Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


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Source: 721 News
20 Jun 2022 02:02 AM

Mp Akeem Arrindell: Congratulate The Participants & Promoters

Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell would like to Congratulate the Participants & Promoters of “R U Ready” competition which was held in Maho this past Sunday. Having attended the show myself I am very proud to say that our young local promoters & entertainers did an outstanding job with this event. It was a pleasure to see the many youths that came out and performed Read more

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Source: 721 News
10 Jun 2022 03:51 PM

World Bank Visits Island For First Mission Week In Regards To Mental Health Project

Philipsburg, St. Maarten The minister of VSA discusses plans for the execution of activities associated with the mental health project.

Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor, Mr. Omar Ottley, welcomed World Bank representatives Ana Holt, Johanne Angers, Marcelo Bortman, and Alyssa Khan to his office to discuss the delegations trip Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
10 Jun 2022 11:58 AM

El Banco Mundial Visita La Isla Para La Primera Semana De La Misin Con Respecto Al Proyecto De Salud Mental

Philipsburg, St. Maarten El ministro de VSA discute los planes para la ejecucin de las actividades asociadas con el proyecto de salud mental. El Ministro de Salud Pblica, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo, Sr. Omar Ottley, dio la bienvenida a los representantes del Banco Mundial, Ana Holt, Johanne Angers, Marcelo Bortman y Alyssa Khan a su oficina para discutir el viaje de la delegacin Read more

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Source: SMN-News
10 Jun 2022 10:39 AM

PHILIPSBURG:---  Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Mr. Omar Ottley, welcomed World Bank representatives Ana Holt, Johanne Angers, Marcelo Bortman, and Alyssa Khan to his office to discuss the delegations trip. The group is currently here on the travel they refer to as a mission. The aim of this trip is to gain perspective and insight into St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
01 Jun 2022 05:36 PM

CAY HILL:--- On Thursday, May 26th, St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC) hosted a visit by State Secretary of Kingdom Relations and Digitalization Alexandra van Huffelen and her delegation from the Netherlands. The purpose of the visit was to provide the State Secretary with a general overview of SMMCs expanded services, the status of the essential upgrades, and the St. Maarten General Hospital (SMGH) construction project including the progress and challenges in construction due to international developments Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
31 May 2022 08:10 PM

Reapertura De La Mesa De Ayuda De Gaston Bell

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El Ministro Omar Ottley felicita a la Jefa del Departamento de Desarrollo Comunitario, Asuntos Humanitarios de la Familia, la Sra. Chantale George – Groeneveldt y al personal por su arduo trabajo y dedicacin en la reapertura del Servicio de Ayuda Comunitario Gaston Boasman para Ancianos y Discapacitados en Hope Estate.

La apertura marca la reapertura de Gaston Boasman Help Desk for the Elderly & Disable and Women’s Desk se llev a cabo el viernes 27 de mayo a las 2:30 pm en Hope Estate Read more

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Source: SMN-News
30 May 2022 07:11 AM

Minister Samuel Says Farewell To Blijden.

"We have lost a true treasure of the island"

PHILIPSBURG:--- On the heels of the passing of local historian and long-time civil servant Alfonso Blijden, Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports drs. Rodolphe Samuel has expressed what he describes as "great sadness and a profound sense of loss" at the news of Blijden's death.
Blijden joined the local civil service many years ago after coming to St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 May 2022 07:31 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister Omar Ottley congratulates the Department Head of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs, Mrs. Chantale George - Groeneveldt, and the staff for their hard work and dedication in reopening the Gaston Boasman Community Helpdesk for the Elderly & Disabled in the Hope Estate.
A soft-opening to mark the reopening of Gaston Boasman Help Desk for the Elderly & Disabled and Womens Desk took place on Friday, May 27th at 2:30 pm at Hope Estate Read more

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Source: SMN-News
29 May 2022 07:31 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Minister Omar Ottley congratulates the Department Head of Community Development, Family & Humanitarian Affairs, Mrs. Chantale George - Groeneveldt, and the staff for their hard work and dedication in reopening the Gaston Boasman Community Helpdesk for the Elderly & Disabled in the Hope Estate.
A soft-opening to mark the reopening of Gaston Boasman Help Desk for the Elderly & Disabled and Womens Desk took place on Friday, May 27th at 2:30 pm at Hope Estate Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 May 2022 09:12 AM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On May 20, the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs took note of a press statement issued by State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and hereby renders a response. I am grateful that St. Maartens request has been considered in removing the condition of the 12.5% reduction in employment benefits. This cut has been negatively impacting our civil servants as well as all employees within the (semi) public sector entities, stated Prime Minister Jacobs.

The State Secretary mentions in her press statement that the most important conditions for removal are matters this government suggested maintaining during various meetings, as well as in its letter dated May 6, 2022 Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
20 May 2022 01:12 PM

Pfp Expels Co-Founder, Who Calls Move Drastic

Charlon Pompier

PHILIPSBURG--Party for Progress (PFP) has severed ties with its co-founder Charlon Pompier, who called the move an extreme and sudden form of drastic action.

  Pompier was informed of his expulsion from the party via a letter dated May 17 Read more

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Source: SMN-News
18 May 2022 03:30 PM

Education Minister Drs. Samuel Wish Student Success In Exams.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Students in Primary and Secondary schools in St. Maarten have started their exam period this week.
Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports drs. Rodolphe Samuel extends best wishes for success and encourages students to remain focused. Samuel explained that the government continues to prioritize children's education and has a vested interest in the island's students doing well Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 May 2022 01:25 PM

~Careers in Cruising Initiative~

PHILIPSBURG:---  The Government of St. Maarten and Royal Caribbean Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding at Dr. A.C. Wathey Cruise & Port Facility signifying the beginning of a partnership that will create an expansion of St. Maartens job market within the cruising industry.

This has been a joint initiative of the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson together with the Honorable Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor Omar Ottley, whereby job seekers will now gain access to lucrative careers onboard the cruise lines of Royal Caribbean Group, from line entry to executive-level positions.

Present at the ceremony were the Council of Ministers, Members of Parliament, the Ministries of Justice, and the NESC (National Employment Service Center), together with the Management of Labor Affairs Read more

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Source: SMN-News
11 May 2022 03:04 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---People like to be asked, and people like to be thanked. These were a few words echoed by our former Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication and current Member of Parliament, the Honorable Ludmila de Weever right here at Port St. Maarten, just 11 months ago as St. Maarten and the Royal Caribbean Group launched our joint Homeporting Venture with Celebrity Millennium Read more

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Source: SMN-News
08 May 2022 07:09 PM

~Parliament mandate is needed to allow adjustment to TOT rate on fuel~

PHILIPSBURG:--- Leader of the United People's Party MP Rolando Brison has drafted an urgent amendment to the Turnover Tax (TOT) National Ordinance aimed at creating the legal basis for government adjusting the TOT rate on fuel by national decree, containing general measures Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 May 2022 10:31 AM

Minister Ottley Meets With The Exit Strategy Team To Discuss The Steps Towards Normalcy.

PHILIPSBURG:---The Minister of Public Health, Social Development, and Labor, Omar Ottley met with the exit strategy team where Collective Prevention Services (CPS) presented the trajectory and steps to be taken towards normalcy. The team consists of CPS, General practitioners, Laboratory services, St. Maarten Medical Center (SMMC), and the Cabinet of the Minister.

In the meeting, the following timeline was established to move
towards normalcy;

March 25th, 2022
Will mark the end of case management and source & contact
tracing by CPS.

April 1st, 2022
Unvaccinated persons will be allowed to enter the country with a
24-hour Antigen test.

April 29th, 2022
Will be the end of community testing at Hope Estate Read more

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Source: SMN-News
13 Apr 2022 08:54 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- On behalf of the board of the Unified Resilient Sint Maarten Movement (URSM) and its members, I would like to wish the people of Sint Maarten a Happy Easter.

As we prepare to celebrate Easter with our family and friends, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the true meaning of the season. Easter marks the beginning of Hope for all who believe, that during the season of Lent we are all reminded of the importance to have mercy.

One of the characteristics I believe a leader of a political movement should have is the ability to reflect on and analyze the current state of affairs of its organization, its members, and its nation.

We cannot move forward if we do not acknowledge our present state Read more

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Source: SMN-News
06 Apr 2022 06:05 PM

MARIGOT:--- President Louis Mussington wishes to support President-candidate Emmanuel Macron, in the context of the 2022 presidential elections, the first round of which is taking place this Saturday, April 9, 2022, in Saint-Martin.
We are all once again called to the polls, Saturday, April 9, 2022, for the 1st round of the national presidential election Read more

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Source: SMN-News
05 Apr 2022 05:23 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Independent Member of Parliament (MP) Chanel Brownbill congratulated organizers of the first Mid-Term Parliamentary debate hosted by IslandGalTing and the Sint Maarten Youth Parliament on March 25th via its various social media platforms. The debate focused on important topics related to parliament since 2020. The debate showcased various factions in parliament giving their take on questions prepared by the youth organizations Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
03 Apr 2022 05:23 PM

Louis Mussington Becomes The 6ThPresident Of French Saint Martin On Sunday

MARIGOT, Saint Martin – The swearing in ceremony of the new administration on the northern side of the island took place at the weekend.

Attended by dignitaries coming from the region including elected officials from the southern side of the island, Anguilla and Guadeloupe, the 23 elected Members of the Territorial Council (16 from RSMA, 5 from Team Gibbs and 2 from Generation Hope took oath of office in the presence of invited guests, family and friends Sunday morning.

The incoming executive government, which is spearheaded by the newly sworn in President of the Collectivit, Louis Mussington comprises 7 persons.

However, prior to the introduction of the President, Louis Mussington, the 23 Members of the Territorial Council were officially presented to the public.

Following the presentation, the newly elected President Louis Mussington was unanimously voted in by a vote of 23 Members of the Council to zero.

He is now the 6thperson to hold the position of President of the Collectivit Read more

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Source: SMN-News
03 Apr 2022 05:18 PM

~President elect acted emotionally when he was declared President of the COM, Gibbs presented a list to form the executive council.~

MARIGOT:---Leader of the Rassemblement Saint Martin and Alternative Loui Mussington that merged for the March 27th, 2022 run-off territorial election was elected unanimously as the President of the Collectivity of Saint Martin on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 at the installation (swearing-in) ceremony.

When the announcement was made that all twenty-three members of the incoming council voted in favor of Mussington as the President-elect he reacted emotionally as he did not expect the opposition members of the council to support him as the newly elected president of the council Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
28 Mar 2022 11:29 PM

El Partido Rsm De Louis Mussington Gana Cmodamente Las Elecciones Del Consejo Territorial

Marigot, Saint Maarten – El partido RSM se asoci con el partido Alternativo de Valerie Damaseau y, juntos, fueron lo suficientemente buenos para obtener 16 escaos en las elecciones del Consejo Territorial.

La lista combinada de RSMA bajo el liderazgo del presidente entrante de la Collectivit, Louis Mussington, recibi 4.742 votos para ganar cmodamente la segunda vuelta de las elecciones del domingo.
Ahora significa que RSMA ha recibido el mandato de gobernar durante los prximos 5 aos Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
28 Mar 2022 01:58 PM

Louis MussingtonS Rsm Party Comfortably Wins Territorial Council Elections

Marigot – His RSM party teamed up with Valerie Damaseau Alternative party, and together, they were good enough for 16 seats in the Territorial Council Elections.

The combined list of RSMA under the leadership of the incoming president of the Collectivit, Louis Mussington received 4,742 votes to comfortably win the 2nd round of the elections on Sunday.

It now means that RSMA has been given the mandate to govern for the next 5 years Read more

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Source: SMN-News
28 Mar 2022 09:33 AM

~ President-Elect Loui Mussington began his political career at age 16~

~RSMA 16 seats, TEAM Gibbs 5 seats, Generation Hope 2 seats~

MARIGOT:--- Generation Hope, Saint Martin Avec Vous, and Avenir Saint-Martin received a huge sanction on Sunday when voters went to the polls in the run-off of the election of the Territorial Council.
Based on the results the two latter parties did not give Generation Hope, not one vote in fact Hope lost votes from the first round held on Sunday, March 20.
Voters on Saint Martin gave a clear indication as to who they wanted to manage their affairs in the first round even though the lead was narrow, yet Generation Hope, Saint Martin Avec Vous, and Avenir Saint Martin find themselves attending a meeting organized by former President of the Collectivity Louis Constant Fleming who wanted to put together an alliance to beat RSM and TEAM GIBBS 2022 Read more

Candidates in this article: Corner Stone Solutions NV