Science Fair winners with their awards and trophies.
BELAIR--St. Maarten Science Fair Foundation (SMSFF) held its Science Fair 2023 Awards Ceremony at the Belair Community Center on Saturday, April 1.
The event was attended by a host of dignitaries, including His Excellency Governor of St. Maarten Ajamu Baly; President of Parliament Sidharth Cookie Bijljani; Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (ECYS) Rodolphe Samuel; Minister of Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure VROMI Egbert Doran; and Minister of Finance Ardwell Irion.
The participating schools were Learning Unlimited, Methodist Agogic Center Comprehensive Secondary Education (MAC-CSE), Milton Peters College (MPC) HAVO/VWO, MPC PKL/PBL, and MPC TKL.
Some of the dignitaries in attendance.
All schools produced winning projects, with Learning Unlimited winning the most first prizes Read more
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