Unbiased look at the Sint Maarten Elections


Grisha Heyliger-Marten




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Source: SMN-News
27 Oct 2022 12:03 PM

~Removal from Chair is not gender-based --- Marlin~

 PHILIPSBURG: --- The majority of 8 members of parliament voted out Grisha Heyliger Marten from the chair of parliament on Thursday during a public meeting. The national alliance members of parliament made it clear that their decision to remove Marten Heyliger has nothing to do with gender but mostly because of the way Heyliger Marten treated her coalition members Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
23 Oct 2022 11:09 PM

Grisha To Face Vote On Whether She Stays As Parliament Chair

Grisha Heyliger-Marten

PHILIPSBURG--Grisha Heyliger-Marten will have to face a vote that will determine whether she remains as Chairperson of Read more

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Source: SMN-News
21 Oct 2022 08:38 PM

Pop Job On The Line Again Next Week Thursday.

PHILIPSBURG:--- It seems that the current President of Parliament United Peoples(UP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten will have to deal with her job being on the line on Thursday, October 27. According to a schedule sent out by parliament on Friday, a public meeting will handle the agenda points, Incoming documents, Ratification of the decision list of the Interparliamentary Kingdom Consultations (IPKO) held from September 27-30, 2022 in the Hague, the Netherlands (IS/048/2022-2023 dated September 30, 2022) and Thank the Chair for her services thus far and relieve her from her duties (IS/026/2022-2023 dated September 20, 2022)
The latter agenda point was requested by MP W.V Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Oct 2022 06:35 PM

Grisha Se Siente Honrada De Recibir El Apoyo Mayoritario Para Seguir Siendo Presidente Del Parlamento

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – En un breve comunicado de prensa emitido el lunes por la maana, la presidenta del Parlamento, la parlamentaria Grisha Heyliger-Marten, expres su agradecimiento por el apoyo de la mayora del Parlamento para continuar como presidenta del Parlamento.

Estoy muy agradecida y honrada de haber recibido el apoyo mayoritario de mis colegas para continuar mi trabajo como presidenta del parlamento, declar Heyliger-Marten despus de la reunin Read more

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Source: 721 News
17 Oct 2022 05:44 PM

Grisha Grateful For Majority Support To Remain President Of Parliament

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten — In a short press statement released on Monday morning, President of Parliament, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten expressed her appreciation for the majority of Parliament supporting her to continue as President of Parliament.

I am very thankful and honored to have received majority support from my colleagues to continue my work as President of Parliament, Heyliger-Marten stated after the meeting Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
17 Oct 2022 03:48 PM

Parliament Strikes Down Mp BrisonS Proposal Of Order To Sack Chairlady Of Parliament

Philipsburg, Sint Maarten – On Monday, October 17th, the Parliament of Sint Maarten handled to proposal of order to thank and relieve the Chairlady of Parliament, the Honorable Grisha Heyliger Marten of her duties.

The proposal, which was supported by MPs William Marlin and George Pantophlet and presented by leader of the United Peoples Party, the Honorable Rolando Brison on Monday, September 19th was finally put to a vote on Monday Read more

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Source: SMN-News
17 Oct 2022 03:26 PM

Brownbill And Arrindell Gives Coalition Partners A 6 For 9 When They Voted To Keep Grisha Heyliger Marten As Chair Of Parliament.

PHILIPSBURG:--- On Monday the two contentious members of parliament Akeem Arrindell and Chanell Brownbill that supports the coalition of eight stunned their colleague's members of parliament of the National Alliance and United Peoples Party when they voted against placing the agenda point to remove the chairlady of parliament Grisha Heyliger Marten from the chair.

15 members of parliament cast their vote to decide whether or not the agenda point will be added to Mondays public meeting, when the votes were cast, 9 voted against while 6 voted in favor Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
17 Oct 2022 12:54 PM

Grisha Stays On As Chairperson, Proposal To AddAgenda Point ToRemove Mp Voted Down

PHILIPSBURG--A proposal from United Peoples(UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Rolando Brison to add an agenda point to the public meeting on the COVID-19 cuts to relieve UP MP Grisha Heyliger Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Oct 2022 09:26 AM

El Relevo De Grisha Como Presidente Del Parlamento Ser Manejado El Prximo Lunes

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Un punto de la agenda para relevar a la miembro del parlamento (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten United Peoples party (UP) de sus deberes como presidenta del parlamento se agregar a la agenda de una reunin programada para las 10:00a.m. del prximo lunes 17 de octubre .

La reunin del lunes es la continuacin de una reunin sobre los recortes de COVID-19 que haba sido suspendida abruptamente el 19 de septiembre en la ronda final despus de que el parlamentario de United Peoples party (UP), Rolando Brison, pidiera que se agregara un punto de agenda para agradecer a la presidenta del Parlamento por su servicio durante el pasado ao parlamentario y relevarla de estos deberes.

Heyliger-Marten suspendi abruptamente la reunin despus de preguntarle a la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs, quien estaba en el Parlamento en ese momento, su opinin sobre la solicitud y Jacobs indic que no tena comentarios.

El 20 de septiembre, varios parlamentarios solicitaron una reunin urgente con el mismo punto del orden del da: relevar a la presidenta de sus funciones Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
13 Oct 2022 11:21 PM

Firing Grisha As Parliament Chair To Be Handled In Meeting Monday

~ MPs squabble over issue ~

PHILIPSBURG--An agenda point to relieve United Peoples (UP) party Member of Parliament (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten of her duties as Chairperson of Parliament will be added to the agenda of a meeting scheduled for 10:00am this coming Monday, October 17.

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Source: SMN-News
12 Oct 2022 01:21 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- Faction leader of the National Alliance William Marlin made it known during the notifications on Wednesday that the chairlady of parliament Grisha Heyliger Marten is abusing her authority when it comes to the convening of meetings of parliament.
Marlin who is a member of 8- the member of the coalition says that some weeks ago he had a discussion with the chair on how urgent meetings are being convened Read more

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Source: 721 News
09 Oct 2022 08:43 AM

President Of Parliament, Mp Grisha Heyliger-Marten Reflects On Ipko In The Hague

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — President of Parliament, MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten provided an overview of the main topics discussed during the IPKO held in the Hague from September 27th -30th, 2022. In her closing statement at the IPKO, Heyliger-Marten said that the Sint Maarten appreciated the deliberations and looks forward to continuing the dialogue and coming to concrete actions on the topics discussed.

All delegations came up with suggestions or solutions to the topics discussed Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
26 Sep 2022 01:38 PM

United St. Maarten Party Presenta Una Ley Para Curb High Tasa De Desempleo Entre Los Jvenes

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – La Lder de United St. Maarten Party, la Sra. Pamela Gordon-Carty acompaada por el presidente del partido, el Sr. Cecil Nicholas y el secretario Sr. Khalil Revan presentaron una nueva ley para frenar la alta tasa de desempleo entre los jvenes a la presidenta del Parlamento, la diputada Grisha Heyliger Marten.

La lder de United St Read more

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Source: 721 News
26 Sep 2022 09:04 AM

United St. Maarten Party Submits A Law To Curb High Unemployment Rate Among Young People

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten — On Thursday September 22nd 2022, the Leader of the US Party Mrs. Pamela Gordon-Carty accompanied by party President Mr. Cecil Nicholas and Secretary Mr. Khalil Revan presented a new law to curb the high rate of unemployment amongst young people to the Chairlady of Parliament MP Grisha Heyliger Marten.

The US Party Leader Mrs Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
20 Sep 2022 07:08 PM

Lder De Up Destaca Desafos Enfrentados Con Presidenta Del Parlamento

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – Durante la Reunin Pblica del Parlamento del 19 de septiembre de 2022, la presidenta del Parlamento, la diputada Grisha Heyliger-Marten, suspendi abruptamente la reunin, convocada para ratificar el pago de las vacaciones de los funcionarios pblicos y comenzar la eliminacin de los recortes del 12,5 % impuestos a los funcionarios pblicos.

La accin de la diputada Heyliger-Marten se produjo despus de enterarse de la propuesta para agradecerle por servir como presidenta y relevarla de sus funciones Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Sep 2022 08:53 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- During today's Public Meeting of Parliament (Sept 19, 2022), President of Parliament MP Grisha Heyliger-Marten abruptly adjourned the meeting, convened to ratify the payment of civil servants' vacation pay, and begin the removal of the 12.5% cuts imposed on civil servants.

MP Heyliger-Marten's action came after learning of the proposal to thank her for serving as Chair and relieve her of her duties Read more

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Source: SMN-News
19 Sep 2022 01:45 PM

Chairlady Of Parliament Grisha Heyliger Marten Holds Parliament Hostage.

~ Refused to resign or be removed as the chair of parliament~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The Parliament of St. Maarten is held hostage by the chairlady of parliament Grisha Heyliger Marten who is at odds with her party leader Rolando Brison.
A public meeting of parliament was reconvened on Monday, September 19th, 2022 to further discuss the daft draft national ordinance amending the Temporary National Ordinance Covid-19 cuts in employment conditions for government employees in connection with the phased reduction of the COVID-19 cuts in government employees.
As the meeting opened, leader of the United Peoples Party (UPP) Rolando Brison tabled a proposal to add an agenda point which was to thank the chairlady Grisha Heyliger Marten and to relieve her as the chair of parliament Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
15 Sep 2022 08:47 AM

Tatiana Illis Galardonada Con El Premio Presidente Del Parlamento 2022

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten Tatiana Illis recibi el premio Premio Presidente del Parlamento 2022. Un joven anualmente recibe el Premio Presidente del Parlamento por comportamiento ejemplar, habilidades de liderazgo y contribucin a
la comunidad.

La Srta. Illis ha actuado como muestra de los talentos atlticos locales y como embajadora de la isla cuando viaj a competir en el Campeonato Mundial de natacin.

En 2016, la Srta. Tatiana Illis comenz a competir internacionalmente nadando y continu compitiendo a nivel mundial desde entonces.
En ese mismo ao, fue nominada para el Brown Pelican’s Atleta femenina del ao.

La Srta Read more

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Source: The Daily Herald
14 Sep 2022 11:41 PM

Swimmer Tatiana Taffi Illis Awarded President Of Parliament Award 2022

On behalf of awardee Tatiana Illis, her proud parents receive the PoP Award from President of Parliament Grisha Heyliger-Marten.

PHILIPSBURG--St. Maartens first female World Championship swimmer Tatiana Taffi Illis has been awarded the President of Parliament Award 2022. Her parents accepted the award on her behalf.

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Source: SMN-News
14 Sep 2022 02:13 PM

PHILIPSBURG:---  Tatiana Ellis was awarded the President of Parliament Award 2022.

A youth is awarded annually the President of Parliament Award for exemplary behavior, leadership skills as well as contribution to the community.
Ms. Illis has acted as a display of local athletic talents and an ambassador of the island when traveling to compete at World Swimming Championships.
In 2016, Ms. Tatiana Illis began competing internationally in swimming and continued to compete on a global level ever since Read more

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Source: SMN-News
09 Sep 2022 12:46 PM

~ UPP Founder holding  MP Sidhardt Cookie Bijlani hostage to maintain his wife as chair of parliament.~

PHILIPSBURG:--- The coalition of 8 has selected the faction staff and policy advisor to Member of Parliament Akeem Arrindell to take up the position as Minister of TEATT that has been vacated by former Minister Roger Lawrence.
Lambriex is the son of Leo Chance former Manager of SEL Maduro and Sons who worked for several years at SEL Maduro and Sons and at Port of St Read more

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Source: SMN-News
07 Sep 2022 02:18 PM

Government Mum On Current Majority In Parliament.

PHILIPSBURG:--- Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs remains mum on the majority her government has in the Parliament of St. Maarten. The Prime Minister was asked on Wednesday about the possible fall of her government since former Minister and now Member of Parliament Ludmilla de Weever declared herself as an Independent Member of Parliament last week.

Jacobs said that the weekly press conference is not for political topics but said that her government does have a majority in parliament.
During the recess Leader of the United Peoples Party, Rolando Brison went ahead and seek the support of the two independent members of parliament Akeem Arrindell and Chanel Brownbill Read more

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Source: SMN-News
02 Sep 2022 03:31 PM

PHILIPSBURG:--- As the motion on no confidence facing the Minister of VROMI Egbert Jurendy Doran and the return of Member of Parliament William Marlin for the continuation of the meeting of parliament Read more

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Source: SXMIslandTime
26 Aug 2022 08:30 AM

Mp Heyliger-Marten Sugiere Que La Nueva Iniciativa Del Pm Se Sincronice Con Esfuerzos De Reforma Electoral

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten – El 5 de agosto de 2022, la presidenta del Comit Ad hoc para la Reforma Electoral (AHCER), miembro del parlamento (MP) Grisha Heyliger-Marten, envi una carta a la Primera Ministra Silveria Jacobs solicitando colaboracin en la reforma electoral, que ha sido un proceso en curso en Parlamento.

La carta de Heyliger-Marten a la primera ministra fue motivada por los informes recientes de este ltimo en los medios locales de que estaba lanzando una “campaa de varios frentes sobre la reforma electoral” Read more

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