short period, as we allow the many events scheduled for the same date to take precedence and truth be told, t Read more

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Source: 721 News
11 Nov 2022 09:54 PM

Mp George Pantophlet: Irresponsible Behavior

There is no plausible argument for the irresponsible behavior displayed on Monday November 7, 2022 by the so called representatives of the people of St. Maarten who were present but did not sign in to allow the meeting to discuss the Unity Flag to be held. It is an insult to the persons who were present and more so an act of self above country when it comes to the people of St. Maarten both North and Southern side.

To add insult to injury, when it was decided to hold an informal meeting or gathering these perpetrators decided to attend and some even took pictures which is total hypocrisy Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 Nov 2022 07:11 PM

Democratic Party Meeting Postponed.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Democratic Party (DP) leader MP Sarah Wescot on Friday informed the general public that the much anticipated DP meeting this Saturday has been postponed until further notice.

However, the DP leader explained, the postponement is only for a short period, as we allow the many events scheduled for the same date to take precedence, and truth is told, the response has be Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
01 Nov 2022 11:08 PM

Sarah Wants To Know Status Of Govt., Says Rush To Remove Grisha, Yet No New Chair

PHILIPSBURG--What the current status and state of the sitting government is, is a question that United Democrats (UD) Member of Parliament (MP) Sarah Wescot-Williams wants answered.

  She said on Tuesday that althoug Read more

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